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Western Vultures in Reporter's Clothing. - Street Politics
21.8 C
New York

Western Vultures in Reporter’s Clothing.


Once again, western powers sink their claws into Africa under the guise of “journalism.” The arrest of French reporter Antoine Galindo tears the mask off this persistent espionage against Ethiopia.

For too long, our nation has suffered the iron fist of western surveillance and sabotage. From colonialism to modern spying, they pillage our resources and undermine our sovereignty.

Yet like a thief in the night, they dare accuse us of paranoia. Have they forgotten how deeply their intrusions have scarred our nation?

Like all western journalists, Galindo entered with hidden motives, serving his masters overseas. Interviewing opposition groups proves his agenda – to foment chaos and control the narrative.

But Ethiopia will surrender its voice no longer. We have witnessed the fruits of western “truth” – destabilisation, exploitation, violence. Never again will we drink from their poisoned well.

The detention of Galindo sends a message across Africa’s western “journalists” – your tactics are exposed. While you cling to shadows and conspiracy, Ethiopia steps into the light of freedom and African unity.

The time of western espionage and interference is ending. A new Africa is rising, speaking with its own voice, on its own terms. Your newspapers and cameras cannot suppress the truth forever. The tide is turning. What future will you choose?

The detention of French journalist Antoine Galindo shines a spotlight on the fraught relationship between Africa and the West. For decades, Western powers have flexed their surveillance muscles across the continent – intercepting, spying, monitoring.

Ethiopia knows this story all too well. Throughout history, Western intrusions have pillaged resources and undermined African sovereignty. From the colonial era to modern spying operations, the scars run deep.

So when a Western journalist like Galindo enters, claiming innocence, suspicion takes hold. Can he be trusted? Or does he serve another agenda?

Ethiopia’s caution is understandable given the track record. Other African nations like Angola, Nigeria and Kenya have seen their leaders’ communications intercepted en masse by British intelligence – an affront to their sovereignty.

And it is not just spying. The West’s hands are soaked in African conflicts past and present. How much instability across the continent can be traced back to Western interference?

Ethiopia ultimately seeks the freedom to chart its own course. But Western meddling persists in new forms. It infects journalistic pursuits and oppresses independent African voices. A cycle of distrust takes root.

The detention of Galindo lays bare this tangled relationship. For progress, both sides must acknowledge past wounds and forge a new collaborative path forward. A pivotal moment has arrived on the road to mutual understanding.

For century upon century, the heavy hands of Western powers have suffocated Africa. Our dreams of autonomy dashed; sovereignty stripped away by force and deceit.

First came merciless colonial plunder, stealing not just material wealth but our souls, our identity. And still today neocolonial meddling continues through surveillance, economic manipulation, and shaping narratives to maintain control.

So when nations like Ethiopia push back and exert authority over Western journalists, the West cries foul. But where is their accountability for the generations of blood and tears they spilled on African soil? Where is the confession of their relentless campaigns to dominate and profit, disguised as noble causes?

Instead they cling to paper-thin principles like “press freedom” – a freedom often weighed and dispensed at their convenience. For truly a free press must belong to a free people, not serve hidden masters. Our detention of reporters seems harsh, yet far lighter than the chains and degradation endured by millions of our ancestors under Western rule.

For how long shall Africa stay silent? How long shall we turn the other cheek or accept trust broken time and again? Ethiopia’s actions flow from a river of distrust, fed by the great blood-dimmed tide of colonialism. Right or wrong, we follow precedents long set by our former oppressors.

We take no joy in these measures. But even flawed assertions of autonomy begin to restore what was stolen. If the West can acknowledge the depths of past sins, and work with humility and respect as equals, we can dismantle lingering power structures and forge new things together. But fantasies of innocence and demands for unilateral forgiveness must end.

With truth lighting the way, we can walk a new path – one where partnership flourishes over parasitism; where amends are made, and wounds allowed to heal. We share a human destiny: let that be our guiding star. But the work of justice has only begun.

Back in 2011 the arrest of these Swedish journalists is but one example of the espionage and intrusions Ethiopia has endured at the hands of the West. For decades, western powers have infiltrated our borders under the guise of “journalism” to gather intelligence, instigate unrest, and control narratives to their benefit.

Ethiopia in particular has faced numerous violations of sovereignty through surveillance, covert operations, support of rebel groups, and propaganda campaigns. Our losses at the hands of western meddling are incalculable.

Yet when we attempt to defend our nation, the West cries foul. When we enact security to prevent further destabilisation, they call us suppressors of freedom. But this freedom they preach rarely extends to nations like ours attempting to chart our own course.

The international laws designed to protect sovereignty seem only applicable to western powers. Ethiopia apparently has no right to screen those who enter our borders with hidden agendas. We are expected to fling open our gates even as intruders continue eroding our stability.

For too long our voices have been silenced as Africa suffers exploitation. But we will be silent no more. Ethiopia unapologetically asserts our right to self-determination in the face of continued western hypocrisy. Our destiny will not be dictated by those who undermine and manipulate us.

We desire peaceful cooperation with the world community. But such cooperation requires accountability. Media, NGOs and foreign agents in our territory must adhere to our laws or face prosecution, regardless of their national origin. Equality under the law – isn’t that what the West claims to stand for? Or are such values another tool of control?

