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Top Pollster Curtice Deals Crushing Blow to Doomed Sunak


Pollster Blames Sunak’s Wrong Priorities

Renowned UK Pollster guru Sir John Curtice delivered a devastating verdict to hapless Rishi Sunak – bluntly stating it’s now too late for the failing PM to turn his fortunes around.

With Sunak’s shambolic leadership plunging the Tories into chaos, Curtice predicts a historic Conservative collapse is imminent.

In the election just days away, the expert pollster says Sunak foolishly focused on the wrong priorities rather than voters’ real worries about the economy and NHS. 

Now it’s far too late for the bungling PM to change course and avoid electoral disaster. Sir John slammed the brakes on any hopes of a Sunak comeback, declaring bluntly: 

“To be honest on Sunak it’s too late. You’re not going to turn around a campaign like that at this stage.”

Translation: Sunak’s a dead man walking. This scathing assessment sounds the death knell for the failing PM’s prospects. 

With the brilliant pollster writing off Sunak’s chances completely, it’s clear this PM is history after stupidly gambling on an early election. 

Sunak Ignored Voters’ Real Concerns

Top UK pollster Sir John Curtice recently dropped a bombshell verdict on the flailing Rishi Sunak, stating bluntly that it’s now “too late to turn it around” for the doomed Conservative leader. With the election just days away, Curtice predicted Sunak’s shambolic Tories are headed for an unprecedented trouncing.  

He blamed much of their coming annihilation on the lingering stench of Boris Johnson and Liz Truss’s disastrous tenures. But Curtice said Sunak himself focused on the wrong priorities like tax cuts and immigration when he should’ve tackled voters’ top concerns on the economy and NHS. Now it’s far too late to change course. 

Pollster Sir John admitted: “To be honest on Sunak it’s too late. You’re not going to turn around a campaign like that at this stage.”

Pollster Curtice warned the Tories could end up with a pathetic 50 to 150 seats after July 4, behind the surging Liberal Democrats. He said there’s nothing Sunak can do at this late stage to stop the coming Tory collapse.

The UK’s leading pollster pinned the blame for the imminent Tory wipeout largely on Johnson and Truss. Their serial bungling shattered the party’s credibility. Curtice said they fatefully ignored advice to focus on the NHS and economy.

But he said Sunak also foolishly doubled down on those wrong priorities after replacing Truss, rather than urgently tackling voters’ worries about inflation, strikes and the NHS crisis. Now the hapless Sunak will pay the price for this deafness to the public’s real concerns.

Sunak has desperately tried rebooting his doomed leadership in recent weeks before the election, but to no avail. With the economy tanking, inflation skyrocketing, strikes multiplying and the NHS imploding, Sunak’s out-of-touch Tories have no answers. 

Former No10 aide Katie Perrior predicted whoever follows Sunak after his coming obliteration will inherit “no money” and “no voter base.”

She said: “I think it’s going to be quite some time and we’re going to plough through a couple of leaders before the Conservative Party sorts itself out with no money.” She said candidates had told her that support has withered away in this campaign while donations have dried up.

The ex-comms chief said: “You can speak to Conservative candidates who will tell you no one’s coming out, no one’s giving any money, no one’s delivering leaflets, no one’s willing to knock on doors. It kind of vanished somewhat. So there is a real kind of problem with not only an ageing support base not willing to turn out, no donors coming forward.

“This is a really stark situation where you don’t have money, you don’t have any voter base to come and support you.”

Sunak has totally ignored the obvious decline in Tory support. Even though people are clearly craving change, he foolishly called a pointless snap election that’s only speeding up the Tory collapse. This huge misstep really shows how out of touch Sunak’s political instincts are.

He delusionally hoped the polls predicting Tory Armageddon were wrong. But a new bombshell mega poll shows the Conservatives cratering into third place behind Labour and the Liberal Democrats. 

The comprehensive poll interviewed nearly 20,000 Britons, far more than typical surveys. It uses industry-leading MRP methodology to accurately project seat outcomes. 

