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Sunak Draws the Ire of Senior Tories Over Weak Campaign


A Campaign No One Will Vote For

Sunak fancied himself a political mastermind, certain he could pull the wool over voters’ eyes yet again. But his endless scandals and incompetence have torpedoed Tory hopes, leaving candidates and senior Tories furious about his approach.

While Sunak daydreamed of a historic victory, his key strategist Isaac Levido saw the writing on the wall.

Levido warned switching 2019 Labour voters were lost and begged Sunak to tackle Farage’s Reform party threat. And we all know how that ended up.

Now it has also come out that he is siphoning funds away from Try candidates and refusing to support them properly.

The power vacuum left by Sunak’s weak leadership has senior Tories in open revolt. But does the backstabbing and finger-pointing signal genuine change or more of the same hubris and denial?

Sunak and the 100 Missteps

It all started with Sunak announcing the snap election, didn’t it? Sunak really thought that he was on the verge of something unprecedented; something that no one would expect at all.

He really thought within his delusional little mind that the British people would be foolish enough to believe his early campaign lies and promises.

Promises pertaining to prosperity, stability, security, and most of all – progress.

Sunak preached to everyone who would give him the time of day about how the Tories were going to be different this time; how the Tories will actually listen this time; that we should give them a chance one more time.

But with every step Sunak seemingly takes forward towards his own goal of re-assuming power in the parliament, he takes ten steps back with his stupidity and incompetence intact and dragging him down.

Sunak is the type of man that drowns in a sea of scandals at a time when you have to absolutely make sure that you are not even a little wet. And senior Tories realised this fact some time ago, even before the results of the election ever have the chance to come out.

Senior Tories are lambasting the Sunak election campaign strategy as the “worst in their lifetime”. Can’t imagine it would be a long of a lifetime or they might have been asleep for the past 14 years. But nonetheless, it bears stopping for a moment and thinking about it.

Sunak Draws the Ire of the Tories

Sunak cemented himself in the history books according to senior Tories, but not for the reasons that he had hoped for. Sunak cemented himself as the worst campaigner to plague the British people with his tired and corrupt message.

While Sunak shoulders the blame for the ill-advised timing of the whole ordeal, and the many scandals that seem to never stop following the crooked man, frustration is actually mounting recently over the failure to tackle the Nigel Farage Reform party threat early and decisively.

Isaac Levido, Sunak’s key strategist, had advised against the election date but apparently didn’t push back forcefully enough.

Now Levido warns that switches from Labour in 2019 are lost forever, and the Tories must target Reform voters instead. How they are gonna do that with Nigel Farage back at the helm and attacking Sunak as equally as he is attacking Starmer is anyone’s guess at the moment.

Levideo however is part of one section of the Tories that is still clamouring for Reform UK support, another prominent and very vocal section of the Tories is clamouring for the exact opposite scenario.

They want Reform UK and all of its messaging, supporters, positioning, and everything that is remotely related to it to be shunned from the Tory party and from the average British voter’s mind.

They are more or less focused on prioritising some of the marginal parliament seats that can be lost to the labour party, because mister Rishi Sunak couldn’t deliver a decent election campaign if his life depended on it.

Lost in the Shuffle

They are getting no financial or social media support from Conservative HQ, which seems to have misjudged funding needs. And to make matters even worse and shocking – as if it wasn’t already for the Tories – suspiciously enough, CCHQ may be holding back resources for the time after the election defeat rather than backing conservative candidates who needed it more than ever.

Yeah, you heard it right. Sunak is holding himself and the Tories’ funds back from supporting any conservative candidates until they can assess the damage after the election and strategize for that. As if their planning and strategizing will change anything about the outcome, when they have been doing the exact same schtick with the exact same results.

The Tory party under Sunak is the exact definition of insanity.

Sunak’s lack of conviction has created a leadership vacuum within the Conservative party. Directionless and instinctively cautious, the Tory campaign essentially gave Reform a free ride. Which is what you would expect from the incompetent and timid Sunak anyway.

Sunak seems almost relieved the end is nigh, hinting he may temporarily stay on as leader regardless. But there is clearly no appetite for his weak leadership after this disaster.

But will the Tories learn from their mistakes? Will they change course and look for someone other than SUnak to lead their party back to its conservative roots? All their empty talk says “Yes” but their poor efforts show the full dire picture.

Nothing will ever change with the Tories and that’s why Sunak should only be the beginning of some form of Tory resurgence not the bookmark for its end.

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