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Fergus Under Fire Again For Alleged Liberal Ties and Misconduct - Street Politics
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Fergus Under Fire Again For Alleged Liberal Ties and Misconduct


Warkentin Blasts Trudeau’s Puppet Fergus

Chaos Erupted As Conservative MP Chris Warkentin Dropped A Bombshell – Dramatically Moving To Vacate Trudeau’s Partisan Puppet Speaker Greg Fergus For Shocking Liberal Bias. 

Sparks Flew As Warkentin Roasted Fergus As The PM’s Puppet Engaged In Blatant Partisan Misconduct – Citing Multiple Scandals Proving Trudeau Rigged The Speaker’s Chair. 

Erupting In Rage, Trudeau’s Liberals Shouted Down The Allegations – Desperately Trying To Shield Their Hand-Picked Partisan Ally.

But Explosive Evidence Shows Fergus Caught Again Participating In Liberal Attack Ads Smearing Pierre Poilievre – Amid Months Of Conduct Shredding His Non-Partisan Guise.

Conservatives Smell Blood – Demanding The NDP Finally Stop The Liberal Partisan Abuse Destroying Faith In Parliament. 

Will The NDP Bow To Trudeau Yet Again? Or Side With Canadians Fed Up With His Games Rigging Our Democracy?

Conservatives Call for Removal of “Partisan” House Speaker

In a bombshell move, Conservative MP Chris Warkentin stormed into Parliament to motion the removal of Liberal Speaker Greg Fergus for unacceptable partisan conduct unbecoming of his duty as neutral House arbiter.

The shocking news comes after Fergus was caught red-handed in Liberal promo stuff that blatantly went after Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre. This partisan ad has only fueled Tory concerns about the Speaker’s obvious Liberal bias.

Conservative MP Chris Warkentin said: “This Speaker has demonstrated countless times that he is unfit to be a non-partisan speaker,

He’s a very, very effective partisan Liberal and … we’ve lost trust in his ability to govern this place.”

The chamber was buzzing as Conservative and Bloc Quebecois MPs cheered on Warkentin for calling out the “Farce of Fergus.” Trudeau and his Liberal buddies tried to shout over the chaos, desperately trying to protect their hand-picked, partisan puppet.

But the evidence is clear—Fergus was caught in promotional material for a Liberal event that bashed Poilievre. 

The ad brazenly claimed, “Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives propose reckless policies that would risk our health, safety, and pocketbooks,” while pushing the Liberals’ plan to “grow an economy that works for everyone.”

This latest partisan stunt follows months of questionable behavior from Fergus, who is supposed to be a neutral Speaker. 

Last December, he appeared in a video tribute for former Ontario Liberal interim leader John Fraser while wearing his Speaker robes—blurring the lines between his partisan past and his supposedly nonpartisan role.

Before that, he hosted a Liberal Party fundraising event disguised as a community meet-and-greet, all while claiming to be impartial in his rulings against the Conservatives in the House of Commons.

And this wasn’t even the first time that Trudeau’s partisan puppet Fergus was exposed. 

Conservatives in the House were outraged by the double standard the Speaker practiced, allowing Trudeau to keep virtue-signaling to his band of crooked Liberals, who cheer and clap mindlessly at every word.

The Speaker slowly started to reveal his true bias by expelling the first Conservative MP who dared to stand up against the authority corruption in the House of Commons.

A self-congratulatory Liberal bubble continued in the House until Poilievre dared to speak the truth by calling Trudeau and his policies crazy and wacko. 

The Speaker’s mask of neutrality was completely off by then, as he found the Conservative leader’s comments particularly offensive. 

Trudeau can allude to Poilievre being a white nationalist, but Poilievre is somehow prohibited from calling it like it is.

Poilievre was rightfully speaking the language of every Canadian by calling Trudeau a wacko, but the Speaker clearly doesn’t care about fair discourse. He demanded Poilievre withdraw his comment, but Poilievre stood his ground and just replaced one phrase with another.

This back-and-forth escalated until the corrupt Speaker expelled the Leader of the Opposition from the House of Commons, prompting loud boos and shouts from the Conservative side, unhappy with the unjustifiable action.

Most Conservative MPs followed their leader out of the chamber, with some voicing their displeasure about the favoritism and complete lack of respect displayed in the House of Commons.

The partiality shown by Speaker Fergus in this incident provides further evidence that he is unable to separate himself from his deep Liberal roots.

Fergus Exposed Of Liberal Ties and Misconduct

Indeed, Speaker Fergus has extensive partisan roots within the Liberal Party hierarchy, calling into question his ability to truly separate from his political past.

Before being appointed Speaker, Fergus served as president of the Young Liberals, overseeing the party’s youth recruitment and engagement efforts. He later ascended to the prominent role of National Director for the entire Liberal Party, essentially acting as the chief strategic advisor and campaign manager.

Fergus was a key architect of multiple Liberal campaigns on the road to power, using his political acumen to help elevate Trudeau’s profile and guide him to 24 Sussex. He was an influential voice in Trudeau’s inner circle, providing shrewd counsel.

According to party insiders, Fergus leveraged his formidable expertise to propel a disciplined campaign that outmaneuvered opponents and energized supporters. His creative strategies and measured leadership were instrumental in the Liberal victory.

Thus, it’s no surprise that the PM rewarded Fergus’s lifelong loyalty with the coveted Speaker role – an easy way to pad his parliamentary votes while keeping a trusted partisan ally close.

The Liberal response to the latest partisan ad scandal has been predictable. The party apologized and blamed the riding association for posting it without Fergus’s knowledge. A ludicrous defense for someone who is supposed to be nonpartisan.

Meanwhile, Trudeau has buried his head in the sand, insisting he still has full confidence in his close confidante. The PM played dumb on the troubling pattern of partisanship, deflecting criticism as merely more Conservative attacks.

Liberal MP Kevin Lamoureux complained “They have constantly … had it in for this Speaker.” 

But Canadians know better. The NDP must put the country over partisanship and vote to remove Fergus. Otherwise we are left with a Speaker who is hopelessly compromised and unable to serve the best interests of Parliament. 

But let’s be real here, Canadians shouldn’t expect much from Singh. It seems like all he cares about is securing his own pensions. 

By constantly propping up the Liberals, he’s essentially holding the entire country politically hostage. And it’s not just for a pension; it’s because he’s intoxicated with power. 

The motion to vacate the chair might not pass, but the demand for accountability is only going to get louder. Fergus will stay on as a lame-duck Speaker, serving Trudeau rather than Parliament.

This whole mess is just another example of Trudeau’s failed leadership and broken promises. He claimed he’d do politics differently, but he’s still rewarding close friends and insiders instead of making real changes.

On the other hand, Pierre Poilievre represents a new generation of principled, common-sense leadership for Canada. He’s committed to restoring integrity and accountability.

The Conservative leader respects the impartiality of the Speaker role and would appoint someone strictly nonpartisan.

Canadians are fed up with the endless games and Liberal scandals. 

It’s time for Trudeau to step aside for a Prime Minister who will put Canada first and clean up the partisan corruption infecting our democratic institutions. The path to a better future starts by removing Greg Fergus as Speaker.

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