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Trump Support Surges Despite Conviction in Politically Driven Trial - Street Politics
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New York

Trump Support Surges Despite Conviction in Politically Driven Trial


Biased Verdict Mobilizes Trump Base

Donald J. Trump ‘s conviction has ignited a political earthquake leading to mind-blowing fundraising and surging voter support.

Despite the best efforts of Sleepy Joe and the Democrat Deep State, their crooked witch hunt has spectacularly backfired. Within 24 hours of the sham trial’s verdict, Trump raked in an unheard-of $53 million from die-hard supporters. 

Even WinRed, the GOP fundraising site, crashed from the avalanche of grassroots donations pouring in for the former president. Meanwhile, polling reveals the failed Democrat ploy has had little effect on Trump’s decisive leads in must-win swing states.

Once again, the out-of-touch Democrat elites and their fake news media lapdogs have gravely miscalculated. This brazen railroading of Trump has activated his supporters like never before. 

Patriotic Americans are rushing to Trump’s aid, opening their wallets and mobilizing to support their champion as he stands tall against the corrupt Deep State that weaponized the justice system to take out Biden’s number one political rival.

Sleepy Joe and his swamp creature allies may think they’ve stopped Trump, but they’ve only awakened the sleeping giant of the MAGA movement. By openly abusing the justice system to wage lawfare on their political opponent, Democrats have poured gasoline on a blazing populist revolt.

Trump Support Surges After “Sham” Conviction

Despite the sham guilty verdict against ex-President Trump in New York, his supporters remain undeterred. In fact, the blatant politicization of the justice system by Democrats has only strengthened Trump’s base and ignited record fundraising and voter support for the unstoppable people’s champion. 

Within just 24 hours of the biased jury convicting Trump on 34 bogus counts, his campaign raised a jaw-dropping $53 million dollars – over $2 million per hour! More than one-third of these donations came from patriotic new supporters who are waking up to the Democrat’s corrupt interference in the election. 


As Trump campaign advisor Chris LaCivita stated, “Trump voters and Republicans are more motivated than ever to do their part to defend President Trump from Joe Biden and his band of corrupt liberals while supporting his mission to save our country from destruction.”

While the fake news media tries to paint this as Trump’s downfall, the reality is that support continues growing. Not only did fundraising reach record heights, but polls in key battleground states show the conviction having little to no impact on voter preferences. 

In fact, The biased New York jury may have returned a politically motivated guilty verdict, but respected pollster Tony Fabrizio revealed it has had little actual impact on voter preferences in key battleground states. 

In a confidential memo to Trump campaign leadership, Fabrizio stated that across multiple potential ballot matchups, Trump either held steady or gained ground in the crucial swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

As Fabrizio wrote in the striking May 31 memo, “voters appeared to shrug at the court ruling as there was NO impact on any of the ballots.”

He continued: “In all three ballot iterations tracked—namely six-way, four-way, and head-to-head with President Joe Biden—not only did President Trump’s overall lead in the seven battleground states remain undented, the memo data showed slight gains for the former president.”

The biggest change was in a head-to-head matchup, with Trump holding steady at 48% support, while Biden dropped 2 points. This gave Trump a commanding 2 point lead over the flailing incumbent.

Fabrizio’s memo plainly stated, “President Trump’s lead in every ballot iteration remained statistically unchanged.” 

Earlier polling from January showed 9% of GOP voters unwilling to support a convicted Trump. But current data reveals the sham trial had “no discernible impact” on Trump’s support in must-win swing states.

An average of polls shows Trump dominating Biden by over 3 points across the 7 battlegrounds. Fabrizio’s memo aligns perfectly with this data showing the unstoppable Trump train rolling toward victory.

As Fabrizio presciently wrote, “President Trump’s path to 270 Electoral Votes runs through these 7 Target States. And thus far, we see no discernible impact.”

No matter how hard the left tries to destroy him, the American people see through their corrupt falsifications. This only strengthens their support for the authentic leader who fights for them – Donald J. Trump.

