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Biden Donors Set 2-Week Deadline After Humiliating Debate


Biden Faces Donor Deadline After Debate

Joe Biden horrific debate pratfalls have left donors ready to ditch him – he now faces a 2-week deadline to bounce back before the money dries up.

Top contributors held an emergency call after Biden’s humiliating performance raised grave concerns over his fitness. 

They’re grasping at straws pretending public polls don’t show Biden steadily losing ground to surging Trump post-debate. But the failed candidate can’t be buoyed by spin forever. 

The Biden camp is even denying plans to keep him heavily scripted and away from open events – a dead giveaway his lost coherence means more gaffes are inevitable.

Voters know Biden’s glassy-eyed befuddlement destroyed any lingering confidence in his leadership. Donors know it too but are reluctant to admit defeat.  

So Biden now faces a desperate 2-week scramble to recover his collapsing poll numbers before these crucial financial backers abandon his flailing campaign. 

Insider reports reveal the building donor panic over Biden’s doomed campaign. Mounting evidence shows the feeble candidate won’t survive Trump’s onslaught – and top Democrats know it.

Biden Camp Pretends He Didn’t Bomb Debate

Joe Biden’s horrific debate performance has left his deep-pocketed donors ready to pull the plug on his floundering campaign. Reports reveal Biden now faces a two-week deadline to turn things around before these crucial financial backers ditch him. 

Biden’s top donors held an emergency call following the debate debacle. They tried reassuring each other while making clear Joe has a short window to bounce back in the polls before the money dries up.

One insider described the mood as “very reassuring” though still expecting Biden to “do better” in the next debate. This shows donors grasping at straws, desperate to justify sticking with the failed Biden despite his obvious meltdown.

The Democratic National Finance Committee comically claimed their internal polls show no post-debate dip for Biden. But public surveys reveal a different story, with Biden steadily losing ground to surging Trump nationally.

Donors were told Joe will do more public appearances, heavily scripted and on teleprompter, to limit his cringe-worthy gaffes. The campaign denied this, but Biden’s lost coherence means keeping him hidden doesn’t work anymore.

Biden is supposedly “calm and focused” according to party officials. But voters who witnessed Biden’s stammering incoherence and vacant stares know better. The feeble candidate looked disoriented and clueless.

Democrat elites praise Biden’s performance as business as usual. But Americans’ lying eyes expose this spin as laughable fiction. Biden can barely form sentences without a teleprompter guiding his every word.

The reality is Biden’s team has no idea how to contain the escalating doubts over his fitness. Their internal polls likely already show Biden’s support collapsing after his frightening brain freezes during the debate.

Public surveys confirm the scale of the damage. A poll after the debate showed Trump pulling ahead of Biden nationally. Another found only 37% of voters now say Biden has the mental ability for the presidency. 

Among Democrats, belief in Biden’s mental capacity plummeted a stunning 9 points. Just 68% of Democrats still say he’s fit for office – a new low.

Biden’s glassy-eyed befuddlement destroyed what little confidence voters had left in his leadership. His team’s spin can’t outweigh what Americans witnessed firsthand.

Donors know Biden is toast after that debacle. They’re just reluctant to face it. So they’re pretending the party line that Biden did fine while giving him two weeks to miraculously recover in the polls.

But when Biden still lags after that deadline, the donor panic will reach fever pitch. These political investors won’t throw more money down the drain when Biden keeps embarrassing himself.

Trump surging past Joe nationally shows where this race is really headed – toward a crushing landslide. Biden’s collapse at the debate foreshadowed the coming electoral disaster.

All the money in the world can’t make voters ignore what they see with their own eyes regarding Biden’s declined state. He’s unfit for any office, let alone the presidency. Trump made that impossible to deny during the debate. 

Biden’s team keeps him tightly scripted and shielded for good reason – he can’t be trusted to function on his own anymore. But their attempts to hide Biden’s frailty totally failed under the debate spotlight.

Voters could see Biden needs round-the-clock monitoring so he doesn’t endanger himself and others. The fantasy of Biden calmly leading America is finished.

Trump skillfully exposed Biden’s frightening fragility for all to see. As Biden fumbled around in a confused daze, Trump prosecuted the case against his opponent’s unfitness.

The contrast was undeniable. Trump’s fiery energy dominated the stage while Biden aimlessly wandered through space like a dementia patient off his meds. 