The results foretell a historically humiliating defeat for Sunak and the Tories. They would be left with just 60 seats while Labour could soar to 450, handing them an absurd 250 seat majority. Clearly, Sunak has fatally miscalculated in gambling on an early election.

Sunak himself seems set to lose his Richmond seat in a 24,000 vote swing to Labour. The poll indicates 20 Tory cabinet members will get the boot alongside him. Big names like Jeremy Hunt, Kemi Badenoch and Penny Mordaunt appear doomed. 

Overall, the Tories seem guaranteed to face their worst result in centuries after this comprehensive rejection by voters. Their MPs may get reduced to a number that could fit inside a single double decker bus.  

This would shatter the Conservative Party for years, if not permanently. Such a punishing repudiation of 14 years of damaging Tory rule will require a total rethink of the party’s direction. 

Sunak was handed one last chance to persuade voters that post-Brexit Britain could be redeemed under renewed Tory stewardship. But his disastrous tenure has only reinforced perceptions of a tired, directionless party that serves the 1% rather than the nation.

Sunak Broke NHS and Economy Vows

Besides halving inflation, Sunak has utterly failed to deliver on the grand pledges he made to voters before. His vows to grow the economy, cut debt, shorten NHS waits and stop migrant boats now ring laughably hollow. Sunak has exposed himself as just another dissembling politician who will say anything to claw onto power.

On the economy, far from fostering growth, Sunak has overseen a recession with GDP shrinking for two straight quarters. He can brag all he wants about marginally better past growth, but the undeniable reality today is a stagnating economy and declining living standards. 

Sunak promised to “create better-paid jobs and opportunities.” Yet real wages are falling at the fastest rate in decades under his leadership. Millions now struggle to afford basics as prices soar. Some growth “priority!” Sunak has clearly failed working Britons feeling the economic pain.

Debt has also ballooned under the big-spending Tories despite Sunak’s pledge to cut it. Government debt blew past an alarming 100% of GDP for the first time since the 1960s. And borrowing has continued increasing to eye-watering levels under Sunak’s rudderless stewardship.

With debt and deficits exploding, Sunak has predictably reneged on promised tax cuts that could have stimulated growth. He and his hapless Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, clearly have no credible plan to restore Britain’s battered public finances after their budgetary train wreck.

Sunak’s NHS waiting list pledge has also been exposed as more hot air. After vowing to cut waits, shocking new numbers emerged showing delays for treatment at all-time highs under his premiership. Sunak has now confessed he failed on this pledge, laying blame on health worker strikes rather than his own ineptitude.

In an interview with TalkTV‘s Piers Morgan, Rishi Sunak admitted he has failed to deliver on his pledge to cut NHS waiting lists. When directly asked whether he had failed on the pledge, Sunak replied: “Yes, we have.”

The only limit to NHS waits has been Sunak’s limitation as a leader. His failure to resolve disputes and chronic underfunding are the real reasons for unbearable delays facing sick Britons. Sunak attempts to dodge accountability for problems he exacerbated.

Finally, Sunak promised to stop dangerous small boat crossings with tough new laws. But the numbers surging to record highs under his leadership make an absolute mockery of this pledge. Sunak now pathetically claims he never really meant “stop”, just vaguely “reduce.” More weasel words from an untrustworthy politician.

The clueless PM Sunak is all over the place, flip-flopping between defending his broken promises and trying to downplay them when he’s called out. From the economy and debt to the NHS crisis and the boat situation, he over-promised and totally under-delivered on everything.

Sunak’s pathetic track record just shows he’s a weak leader who says what voters want to hear but can’t follow through. He thought big promises would cover up the Conservatives’ lack of real solutions, but his five main priorities have all turned into a mess. Now, he’s looking at paying the ultimate political price for all his broken promises and lack of leadership.

As Curtice said, nothing can stop the Tory downfall now. Under Sunak, they’ve sealed their fate as the con artists who drove Britain into a ditch. The Conservatives offer no real solutions to help the country get back on track.

Sunak is the face of an arrogant ruling party that failed and lied to the people for way too long. Come July 4, voters will finally kick these discredited Tories to the curb. Sunak’s lack of integrity and leadership makes him the perfect scapegoat for a party on the edge of collapse.

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