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Trump Slams Corrupt Prosecutor as He Resigns - Street Politics
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Trump Slams Corrupt Prosecutor as He Resigns


Introduction to The Corruption

Trump took a rightful victory lap with the recent bombshell news of Fulton County prosecutor and special Fani Willis’ lover Nathan Wade resigning completely from the sham Trump case.

While Mr. Wade’s resignation provides a small measure of justice, it does not resolve the underlying flaws with the prosecution. As President Trump’s legal team has argued, this case represents an infringement of his First Amendment rights and abuse of the justice system for political gain.

This changes nothing with Willis tainting her case further and making it hard for an objective jury to do their job right after acknowledging her bias and dishonesty in court.

However and through all the sham and corrupt democratic cases against Donald Trump, he is still proving to be the voice of the masses with him securing the primary nomination for the republican party alongside leading in almost every poll and swing state as the people of the United States reject crooked Joe Biden.

Trump Celebrate Some Justice

In quite shocking but very much deserved news, Fulton county prosecutor and Fani Willis’ lover, Nathan Wade, has resigned from the case against Trump in Georgia absurdly citing how “this is an important step for the continuation of the case and the delivering of justice”.

What justice exactly is he talking about? Or has the democratic brainwashing propaganda made him believe his own lies against the former president in regards to election interference? I believe the answer is pretty clear.

But alas, the withdrawal of Fulton County special prosecutor Nathan Wade from the politically motivated case against former President Trump should be a clear cut victory for justice and integrity.

This baseless prosecution targeting the 45th President was an egregious abuse of power by the leftist Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

By appointing her alleged romantic partner as special prosecutor, Willis showed incredibly poor judgement and clear interference unbecoming of her position and office.

Former President Trump acted entirely appropriately in his challenges to Georgia’s 2020 election results.

As more evidence emerges of irregularities and illegal changes to election procedures, former President Trump’s concerns have been vindicated through and through.

This case represented a blatant attempt by a hilariously blatant partisan prosecutors in hopes to criminalise policy differences and exert control over future Republican candidates, starting with but not limited to former President Donald Trump.

The resignation of Wade, following accusations of an improper relationship with Willis, removes a single corrupt element in a sea of many in the form of a conflicted and outright dishonest prosecutor.

Trump was content enough with the result to take a much deserved victory lap as he went to his social media “Truth Social” to highlight the recent developments while emphasising how huge of a step this is to finally getting full justice from all of Trump’s democratic enemies.

However, Conservatives and even Trump to a certain extent realise the folly of the case and the ruling by judge Scott McAfee, in delivering justice through certain means without addressing all the other issues plaguing the sham case.

Trump is Still Owed More

As Trump attorney Steve Sadow correctly stated, the court did not give due weight to the stunning misconduct of Fani Willis and Nathan Wade’s love affair.

The two clearly lied about the timing and nature of their relationship, while benefiting financially at taxpayer expense.

Willis showed atrocious judgement and unmasked to reveal her true crooked features when she brazenly hired her intimate partner and then lied under oath by concealing her relationship. Her credibility is and should be forever shattered.

The mere appearance of such an improper relationship should be sufficient enough grounds for both Willis and Wade to be removed.

That the affair likely predated Wade’s appointment reveals this case as a partisan witch hunt rather than impartial law enforcement. Willis treated her office like a dating service to appoint an ally against a political foe in Trump.

Even with Wade’s resignation, Willis remains irredeemably tainted by her actions. She has proven herself a deeply partisan and unethical prosecutor.

The idea that former President Trump could receive a fair trial from her office is absurd.

Willis has repeatedly demonstrated her determination to misuse the justice system as a weapon against conservatives.

This prosecution sought to infringe President Trump’s First Amendment rights and weaponize the justice system for political gain. As the left wishes to intimidate and silence conservatives who dare to question election processes.

They want to delegitimize President Trump ahead of the 2024 campaign by pursuing bogus charges.

