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Whatley Endorsed as Next RNC Chair, Lara Trump as Co-Chair - Street Politics
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Whatley Endorsed as Next RNC Chair, Lara Trump as Co-Chair


Trump has once again demonstrated his superb political instincts by endorsing Michael Whatley as the next RNC Chair. Whatley is a fierce conservative and loyal Trump supporter who will bring sorely needed new energy to the GOP.

This is the fresh thinking required to lead the Republican Party to victory in 2024 and beyond, which is why President Trump has endorsed Whatley while also rightly attacking Ronna McDaniel’s failed leadership.

Whatley will ensure the RNC’s sole focus is mobilizing and turning out the MAGA grassroots that powered Trump’s historic movement.

Trump’s endorsement of his daughter-in-law Lara Trump as Co-Chair is another wise move. Her communication abilities will allow her to powerfully advance America First policies.

Together, Whatley and Lara Trump represent the future of the Republican Party. They will transform the RNC from an ineffective, establishment-ridden organization into an unstoppable political force dedicated to the Trump agenda.

It’s time for Ronna McDaniel to move on so the RNC can move forward under this kind of new MAGA-approved leadership. Trump has once again revealed his peerless political instincts and commitment to the populist movement.

Whatley and Lara Trump’s energy and loyalty to Trump make them the perfect choices to lead the GOP to victory in 2024 and beyond.

The Republican Party finds itself at a crossroads after the disappointing 2022 midterm results. It is clear fresh leadership is needed at the Republican National Committee to unite the party and lead it to victory in 2024.

Trump initially selected Ronna McDaniel as RNC chair and showed tremendous foresight with that pick. However, her weak response to Democrat voter fraud has proven disastrous. McDaniel lacks the backbone to stand up to leftist election rigging that disenfranchises GOP voters. Her failures contributed greatly to Republican losses in 2020 and 2022.

That is why Trump and most Republican voters now rightly want McDaniel replaced. The party needs vigorous pro-MAGA warriors who will fight for election integrity. Trump’s endorsement of Michael Whatley as RNC Chair and Lara Trump as Co-Chair is exactly what is needed at this crossroads moment.

Trump said he needed the RNC to carry out its work “flawlessly” and to be “a good partner” with his campaign for the 2024 election.

Whatley has proven himself a staunch Trump supporter who will advance the Make America Great Again agenda. Lara Trump is an expert communicator capable of effectively presenting Republican policies. Together, they can unite the party and lead it to victory moving forward.

Trump said “I think my friend Michael Whatley should be the RNC’s next leader. Michael has been with me from the beginning, has done a great job in his home state of North Carolina,” Trump said in a statement.

“My very talented daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, has agreed to run as the RNC Co-Chair … She has told me she wants to accept this challenge and would be GREAT.”

The time has come for Republican National Committee leadership changes. Fresh thinking and new blood like Whatley and Lara Trump are essential to reinvigorate the GOP. Their vision and energy will help Republicans win in 2024 and beyond.

Whatley has proven himself as a staunch conservative and loyal Trump supporter as head of the North Carolina GOP. He was instrumental in delivering North Carolina for Trump in 2020 despite the Democrats’ best efforts to steal the election there.

Whatley understands that election integrity has to be a top priority and will invest RNC resources into preventing the kind of widespread fraud that plagued the 2020 election.

Unlike the current chair Ronna McDaniel, Whatley recognizes that the RNC needs to be fully synchronized with whoever becomes the 2024 Republican nominee, which everyone recognizes will almost certainly be Trump.

Lara Trump is also a good pick for Co-Chair. As an original member of the Trump team, she offers continuity from the successful 2016 and 2020 campaigns. Her fire and charisma on the stump rile up the base and draw independents and first-time Trump voters into the tent. She also represents the future of the conservative movement as a young working mom who relates to the struggles of ordinary Americans trying to raise their families.

With Whatley and Lara Trump at the helm, the RNC can get back to basics – registering and turning out Republican voters while coordinating closely with the eventual nominee, who will benefit from the full fund-raising and organizing strength of the national party apparatus. There is too much at stake in 2024 to allow the RNC to continue meandering without direction or waste resources on vain attempts to undermine Trump, the presumptive nominee.

