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Trump Exposes Corrupt Judge Taking Money from Democrats - Street Politics
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New York

Trump Exposes Corrupt Judge Taking Money from Democrats



The bogus hush money case against Donald Trump just went nuclear with explosive new revelations of judicial corruption.

A conflict of interest is clear as Judge Juan Merchan’s daughter was revealed to be running a progressive consulting firm raking in millions of dollars for Trump haters like Adam Schiff by citing the charges against Trump in blatant campaign solicitations.

Over $20 million flowed into Schiff’s coffers demonising Trump’s indictment. And Merchan’s daughter’s company pocketed a cool $25 million from Schiff and other anti-Trump vultures for digital services, all while her dad oversees the weaponized case against Trump.

This comes after Trump was slammed publicly for comments criticising Judge Merchan’s daughter for suspicion of foul play. Turns out he was right once again.

And now bias and corrupt Judges like Reggie Walton, who attacked Trump for his aforementioned comments, look like complete tools with legal experts lambasting the unnecessary public stunt as just another democratic attack with no basis to stand on.

The judicial swamp is proving beyond any doubt that the whole system is rigged against Trump.

Trump is Proven Right as A Scandal Brew

Alarm bells are ringing over serious potential and unethical conflicts of interest regarding the judge overseeing former president Donald Trump’s upcoming corrupt hush money trial in New York.

Judge Juan Merchan’s continued role in the case raises serious and righteous ethical questions given his daughter, Loren Merchan, and her lucrative work for top democratic figures and clients using none other than the prosecution case against Trump as a fundraising tool.

Loren Merchan is president of Authentic Campaigns, a progressive consulting firm whose top clients include Trump nemesis Rep. Adam Schiff and the lead prosecutor in Trump’s first impeachment trial.

So a prosecutor that has already worked to jail Trump undeservedly and the corrupt daughter of one of the judges, currently working on jailing and punishing Trump undeservedly, are both making insane amounts of money off of this sham case against Trump; what a very expected twist and revelation to the hidden connection between slimy democrats looking to band together to take down Trump.

Since the former president’s indictment last April, Schiff’s campaign raked in an astonishing $20 million in donations explicitly citing the charges against Trump in brazen solicitation emails.

Schiff embarrassingly showcased his bias and allegiance in the emails when he talked about how shocking it is for Trump to be convicted, only for Schiff to express disdain for Trump by mocking the former president for even attempting to fight the wrongful indictment and clear his name and reputation.

Schiff used the case against Trump to fuel his campaign and message, tell me again why would anyone believe the democrats’ and their disgusting lies about election interference from Trump when they jump at the opportunity with every chance they get?

The Senate Majority PAC, another Authentic client and one that drives benefits forward to support Democratic Senate campaigns, pocketed $73 million using similar and slimy anti-Trump fundraising tactics.

The Majority PAC sent fundraising emails as soon as the former president was indicted.

In total, Authentic has racked up over $25 million by doing dirty business with Schiff and the PAC ever since Trump’s indictment.

This eye-popping money trail shows Judge Merchan’s daughter is profiting handsomely from weaponizing her father’s case against the former president. Yet Merchan continues overseeing the trial despite an obvious appearance of bias.

How is this not blatant political interference and corruption? Why are the crooked cases against Trump still ongoing with evidence after evidence piling up to reveal Biden and the democrats’ influence?

Worse yet, Judge Merchan’s daughter’s political activism further colours this conflict of interest.

She worked for none other than Kamala Harris on her failed 2020 presidential campaign. And they expect us to believe that she has no connection with the current president, Joe Biden.

Authentic, as a political entity, runs overtly partisan campaigns focusing on electing Democrats over Republicans.

Merchan already rejected one recusal motion last August. But this new evidence makes the case for his removal air-tight.

Trump Responds

No reasonable person can argue Merchan will remain impartial with his own daughter’s income and firm’s success tied to Trump’s political destruction.

