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Trump's vice president to be. - Street Politics
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New York

Trump’s vice president to be.


As Trump marches toward the Republican nomination, speculation intensifies over his potential pick for vice president. One former presidential hopeful turned staunch Trump supporter seems especially well-positioned as a leading VP contender. 

This young Southern senator quickly ended his own White House bid to back Trump. Now he serves as an enthusiastic surrogate, drawing crowds as he touts Trump’s record and agenda. His smooth oratory and debate skills would balance the ticket. 

Having proven his loyalty and effectiveness on the trail, Trump may reward this rising GOP star with the VP slot. The two have formed a close political partnership that could soon put this senator a heartbeat away from the presidency.

As Trump hunts his vice president, expect him to reward this rising Republican rock star for his service. The Trump train is about to pull into VP station and this senator could be hopping aboard.

The political evolution of Senator Tim Scott has been a fascinating one to observe. Hailing from South Carolina, Scott initially pursued his own presidential bid in 2024. However, his sunny vision for the country’s future failed to resonate in a Republican Party increasingly enamoured with Donald Trump’s aggressive populism.

What I learned on the campaign trail was people do want that, but they really want a bull in a china shop for a little while first.”. That is what he said about Trump and the reason he shifted to team Trump.

Facing poor polling and lacklustre fundraising, Scott made the pragmatic decision to exit the race early. Meanwhile, Trump barreled onwards, consolidating his frontrunner status through force of personality and hardline rhetoric.

It soon became clear to Scott that Trump’s grievance-driven campaign had captured the hearts of most GOP voters. As a savvy politician, Scott pivoted to align himself with the prevailing winds within the party.

Despite sharing a home state with rival Nikki Haley, Scott issued a full-throated endorsement of Trump in January. 

Since then, Scott has been an unwavering Trump surrogate, frequently joining him at rallies and debates across key primary states like South Carolina. Scott has attacked Haley in interviews and ads, showing no reservations about dimming her hopes.

At a recent North Charleston rally, Trump approvingly noted that Scott makes for a far better surrogate than he did a presidential candidate himself. Scott acknowledges focusing on Trump’s agenda rather than his own ambitions has been politically liberating.

By reading the trends within the GOP electorate and tailoring his message accordingly, Scott has skillfully kept himself relevant. While some may see opportunism at play, Scott likely rationalises that getting on board with Trump maximises Republican chances of victory.

How this alliance affects Scott and Trump’s clout long-term remains to be seen. But for now, Scott’s shifting loyalty exemplifies how Trump has consolidated power by bringing wayward politicians into the fold. Like many Republicans, Scott determined his best course was siding with Trump rather than fruitless resistance.

When Senator Tim Scott first embarked on his own presidential bid, he sincerely believed his uplifting message of faith, optimism and unity was what voters wanted to hear. However, as results trickled in showing him languishing near the bottom of the pack, Scott Finds it a chance to recalibrate.

It became increasingly clear that Republican voters were flocking to Trump’s brash, confrontational style. They loved his airing of grievances and calls for political retribution. Scott began to see his sunny, hopeful rhetoric was falling flat.

Analysing the trends, Scott made a calculated political move – he announced he was suspending his campaign and fully backing Trump instead.

Yet Scott was willing to boost his own fortunes by compromising Haley’s chances. He started joining Trump at rallies, passionately singing his praises. His vocal endorsement brought validity to Trump among sceptical conservatives.

Scott has clearly decided to ride the Trump train as far as it will take him. With a potential vice-presidential nod in sight, he is an eager passenger. Scott sees backing Trump as his best bet for remaining politically relevant.

But it was certainly a great shock to many that Scott chose to endorse Trump instead of Haley.

Given that Scott and Haley hail from the same state and share deep ties, his backing of Trump carried extra significance. Haley had elevated Scott’s career by appointing him to the Senate back in 2012.

Yet Scott decided Trump’s bold leadership and reform agenda were what voters wanted. Despite Haley’s meteoric rise at one point in the GOP primary, Scott saw the writing on the wall – Trump’s populist message was resonating across red state America.

And Trump has already proven his ability to shake up the status quo and deliver results, from tax cuts to Middle East peace deals. Scott trusts that Trump can reform healthcare, education, and immigration as promised if handed a second term.

Whereas Haley represented more of the same old Republican party, Trump vows to take a sledgehammer to the broken Washington system. That anti-establishment attitude excites the base, even as Trump ruffles some feathers with his abrasive rhetoric.

With Trump marching steadily toward the nomination after dominant primary wins, Scott wants to back a winner. He knows that puts him in contention for the VP slot.

But above personal ambition, Scott feels supporting Trump gives Republicans their best shot at victory. Trump already has the grassroots enthusiasm and small-dollar donor army needed to triumph.

A Trump-Scott ticket would also make history, putting two Black Republicans on the national GOP slate. Together, they can broaden the party’s appeal.

After his own presidential bid sputtered out early, Scott has emerged reinvigorated as a top surrogate for Trump. The president himself noted that Scott is a much better promoter of Trump’s platform than he was stumping for his own candidacy.

What you’re witnessing is just a guy who’s been free from the internal struggle on how to promote myself without being braggadocious,” he said.

And the numbers bear that out. With Trump marching steadily toward the Republican nomination after racking up primary wins, Scott wants to align with this proven winner.

By actively campaigning for Trump and singing his praises on cable news, Scott is right in the conversation for the coveted VP slot if Trump secures the White House again.

Even if he isn’t tapped for the ticket, Scott will likely be rewarded with a prominent administration position for his staunch loyalty. He could really bolster his profile and resume with a role in a second Trump presidency.

Scott is no fool – he knows hitching himself to Trump’s runaway train gives him his best shot at remaining relevant and advancing his political career.

He wants to lend his energetic support to get Trump back in the Oval Office. Trump has praised Scott for being a much better surrogate for the president than he was stumping for himself.

If Scott helps drive voter turnout and enthusiasm in the general election, the rewards will keep flowing his way in a 2nd Trump administration.

The savvy senator knows that by betting on Trump, he’s really betting on himself and his own future. So far, that wager is paying off handsomely for Tim Scott.

During this time, old pals of Tim Scott feel stung by his embrace of Trump, seeing it as a betrayal of his sunny vision. But Scott would say he’s just adapting to current realities, not abandoning his core beliefs.

Scott’s friend Jeff sees endorsing Trump as mere political opportunism. But Scott likely believes he’s backing the horse most likely to win – and deliver results.

To Scott, getting on board the Trump train is savvy politics, not selling out. Trump’s grip on the GOP base is iron-clad. Scott wants to stay relevant, not fade into obscurity.

And privately, Scott seems genuinely jazzed by Trump’s take-no-prisoners approach. So this isn’t just cold political calculus for Scott, it’s conviction too.

Scott praised Pence’s election certification and wants fair voting. But he knows today’s GOP wants a fighter, not a happy optimist.

Rather than resist this new reality, Scott has adapted. He aims to reform the system from within, not posture from the outside.

His allies wished for purity, but Scott chose pragmatism. By endorsing Trump with passion he expressed this Publicly when Trump noted Haley’s appointment of Scott.  “You must really hate her,” Trump said. 

Scott, always the optimist, walked up to the microphone and said: “I just love you.”

At the end of the day, hitching to Trump’s rising star benefits Scott enormously. He wins if Trump wins. And even if Trump loses, Scott gains from the alliance. It was a strategically brilliant move.

Scott brings the sunny optimism, Trump brings the sledgehammer. This unlikely duo could be an unstoppable force. 

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