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Sunak is Confused About his Future after Election Defeat - Street Politics
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Sunak is Confused About his Future after Election Defeat


Is it Desperation or Admission?

Sunak is somehow still stunning voters, allies, and opposition with his dumbfounding statements about his future in politics.

In a recent statement that has everyone scratching their heads, Sunak declares that he would stay active in politics and as an MP in the parliament after his defeat at the local elections.

Some think this is another desperate plea to stay relevant in a field that blessed him and his family with undeserving amounts of wealth through casual Tory corruption.

While some believe that Sunak has come forward to admit once again that his party is going to fail. Explaining why he focuses on future jobs instead of the one he is currently busy fumbling.

Sunak can prattle on about staying the course, but his party is headed for catastrophe.

The political hurricane gathering force will soon sweep away this discredited, destructive Tory government, and Sunak will be the first to taste ultimate defeat no matter what he would like you to believe.

Sunak Confuses Everyone

It seems like our dear prime minister, Rishi Sunak, can’t figure out for the life of him if he wants to stay the course, and soldier though the Tory elections disasters in an effort to secure an outright impossible win in the general elections; Or if he would just give up, admit defeat, and talk about plans in the future related to him staying active in the parliament and in UK politics in general.

You are almost always guaranteed to end up dazed and confused when trying to figure out Sunak’s stance and mindset. But that is what you get when you are trying to figure out the mind of a corrupt and sleazy Tory politician. It is full of contradictions and general lack of forward and true conservative thinking.

Sunak’s latest statements and assertions that have people slightly scratching their heads consist of him making a desperate promise to Tory voters this week – vowing that he would stay on as a backbench MP even if his party faces total and expected electoral annihilation.

Yup, you heard it right. Sunak somehow promises to find enough interest to keep going even after what could entail as the most humiliating and embarrassing defeat the Tories have ever faced in the general elections.

Sunak Might be Desperate

To some, this pathetic pledge comes as no surprise. Sunak is desperately clinging to power with all his might as his party sinks deeper and deeper into the abyss.

The local elections saw the Tories suffer their worst defeat in decades, losing control of key councils across the country. Voters resoundingly rejected the Tories’ bankrupt ideology and incompetent leadership. And Sunak responded by first playing it off as a weak indicator for the days to come, and how people generally feel about the Tory party and the prime minister.

But then, someone probably slapped Sunak back into reality and his only response was to issue what he deemed the most important and critical speech in Britain’s history. Only for it to be nothing more than the sad squeals, and desperate fear mongering by a Tory prime minister that knows for sure that his time has been up for a while now.

And now he is insisting he’ll stick around no matter how badly voters trounce his party. There has never been a more delusional prime minister in the history of Britain. I mean, prime ministers come and go with different shades of the same corruption and incompetence that plagues modern day politics, but none of them ever stooped to this level of delusion displayed right here by Sunak.

Clearly his memory is failing him or he lacks enough self-awareness to recognise that the public want to get rid of him and his fellow crooked Tory elitists. The people of Britain have stated their intentions time and time again, and even took the time to showcase their disdain through the polls, so what more does he need to understand that the people are not into him that much?

This shows the classic Tory sense of entitlement – they believe they have a right to rule and take part in the establishment, evidence and public opinion be damned.

Greed Rules the Tories

But I guess it is a tad bit obvious why Sunak would want to stay active in politics; it is because it gets him and his friends richer than they have ever been.

Don’t believe me? Well you better believe this report that details how Sunak and his billionaire heiress wife have seen their gargantuan fortune surge by nearly £300 million in the past year or so.

Again, you heard it right. The Sunday Times Rich List revealed Sunak and Akshata Murty’s wealth has ballooned to a staggering £730 million while the average British family struggles to heat their homes and feed their children.

What could have possibly affected Sunak’s wealth in such a manner, huh? His wife’s investment does play a big role in the increase, but the keyword here is “role” and not “all”. Sunak has a part in the wealth increasing and the only thing he has been doing the past year has been failing at being a proper prime minister.

It’s the same old Tory tale of greed and hypocrisy. Sunak lectures the nation about the need for pay restraint and sacrifices. Yet he sees no issue with him and his wife hoarding ever more extravagant fortunes. And then he turns around and proclaims that he would be happy to do it again and keep doing it.

One rule for the privileged elite, another for the squeezed masses. This is the bankrupt Tory ideology that has created grotesque inequality in Britain today.

And that right is one very possible reason for him wanting to stay active in politics with evidence to back it up. However, some people think that this actually another subtle admission of Tory defeat from the man himself.

Or Maybe it is an Admission of Defeat…

Some people see Sunak’s statement as someone that is not busy with the present of how he can win back the voters, and is more concerned about a yet decided future where he loses and he has to think about either finding another job or staying in the parliament.

This assumption has evidence to back it up as well. I mean when you are prime minister and you suffer blow after blow coming from every direction with MPs defecting and polls tanking, you would probably want to get out and get away as well.

But it doesn’t even end there, because reports emerged of even more Conservative MPs entering talks with Labour about defecting. The crumbling Tories are in utter disarray.

Sunak has already endured the humiliating spectacle of seeing two of his backbenchers cross the floor in recent weeks.

First the principled Dr Dan Poulter defected over the Tories’ disastrous mishandling of the NHS crisis. Then the arch-Brexiteer MP Natalie Elphicke stunned Westminster by defecting to Labour during Prime Minister’s Questions. Now more MPs are defecting to the opposition or a more true to conservatism kind of party like Reform UK.

Labour’s shadow health secretary revealed that several Tory MPs are wrestling with defecting amid the imploding state of their party. They face an existential dilemma – stay and fight to save the rotting Tory corpse, or abandon ship and join an equally corrupt and incompetent labour party – except it is one that is winning somehow.

A party full of alienated MPs looking to jump ship, and a confusing Prime Minister that can’t stand on his own word and flip flops between staying strong and giving up his position of power.

This is the state of the Tory party governing all of Britain. And there is no amount of confusion surrounding their inevitable and very much expected demise.

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