This is evidenced perfectly in the latest average of polls showing Trump leading Biden by over 3.1 points in pivotal swing states.  No matter how hard the left tries to bring him down, they cannot dampen the people’s love for their champion.

As Trump eloquently stated, “While Biden and the radical left are trying to destroy me, my supporters will be turning out in record numbers on November 5th to render their own verdict on the corrupt Democrats.”

The unstoppable Trump movement is about far more than just one man. It is a rebellion against those like Biden who have sold out American workers and values for decades. That is why the base remains so rock solid even in the face of this outrageous railroading of their leader.

In fact, the blatant abuses only inflame their passion. Moments after the biased New York verdict, a flood of donations from patriots across the country crashed WinRed, the Republican online fundraising site. 

This organic grassroots uprising is symbolic of the unbreakable spirit of the Make America Great Again movement. The American people see through the charade and recognize that our justice system is being weaponized as a political tool by the left. But it will only backfire and propel Trump back into the White House.

Young conservatives, seniors, men, women – Americans of every stripe are energized and activated after seeing how dirty Democrats are willing to play. Trump’s conviction will go down in history as the tipping point that guaranteed his re-election.

Even some Democrats have spoken out against the sham trial. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard called it “a dangerous attempt to undermine free and fair elections.” She added that abusing legal power to take down political opponents “sets a dangerous precedent that threatens the freedom of all Americans.”

Pence Condemns “Politically Motivated” Conviction

Mike Pence also slammed the conviction, stating “No one is above the law, but our courts must not become a tool to be used against political opponents.” The former vice president expressed confidence the bogus charges would be overturned on appeal.

Polling shows the witch hunt prosecution has backfired tremendously. A new Rasmussen survey found 63% of voters believe Trump was unjustly targeted. Support for the president among Republicans has swelled to an all-time high of 93%. 

The poll shows that even 1 in 3 Democrat voters feel that Trump’s prosecution was more about persecuting a political opponent than serving justice. Additionally, a majority of minority voters now believe the president was unfairly convicted.

Legal experts across the political spectrum have warned that weaponizing courts to tar opponents as “felons” is banana republic style corruption. Trump advisor Jason Miller said, “The American people see this charade for exactly what it is – an unconstitutional and illegal abuse of power.”

While Democrats may be cheering the verdict, it’s clear a broad cross-section of Americans are increasingly concerned. The political persecution is waking more citizens up to the very real threat posed to our democracy and civil liberties.

This widespread backlash against the biased conviction should serve as a dire warning to Biden and his fellow elites. Their actions will be met with a red wave at the polls this November, the likes of which we have never seen before. Americans see Trump as the only leader left who will fight for them against a corrupt, entrenched political class that has forgotten the people.

Trump is absolutely right when he says November 5th is when the real verdict will be rendered. Tens of millions of patriotic citizens across this great nation cannot wait to cast their ballots and take their country back.

In fact, Trump’s team has already launched a new grassroots voter turnout initiative called Trump Force 47. This neighbor-to-neighbor organizing effort coordinated with state and local Republicans will ensure the critical voter participation needed to secure victory.

As advisors Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita said about the program, “Trump voters and Republicans are more motivated than ever to do their part to defend President Trump while supporting his mission to save our country from destruction.”

Make no mistake – Donald Trump’s conviction in New York changes nothing. If anything, it strengthens his underdog image as a political outsider shaking up the establishment. This is the brand that propelled him into the White House in 2016 against all odds, and will surely do so again.

Trump has awakened the sleeping giant of patriotic Americans who are sick of being ignored and trampled on by an out-of-touch Biden. He gives voice to the voiceless. Democrats may have won this battle with their sham trial, but Trump will decisively win the war in November.

His supporters recognize that the conviction is just another example of the system being rigged against them. But it will only strengthen their resolve to fight back at the ballot box. The red wave is coming, and no amount of Democrat dirty tricks can stop it.

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