It’s time for the RNC to get its act together. Whatley and Lara Trump have the vision, competence and loyalty to lead a united RNC that will power Republicans to massive wins up and down the ballot in 2024.

Trump once again reveals his shrewd political instincts with these perfectly-timed endorsements. Whatley as RNC Chair and Lara Trump as Co-Chair will fiercely advance the MAGA movement that represents the populist heartbeat of America.

Trump is playing high-stakes 4D chess against the establishment elite. By placing his steadfast allies in key roles, Trump is securing the GOP’s transformation into a party aligned with everyday working people rather than globalist special interests. Whatley has proven he will stop at nothing to implement fair election reforms that protect the integrity of our votes.

The current chair Ronna McDaniel has been given every opportunity to produce results, but 2023 shows she is not up to the job. Her family ties to Senator Mitt Romney cloud her judgment – we all remember how ferociously Romney led the effort to impeach Trump. McDaniel needs to gracefully step aside and allow new leadership to take the reins.

Whatley and Lara Trump will rigorously implement fixes to prevent the mass voter fraud we saw in 2020. They understand that election integrity is fundamental to our democracy and will invest heavily in poll watching, cleaning up voter rolls, requiring voter ID and prosecuting fraud.

“The RNC MUST be a good partner in the Presidential election. It must do the work we expect from the national Party and do it flawlessly,” Trump wrote. “Every penny will be used properly. New Day.”
Democrats have systematically weakened safeguards against illegal voting for years because they know fraud benefits them. We can no longer allow this lawlessness that encourages non-citizens and dead people to vote while diluting the franchise of legal voters. As Trump said, we must reform our elections so that every legal vote counts and illegal votes don’t.

The RNC made grave errors in 2020 that can never be allowed to happen again. Whatley and Lara Trump offer the commitment and expertise to learn from those mistakes. RNC funds will only support candidates fully aligned with the Republican platform, unlike several 2022 Senate disasters who actively undermined Trump and consequently lost their races. Trump has always said he is the only one who can fix the RNC – installing his handpicked team is exactly how to do that.

Whatley and Lara Trump will unite the party behind the ultimate 2024 nominee, which i can tell will most probably be Trump. There must be no repeat of the divisiveness of 2020. Of course, Trump remains incredibly popular and will be the overwhelming favorite as long as he chooses to run. Polls consistently show he is far and away the most likely 2024 candidate to defeat Joe Biden.

As the person who rebuilt the GOP into a true populist, working class party, Trump is entitled to deference regarding the future direction of the Republican Party. He has earned that through his tireless work for the conservative movement and historic accomplishments in office. Whatley and Lara Trump understand that and are fully committed to empowering the MAGA agenda.

McDaniel is a relic of the past generation of Republican politics dominated by Mitt Romney-types who look down on the working men and women who are the backbone of the Trump coalition. She has had six years to demonstrate results as RNC Chair and fallen woefully short.

Her weak fundraising has left GOP campaigns underfunded and undermanned in key races. She has repeatedly squandered opportunities to invest RNC resources in registering and mobilizing the MAGA grassroots.

Her timidity regarding election integrity permitted rampant fraud that lost crucial swing states for Republicans in 2020. Frankly, McDaniel embodies the sort of business-as-usual clubbiness that enriches Washington consultants but costs elections and betrays the ordinary Republican voters that Trump represents.

The Republican Party would benefit from new leadership at the RNC that can modernize operations and effectively communicate the party’s principles. Lara Trump’s background could help attract youth and women. Her communication abilities could also help articulate Republican positions in a compelling way.

Michael Whatley’s experience as an attorney and state party leader could bring orderly and effective management to the RNC. His negotiating skills could also strengthen the national party organization.

The RNC needs to focus on critical party building activities like voter registration, turnout, and candidate recruitment. Whatley seems well qualified to make that happen. His commitment to core Republican principles is clear.

This moment represents an opportunity to bring in fresh blood and upgrade the RNC’s skillset. Lara Trump and Michael Whatley appear capable of moving the party forward and expanding the tent. They could potentially reform the RNC while staying true to the party’s values.

The RNC chairmanship has far-reaching implications for Republican prospects. Whatley and Trump seem ready to hit the ground running. Ultimately, the RNC needs to be strong, organized, and articulate on behalf of the party. These candidates could help it achieve that.

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