Biden’s fundraisers in the Hamptons know he’s finished but feel trapped by having already paid up. Attending now is about comforting themselves that they did all they could before pulling the plug.

One source attending the ritzy Biden fundraiser acknowledged voters “might not be excited” about Biden anymore but fatalistically said “this is where we are.” Even Biden’s wealthy donors have lost enthusiasm but reluctantly stick with him.

Another longtime donor skipping the event told the Post that those attending are “extremely disappointed” in Biden post-debate but already paid up front. So the event is a chance to gently encourage Biden to bow out gracefully.

Donors are blaming Jill Biden for not urging her husband to retire before this avoidable disaster. But she likes the perks of being First Lady and “doesn’t want to give that up” by having Joe step aside, according to one Democratic advisor.

Biden will join billionaire Barry Rosenstein at his lavish $147 million Hamptons home for the beachside fundraiser. 

But despite the posh setting, Biden knows his donors feel let down and will be scrutinizing his performance closely, just as swing state voters have little patience for watching Biden shrink before their eyes at events while the robust Trump barnstorms the nation, further fueling Trump’s impending landslide.

Swing state voters will have little patience watching Biden shrink before their eyes at events while the robust Trump barnstorms the nation. This contrast will fuel Trump’s landslide.

Even Biden’s allies and donors know another humiliating defeat awaits at the next debate. Biden simply doesn’t have the stamina and sharpness to really compete.

With Biden’s campaign imploding, some donors cling to the false hope he can still turn things around. But most Americans recognize a sinking ship beyond rescue when they see one.

Trump exposed the brutal reality at the debate – Biden is adrift and helpless without his caretakers whispering in his earpiece and covering for him. His cognitive decline can’t be fixed like a campaign shakeup.

Voters know better than to believe rehearsed lines will transform Biden into a vibrant leader. His team can give him new talking points but not new brain cells.

Seeing is believing. And Americans saw clearly that Biden lacks the vigor and mental acuity to meet national challenges. Trump won the debate just by showing up coherent and energized.

An absent Trump could have beaten Biden based on his cringeworthy debate pratfalls alone. The unflattering optics said it all. The feeble Democrat is no match for Trump.

But Trump removed all doubt by vigorously prosecuting the case against Biden’s fitness. As Biden stumbled through awkward freeze-ups, Trump nimbly battered his confused opponent.

Seeing Biden babble incoherently without a teleprompter or earpiece destroys what little confidence voters had left in him overnight. The damage can’t be undone.

Biden’s Credibility Beyond Repair

Trump’s performance underscored his clear command of facts and policies during substantive exchanges. Biden offered only garbled platitudes when not visibly lost.

The debate made Biden’s glaring unfitness undeniable. His donors know Trump will seal the deal. Better for Democrats to cut losses now than keep wasting resources on Biden’s doomed campaign.

Top fundraisers make clear in private they expect more from Biden going forward. But how much can realistically change when his candle is clearly flickering out? In fact, key Democrats are already warning the Biden campaign of impending electoral disaster, with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer delivering an unambiguous SOS that Biden has lost her state’s votes after his debate pratfalls.

This stark admission from a once-supportive Democratic governor shows the scale of the fallout from Biden’s debate face-plant. Whitmer also preemptively shut down rumors she’s maneuvering to replace the flailing Biden as nominee. But the fact that speculation is rampant reveals the panic within the party.

Other Democratic governors are filled with anxiety about Biden’s deterioration, according to reports. They remain on the edge of their seats waiting to see if a bid to oust Biden gains momentum. For now, possible contenders like Whitmer deny interest in challenging their own party’s incapacitated incumbent.

But behind closed doors, ambitious Democrats are already courting donors to back a potential last-minute entry into the race if Joe finally flames out. Political groups are fundraising for Governor Whitmer to position her for a nomination fight after the next debate debacle.

Whitmer’s emergency debate warning makes clear Biden is bleeding support from key elected Democrats who dismiss his meltdown publicly while signaling grave concerns privately. The president has likely lost his home state of Pennsylvania as well after his frightening brain freezes on national TV.

Even Biden’s VP Kamala Harris had to strain to praise his “slow start” before pivoting to his years in office – hardly a ringing endorsement. The debate was a total disaster, putting Biden’s incompetence in the spotlight when Democrats needed reassurance. Their silence speaks volumes.

Biden’s cringe-worthy debate pratfalls shred his presidential credibility beyond repair. No rehearsed speeches can undo the damage done.

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