Furthermore and according to legal experts, the damage done makes selecting an unbiased jury nearly impossible.

Most Americans are already familiar with this high-profile case, given nonstop media coverage.

Adding Willis’ sordid scandal into the mix makes exclusions for cause even more likely during jury selection. It will be incredibly difficult to find citizens unaware of the prosecutorial misconduct

Prospective jurors cannot realistically set aside their knowledge of the improper relationship or Willis’ blatant dishonesty under oath.

Those informed about the case will inevitably view prosecutors as biased and corrupt. It defies human nature to classify and designate such prejudicial information when deciding on guilt or innocence.

Willis’ continued inflammatory political rhetoric also makes selecting a fair jury harder.

Her decision to play the race card and falsely malign President Trump in a church appearance back in January of this year, reinforces her partisan and corrupt motivations.

The speech now in retrospect has become a bastion of embarrassment for every democrat that thinks their misdeeds and rampant corruption will never be held accountable in the court of law.

The way Willis is so confident in her words and perspective, about how her choice of Nathan Wade was her only “doing her job” and picking the right persecutor, is hilarious to think about after all the evidence of their misconduct we have right now.

Reasonable citizens will have grave concerns about the case after observing Willis’ unethical actions and commentary. She has single handedly compromised the possibility of true justice.

Every step Willis and her lover take is somehow more of a backwards misstep than the one that came before it.

Their appalling actions recall the tactics of banana republics, where political winners routinely imprison the opposition.

Most Americans find such behaviour repugnant and contrary to our traditions and beliefs.

Even President Trump’s worst critics should oppose criminal investigations of policy differences, lest that weapon be turned against them one day.

Now that Wade has resigned, Willis’ only right move forward is to drop this sham of a case altogether.

She has proven herself a deeply partisan prosecutor willing to misuse her office to target political enemies in Trump.

The damage she has already caused to public trust in Georgia’s legal system cannot be undone. But terminating this baseless prosecution would at least show belated wisdom on her part.

Trump Keeps Winning

But even with the closing of this case, the democratic circus keeps moving forward with Trump’s resolve staying as steady as ever.

Last week, the liberal Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, was forced to delay the trial by 30 days due to his office’s failure to properly share evidence. As if the Democrats’ ineptitude and manipulation wasn’t laid bare enough for the world to witness.

The Manhattan DA’s attempt to charge former President Trump criminally regarding the baseless hush money payment is an absurd abuse of power.

As Trump’s attorneys correctly argue, it weaponizes routine non-disclosure agreements for partisan gain. The case has always been politically motivated and ethically questionable at best.

Bragg’s failure to properly share evidence with President Trump’s defense team confirms the prosecution’s underhandedness. Withholding exculpatory evidence is grounds for dismissal. The required 30-day delay may not even give Trump’s lawyers adequate time to process 74,000 undisclosed pages.

This appalling lack of transparency suggests Bragg knows the case against Trump is weak.

His office seems to have deliberately delayed turning over records to gain a tactical advantage.

Such unethical behaviour irreparably taints any possibility of a fair trial, which is a sentence that the patriotic American people are tired of righteously overusing in the past however many years and in defence of Trump.

Even Though the Democrats seem relentless in their effort to jail their political opponent and the former president, Trump is proving that their efforts are in vain when the people of the great United States voice their opinion in supporting Trump return to his seat in the oval office.

With Trump’s landslide primary victories, he has cemented his status as the presumptive 2024 Republican nominee, alongside leading nationally and in every major swing state like Florida, Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden limped to the Democratic nomination despite trailing badly in general election matchups against Trump.

These contrasting outcomes underscore that momentum and enthusiasm are clearly with the Trump campaign.

Biden is now reduced to dismissing polls showing him losing handily to Trump as inaccurate. But he is wrong.

What Biden cannot accept is that voters prefer Trump’s America First agenda over his woke failures.

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