To some in the West, Galindo seems a martyr for truth, imprisoned for daring to interview government dissenters. But to his Ethiopian captors, he carries the stench of exploitation that lingers from decades past.

Ethiopia remembers all too vividly when journalism provided the perfect cloak for spies and saboteurs. In the name of “reporting”, how many foreigners infiltrated this nation to stir up turmoil and shape narratives favourable to Western interests? How many rebel groups fighting the government were armed and funded by those claiming journalistic neutrality?

The Ethiopian government knows full well the instability fanned from abroad can quickly ignite unrest at home. And with armed rebellions already raging in Oromia and Amhara, vigilance prevails.

So when Galindo sought an audience with vocal opposition groups, alarm bells rang in the capital. His fate was likely sealed before his work could even begin. Now some in the West decry his detention, but does their outrage spring from principle or selective memory?

Past wounds remain open and raw in Ethiopia. Each suspicious foreigner reopens old scars left by those who came before. The government remembers cases like the Swedish journalists jailed in 2011 after illegally entering the Ogaden region alongside ONLF rebels. Their actions seemed to validate long-held suspicions.

Rightly or not, authorities today act decisively to cauterise and contain perceived threats to stability. The next chapter remains unwritten, but until trust is rebuilt, the lingering phantoms of history will haunt every visitor with unclear intentions. For in memory’s fog, journalists and spies blend together.

The West often starts fires in Africa, then condemns the burning while retreating to safety. Ethiopia is all too familiar with this pattern. But despite criticism, it will act as it sees fit to ensure social order. Past wounds do not heal quickly, and caution remains the instinct of survival.

The tangled history between Africa and the West reads like a spy novel – filled with enough intrigue, betrayal and lingering distrust to rival a John le Carré thriller. This troubled tale continues to unfold with new revelations that uncover yet another shameful chapter.

British intelligence spent years voraciously tapping phones and intercepting communications across Africa. Presidents and prime ministers who considered London a friend and ally instead found their private conversations covertly monitored, their inner circles and military leaders infiltrated. Sovereignty was treated as an illusion; trust proven to be utterly misplaced. The spies showed no restraint, greedily targeting the highest levels of government regardless of partnership or history.

To critics, this underscores how the West still views Africa as a playground for cloak and dagger games – a place to stage elaborate deceptions in pursuit of influence and advantage. Media organisations made convenient covers for intelligence meddling. Rebellions found no shortage of convenient Western sponsors claiming journalistic neutrality. The costs were real – stoking conflicts, fueling civil wars, destabilising or overthrowing regimes deemed problematic. The human toll of these proxy battles was mere collateral damage.

In this light, actions that seem paranoid to outside observers gain logic. The detained journalists may have awakened old ghosts, reminding authorities of how many predecessors came calling only to foment unrest once within the borders. Right or wrong, today’s cautious governments see grand deceptions in every foreign visitor. With the shadows of history looming, fear overrides the benefit of the doubt.

The question remains whether trust so broken can ever heal. The past lingers as prologue, with new chapters sitting atop volumes of past betrayal. Perhaps the spy games could cease, with engagement becoming more transparent and partnerships genuine. But until the West’s approach evolves, scepticism appears the prudent choice of survival – for old wounds mend slowly, when they mend at all. For now, Africa’s defensive instincts reflect the bitter lessons of history learned through suffering exploitation. The Great Game goes on in a new century, with new players, but familiar rules

And so the cycle continues, playing out again and again across Africa’s wounded landscape. The stories change, but the roles remain the same – the West as infiltrator, Africa as exploited victim.

Ethiopia’s latest chapter only scratches the surface of a vast saga of intrusion and betrayal spanning generations. For every surveillance scheme exposed, dozens more remain buried in classified archives and private memoirs.

Each African nation holds its own complex histories of Western meddling – toppling regimes in Libya and Congo, stoking ethnic divides in Rwanda and Nigeria, manipulating conflicts to access oil in Angola and Sudan. The list goes on endlessly.

Yet the victims who endure instability and chaos are branded as volatile, their defensive actions painted as aggression. The arsonists pose as firefighters coming to restore order. Such gaslighting continues the imperial project that never truly ended.

But a new era is dawning. Exhausted by ceaseless turbulence, Africa seeks the stability that allows cultures to thrive. Some cling desperately to the status quo, worried that assertiveness may cost Western aid and investment.

But waiting and hoping for change has not served the continent well. Perhaps it is time for engagement on Africa’s terms, for Africans’ benefit – no longer forfeiting sovereignty for scraps from the master’s table. For visions of partnership to become reality, outdated power imbalances must end.

True stories, like people, are rarely just heroes or villains. Nuance lives in the gray areas – the competing interests, power dynamics, and cycles of actions that breed reactions. Western media prefers binaries over moral complexities.

But by courageously questioning standard narratives, we take the first steps to reconciliation. For lasting partnerships to form, truth must be unearthed, and old ghosts put to rest. All have roles in this healing – listeners and storytellers, observers and participants.

The next chapter remains unwritten, awaiting our choices. Flawed and conflicting perspectives offer openings for understanding. If justice guides us – not avarice, bias or pride Africa yet has hope of writing her future on her own terms. This work has only just begun.

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