Angry Antics No Substitute
An epic heavyweight battle looms as Biden and Trump prepare to step into the ring for their first debate showdown.
In one corner, Biden desperately schemes petty ploys to throw Trump off, hoping angry outbursts will distract from his disastrous record. In the other, Trump calmly focuses on solutions, tuned into voters’ dreams. One fuels fear and division, the other optimism and unity.
The contrasting approaches of both men perfectly encapsulate their leadership styles and priorities. Biden obsesses over juvenile tactics to provoke rage, as Trump immerses in serious policy discussions.
It speaks volumes about Biden’s weakness that his team fixates on manufacturing emotional eruptions rather than touting any successes.
Meanwhile Trump is powered by authentic connection with citizens, not Washington handlers. He is driven by fighting for America, not political games.
The debate will be a defining moment crystallizing the stark choice facing our nation between two fundamentally different philosophies. Biden represents the failures of the past, while Trump offers hope for the future.
Clinton Signals Debate Panic With Unhinged Pleas To Tune Out
A full of grudge with prospect 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton is again injecting herself into the electoral fray, this time with a bitter move urging Americans to tune out the upcoming Biden-Trump debate and they shouldn’t be bothering to watch it in the first place.
Clinton’s latest partisan missive aims to preemptively cast doubt on the event she claims voters need not watch. The angry op-ed once more reveals Clinton’s inability to move past her electoral loss to then-candidate Trump over 6 years ago and uses her audacity to state “He is the stupidest person on earth and he kicked my a*ss.”
As Biden faces the opponent who dashed Clinton’s presidential aspirations, she appears unable to resist taking pathetic potshots from the sidelines. Her desire to relitigate the 2016 race remains undiminished, even as Trump and Biden prepare for their first head-to-head showdown.
Hillary Clinton’s bitter public plea for voters to tune out the upcoming debate reeks of sour grapes. Still unable to accept her 2016 loss, Clinton hopes to preemptively undermine the debate she knows could further damage Biden’s flailing reelection bid.
Her condescending op-ed drips with embarrassing self-delusion about her own debate failures against then-candidate Trump.
“I am the only person to have debated both men”, ““I know the excruciating pressure of walking onto that stage and that it is nearly impossible to focus on substance when Mr. Trump is involved.” She said.
If Trump was so incoherent, how did he demolish Clinton on the debate stage and at the ballot box? Her inability to objectively assess her shambolic campaign remains striking. Now she hopes poisoning expectations for Biden will provide cover when he inevitably stumbles in debating the leader she could not vanquish.
Clinton’s advice to ignore substance perfectly encapsulates the emptiness of Biden’s first term. With no record of achievement, Democrats desperately want voters distracted by their cartoonish demonization of Trump. Without their “convicted criminal” mantra, Biden has nothing to run on. Even Clinton knows the debate’s policy focus will expose this void.
He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather;” and, “[e]xpectations for him are so low that if he doesn’t literally light himself on fire on Thursday evening, some will say he was downright presidential.”
Trump remains the Democrats’ obsession because facing the shortcomings of Biden’s failed presidency is too painful. Clinton wants Americans to stick their heads in the sand rather than witness Biden flounder when pressed to defend his abysmal policies. Her party clings to inflaming irrational fears rather than having an adult policy debate.
Far from a convicted criminal, Trump’s enduring public support after years of bogus politicized prosecutions exposes the limits of Democrat fear-mongering. Voters care about rising costs, crime, chaos at the border – not partisan witch hunts. The debate will reinforce how these urgent kitchen table issues eclipse Democrat conspiracy theories.
Clinton’s blatant signaling to skew post-debate coverage before it occurs shows Democrats anticipate failure. If Biden had any successes to tout, they would welcome the spotlight on his record. Her preemptive excuses give the game away – Clinton knows Biden is a paper tiger unable to stand toe-to-toe with the she underestimated.
