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Biden vs. Trump 2024 Rematch: How the Extraordinary Showdown Might Go Down - Street Politics
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Biden vs. Trump 2024 Rematch: How the Extraordinary Showdown Might Go Down


It’s been a pretty interesting lead up to the 2024 presidential elections. In the aftermath of another disappointing election night for Republicans, many are wondering what this means for Election Day one year from now.

With Trump and Biden closing in on what seemingly looks like a tight race, it seems like it’s everyone’s game right now.

But with GOP candidates so behind Trump in numbers that one of them had to drop out of the race, and several Democrats admitting that Biden might lose against Trump, but at the same time they keep winning key elections, the whole showdown has been nothing short of spectacle and many speculations have been flowing around about how things could go down in 2024.

In the most recent election news, Republican Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake offered her solution to the GOP’s unsuccessful election run recently.

Lake told Fox News Digital that success at the polls will only come for Republicans if they have a major name on the ballot, and needless to say, there is no name more major than Donald Trump.

Kari Lake’s comments come after multiple election losses for the GOP, such as when Democrat Andy Beshear won the governor race in deep-red Kentucky. His win was considered a major blow to Republican hopes ahead of 2024.

Several Republicans pointed fingers at former President Donald Trump to explain their poor election results. One of them was Chris Christie, the former New Jersey governor who is currently challenging Trump in the GOP primary.

Christie turned to X, formerly Twitter, to outrightly blame Trump for the party’s recent losses, as well as claiming that the GOP’s losing streak will only end when the party rids itself of Trump.

While Christie has opted to consistently attack Trump as a way to gain leverage over his lead in the polls, other candidates had to throw the whole thing away altogether.

Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott abruptly announced late Sunday that he was officially dropping out of the 2024 race and suspending his campaign, a move that surprised his donors, campaign staff, and supporters alike.

In a recent interview with Fox News, Scott made the announcement.

In fact, Scott’s team were so caught off guard that they had sent an email urging supporters to send in their donations, just 13 minutes before his announcement.

Scott’s sudden exit from the race comes at a time when the rest of his former GOP opponents have struggled in competing in a race dominated by Trump, as he continues to lead the polls.

To put things in perspective, Scott was generally struggling in the polling department, despite immense financial support from his donors. It seems that Scott was always overshadowed, particularly when it comes to debating.

While other candidates resorted to making outlandish claims to stand out, Scott seemed more reserved and did not spar with his opponents.

Scott is actually the second major candidate to suspend their campaign, after Former Vice President Mike Pence suspended his campaign just 2 weeks ago.

It seems that Trump’s looming presence over the polling numbers is now more apparent than ever, with candidates either sparring on the debate stage to stand out, and others having to drop out entirely.

This sets the scene for how the elections could go, not just in terms of the GOP primary, which already seems to be closed in on Trump, but many have already started to wonder how another head-to-head battle between Trump and Biden could go.

In the aftermath of the recent GOP election losses in Virginia and Kentucky, it’s worth taking a look at how Democrats tend to succeed at the ballots, or to be more specific, how Biden manages to win elections despite immense pressure and criticism.

What we need to consider in particular, is the get-out-the-vote operations Democrats are using to ensure that voters get to the polls, specifically low-propensity voters.

Back in 2021, Biden instructed every federal agency to send in their plans to help the vote turn out. An example of this is agencies using their confidential data to reach partners who are not registered to vote, and then get them registered, in hopes that that their vote gets counted.
And with Biden’s approval rating currently at all-time low, you would think that Republican candidates should have the upper hand.

But the reality of the matter is that Biden probably doesn’t even want all voters to get to that polls, but instead wants Democrat voters to get to the polls – and vote for him.

And while Trump has the advantage of better polling numbers and overall a better approval rating according to several surveys, Democrats end up gaining their low-propensity voter ballots and behind-the-scenes tactics, and who knows if Biden will be able to pull it off in 2024.

On the other hand, however, things don’t necessarily look great for Biden either.

Many Democrats have voiced their serious concerns that while there may be general support for Biden’s Liberal agenda, there isn’t much support for the man himself, with many blaming his plummeting approval ratings on his age.

Among those in Biden’s party who have voiced concerns is presidential Democrat candidate Dean Phillip, who outrightly told reporters that Biden will most likely not win the election, and that the Democrats need a newer, fresher face to lead the party.

Only 38 percent of adults approve of Biden’s performance as president so far, according to a November Associated Press-NORC poll.

Whether support for Biden improves or not, that doesn’t take away from the fact that he is still the most probable front-runner of his party, as well as recent election successes for Democrats.

While for Republicans, Kari Lake really had a point when she highlighted that the only chance the GOP has, is if they stand behind a candidate like Trump, whose name can actually pull people to the polls.

It seems like the GOP has their work cut out for them, and need to stop sparring within their own party and focus more on actually winning.

As 2024 approaches, Republicans cannot afford to sit back and watch as Democrats gain yet another win with their voter ballots and intel Biden-backed agencies.

It’s a showdown that will be one for the books.

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