And Trump agrees wholeheartedly with the idea that the corrupt and paid judge should leave the case immediately to avoid any bias further fueling the sham case against the former president.

Trump spearheaded a response to the news on his social media platform “Truth Social” with him expressing and highlighting how the United States’ current legal system is corrupt and a disgrace to everything this great nation should live up to.

He then brought out the fact that legal experts from all across America backed him up and called for the sham cases and political attacks against him to be dropped immediately.

Trump’s rhetoric is on point as his words and warnings continue to prove to be a gospel for every keen patriotic American.

But democrats will predictably cast any criticism of Merchan as an attack on judicial independence. But it is Merchan himself who compromised his objectivity by presiding over a case so directly enriching his immediate family.

Recusal does not undermine impartial courts. It preserves what is left of the public trust by avoiding even the appearance of impropriety. Here, the conflict of interest is plain as day.

Merchan’s wildly inappropriate gag order further confirms his bias. He banned Trump from criticising the partisan prosecutors, yet left him free to rightfully assail the Republican governor who originally appointed Merchan. This distorted double standard screams prejudice.

This information and confirmation of Trump’s previous claims and warnings showcase exactly why the bias manhattan prosecutors were adamant about Trump’s gag orders being expanded after he mentioned judge Merchan’s daughter the first time. Trump sniffed out some foul play and the deep state did not want him to investigate further to uncover the harsh truth.

The Democrats Are Doing Everything They Can

It all started with Prosecutors wanting Merchan to forbid the former president from mentioning his daughter Loren’s lucrative work for Democrats using the very case Merchan is presiding over, by exploiting a gag order against Donald Trump to stifle legitimate criticism and expand judicial censorship.

This brazenly violates First Amendment protections. Trump has every right to voice concerns over the judge’s impartiality given his daughter’s financial ties to Trump’s political enemies. But you won’t see the crooked democrats follow or abide by the United States’ constitution.

What you will see however is every individual with any power or authority – especially if the authority happens to be his job and position as a prosecutor or judge in the countless sham cases against Trump – come out of the woodwork to give their bias, useless, and unnecessary comment that no sensible American ever asked or hoped for.

This is the case with the likes of Judge Reggie Walton of the District of Columbia federal court making a severe ethical lapse by publicly commenting on Donald Trump’s aforementioned call out.

As a defendant in an active case before Walton, Trump deserves an impartial arbiter who avoids even the appearance of prejudice. And that’s why Walton’s remarks to the media should cast a serious doubt on his ability to objectively preside over Trump’s trial.

Walton told CNN he found Trump’s complaints about New York Judge Juan Merchan “very disconcerting.”

He sanctimoniously lectured about the importance of “independent judicial officers” and admonished Trump for supposedly threatening the “rule of law.”

But the thing is Trump did not threaten Judge Merchan’s daughter or call her out of nowhere. Trump explicitly did what he had to do to fight the rampant injustice and corruption that is stacked against him and his re-election campaign. And he ended up absolutely right, once again.

Legal experts like John Shu, who is a constitutional attorney, commented on Judge Walton’s comments and how unseemly it is for the Judge to publicly comment on an active case when one of Trump’s active sham cases is in the judge’s court.

Carrie Severino of Judicial Crisis Network noted the hypocrisy of those now praising Walton even as they ignored smear campaigns against conservative Supreme Court justices.

This chorus of expert outrage demonstrates that Walton crossed a bright ethical line. Sitting judges cannot publicly opine on active defendants in their courtrooms.

Walton’s rebuke of Trump’s free speech reveals yet another irreparable conflict of interest. Democrats just can’t help but trip over each other in their blind hatred for Trump even when they are trying to work together to take him down.

Trump deserves due process and impartial justice like any other American.

This witch hunt against Trump has repeatedly abused power to handicap his defence with smear campaigns and banana courts, but tyranny has its limit and the American people have had enough.

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