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Ford Gambles Political Capital With Push to Expedite Alcohol Sales - Street Politics
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Ford Gambles Political Capital With Push to Expedite Alcohol Sales


Ford’s $225M Deal Enables Snap Election Call

In an outrageous move, Premier Doug Ford has been exposed funneling millions of taxpayer dollars to The Beer Store to fast-track alcohol sales, sparking accusations of a sneaky ploy to buy votes and call a snap election this fall.

Inside sources reveal Ford is scrambling to escape looming federal budget cuts by Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre that could crush Ford’s profits.

With the next provincial election not until 2026, this underhanded scheme to cling to power has enraged opposition leaders, who blast Ford’s move as “disrespectful” and “cynical abuse” of tax dollars.  

While Poilievre is standing up for what he believes in, Ford seems more interested in using taxpayer money for his own political gain. With the cost of living going through the roof, Canadian families need genuine leaders who are focused on their needs, not just trying to buy votes.

Ford’s shady tactics make you wonder what his real motives are. Is he scared of the Conservative cuts, or is he just desperate to hold onto his own power? 

Ford’s Election Motivations Under Scrutiny After Beer Store Deal

Premier Doug Ford has decided to shell out a massive $225 million of taxpayer money to The Beer Store to speed up getting beer and wine into corner stores.

While they’re selling it as fulfilling an election promise, insiders say the real reason is Ford gearing up for an early election to dodge potential federal cuts from Conservative star Pierre Poilievre.

The next provincial election isn’t until June 2026, but Ford might call a snap election as early as this fall. Sources close to him say he is worried about reduced transfer payments and cutbacks under a Poilievre-led government, which could hurt the provincial Progressive Conservatives.

One insider said: “It’s smart. It gets us in front of a tough budget from Pierre that could hurt the Conservative brand and help Bonnie.” 

Others suggest it could refocus the PC caucus on delivering campaign promises and get ahead of any fallout from the ongoing criminal investigation into the Greenbelt land swap scandal.

However, many Tories also fear it could backfire like former Liberal Premier David Peterson’s 1990 early election call. 

Despite leading in the polls, Peterson’s snap election ended with an unexpected NDP victory under Bob Rae. 

As one insider warned, ““Peterson was higher in the polls (50 percent in summer of 1990) than Ford (at 39 percent in the latest Abacus Data survey) is now and had won a larger majority (in 1987 than Ford did in 2022). But voters were ornery and punished him for the early election.”

With no urgent rationale, a snap election could appear cynical and waste millions of taxpayer dollars. Liberal leader Bonnie Crombie said: “It would be very disrespectful to the taxpayer. They have a majority government.”

NDP leader Marit Stiles agreed that “the people of this province would see it for what it is.”

Ford’s recent move to fast-track beer and wine sales through a controversial payout to The Beer Store gives him flexibility for an early election call. However, it was denounced as a “sweetheart deal” by retail groups not included. 

Taxpayer funds will go towards protecting The Beer Store’s profits and footprint, rather than benefiting consumers or independent retailers. 

This raises further doubts about the motivations behind expedited liberalization. Despite claims it fulfills a promise to voters, the primary beneficiaries appear to be large multinational beer producers. 

As one expert noted, “there is unclear demand for additional points of sale, as some supermarkets are abandoning licensed beer and wine sales due to low profits.”

With an early election call rumored to be under consideration, Ford’s true motivations remain murky. Seeking to gain partisan advantage through a costly and unnecessary early vote would likely damage public trust. 

Voters rewarded Ford with a strong majority mandate less than a year ago. A transparent, issues-based election in 2026 would better respect the taxpayers who just funded his victory.

However, Ford seems to be ignoring the concerns of those very taxpayers in his current panic over electric vehicles.

Ford is freaking out over Poilievre’s promise to scrap Trudeau’s flawed electric vehicle strategy. He knows that even with Honda’s $15 billion investment in EV production, which will create 240,000 zero-emission vehicles, it doesn’t really address the everyday worries of most Ontarians. 

People care more about being able to afford groceries and heating their homes than about pushing Trudeau’s green agenda.

With Poilievre set to cut wasteful subsidies, Ford realizes that the gravy train for EV producers is coming to an end. While the Liberals have thrown billions at the EV industry, the Conservatives want to focus on what really matters to consumers, like keeping living costs down. 

Poilievre knows inflation is hitting Canadian households hard and is committed to making life affordable again.

Ford’s panic over EVs shows how much he relies on Trudeau’s failed economic policies for political points. 

The billions wasted on ineffective green incentives could have been used to actually help struggling families. Poilievre gets this and has promised sensible actions to help Canadians make ends meet.

It’s disappointing that Ford doesn’t seem to trust Poilievre’s practical economic plans. This panic highlights Ford’s shaky dependence on fading Liberal policies. 

Instead of fighting necessary changes, Ford should team up with Poilievre to create market-driven solutions that benefit all Canadians, not just trendy industries.

Poilievre Focused on Solutions While Ford Plays Politics

Unlike Ford’s shady election tactics, Pierre Poilievre is all about rolling up his sleeves and getting to work on real policy changes. 

He recently laid out a bold plan to make life more affordable for Canadians. He wants to scrap the federal carbon tax, cut back on spending that drives up prices, and give provinces more say in how things are run.

One of Poilievre’s big goals is to rein in inflation, which is eating into people’s wallets and savings. 

He’s also keen on lightening the load for small businesses by slashing taxes and easing up on regulations that hold them back.

The Conservatives are all about breaking down barriers between provinces, so they can come up with their own solutions to economic problems. Poilievre wants to team up with Premiers like Ford to make sure this happens smoothly.

Poilievre also promises to balance the federal budget without cutting funds for healthcare and social services. By keeping spending in check, he plans to offer tax relief for workers and families who are struggling after years of Trudeau’s mismanagement.

Poilievre’s plan looks pretty solid compared to the huge deficits we’ve seen under Trudeau’s Liberals. Meanwhile, Ford’s rumored early election move seems to show a lack of respect for taxpayer dollars.

In the polls, Poilievre is catching up to the Trudeau Liberals by directly addressing the challenges that everyday Canadians face. Ford used to connect with voters in a similar way, but his recent focus on money issues feels insincere.

There are rumors that Ford might call an early election for political gain, which doesn’t fit with his populist image. It seems like he’s trying to dodge potential federal policy changes, showing little faith in the Conservative leader he once strongly supported. 

Poilievre’s practical, common-sense approach deserves Ford’s continued support, not premature election tactics.

With Canada facing economic uncertainty, the country needs steady, principled leadership focused on real solutions. 

Poilievre wants to provide this by empowering provinces and tackling affordability issues that affect all Canadians. Meanwhile, Ford risks losing public trust with an unnecessary early election.

Ontario deserves better than rushed election moves driven by political scheming. Voters need a government, both provincially and federally, that is truly committed to overcoming economic challenges and providing real relief. 

Between Poilievre’s sensible policies and Ford’s political games, the choice for Ontarians is clear.

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