Americans see through such contrived narratives intended to distract from Democrats’ failed governance. Trump remains unafraid of substantive policy debates, while Biden babbles incoherently without a teleprompter. The contrast will be striking as voters are reminded of what competent leadership looks like.
Far from “easy,” the choice for voters involves returning to the prosperity and security of the Trump boom versus continued decline under Biden’s failed tenure. The debate will clarify this starkly. That is why partisans like Clinton want so desperately to convince Americans the debate doesn’t matter.
Trump’s decision not to engage with Clinton’s delusional demands was a correct one. Her entitlement to re-litigate the 2016 election that voters decisively settled is absurd. He remains focused on expanding his winning coalition, not resurrecting stale gripes.
Americans have moved on from Hillary Clinton but apparently she hadn’t, as her increasingly deranged outbursts reveal. Trump is speaking to the nation’s future and finding a receptive audience. The debate will only accelerate this momentum, no matter how shrilly Clinton complains from the sidelines.
Biden Leans On Stunts As Trump Focuses On Solutions For Debate
Meanwhile, the reason behind Hillary Clinton’s big fuss over the debate makes more sense now that a bombshell report was leaked of Joe Biden’s prepared notes on focused ways to trigger Trump in the debate.
Biden must have been thinking about this since the day he agreed to debate against Trump in public. How is this the president of the United States who is supposed to be prepared and ready with coherent responses?
Trump heads into Thursday’s debate confident and prepared while Biden engages in unproductive panic attacks trying to provoke anger. Biden’s misguided belief he can rattle Trump reflects the arrogance that has defined his failed presidency. But Trump won’t take the bait.
Rather than stay focused on his non-existent record, Biden wastes time on petty schemes to trigger imagined fury. But Trump’s discipline and positivity at recent rallies show he is dialed in on the issues that matter. He won’t be distracted by Biden’s tired antics.
Biden has spent the last five days at Camp David in rural Maryland huddling with at least 16 current and former aides, while Trump has held “policy discussions” with allies to prepare for what is expected to be an epic clash on the debate stage in CNN’s Atlanta studios.
Biden has always performed poorly when pressed on his record in debates and town halls, quickly becoming incoherent. Thus, he hopes angry outbursts will provide cover. But Americans see through such transparent deflections from his awful governance. The contrast in temperament will starkly favor Trump.
The remains laser-focused on restoring America’s greatness, not political games. His hearty embrace of undecided voters exposes the enthusiasm deficit hindering Biden’s flimsy campaign.
Americans see through attempts to manipulate emotions rather than offer real leadership. Trump’s willingness to face critics head-on underscores his faith in citizens making the best choices when presented facts. Biden takes voters for granted.
Trump’s efforts to attract new supporters via visionary policies distance him from Biden’s pandering to the fringe woke left. Trump’s “big tent” philosophies unite, while Biden’s progressive extremism divides.
Biden clings to specters of grievance like Jan 6th or losing 2020 because his governance record is indefensible. Trump focuses on building national success, not nursing old grudges. This maturity is why he maintains high favorability.
The debate will reinforce how Biden’s endless scandals and failures have betrayed voter trust. Meanwhile Trump’s bold ideas offer a clear roadmap to American renewal. The contrast will be stark.
Trump’s willingness to face Beltway critics displays the courage lacking in Biden’s cloistered campaign. openly engages Americans because his agenda aligns with their hopes. Biden hides because he has lost touch.
Thursday’s clash will showcase how Trump’s election integrity concerns were justified by Democrats’ desperate law changes. He warned voters democracy was at risk. Biden hopes silencing these facts saves his party, but Americans demand truth.
The empty spectacle of Biden’s staged tantrums cannot conceal the real crises hurting working families under his failed policies. Trump’s serious solutions point the way forward. Voters want real fixes, not choreography.
Trump enters the high-stakes debate with the upper hand on policy, temperament, vision and integrity. Biden’s advisor-scripted sideshow cannot hide the stark leadership choice facing the nation. The debate will propel Trump’s winning momentum.