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Trudeau Scrambles to Contain Carbon Tax Revolt - Street Politics
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Trudeau Scrambles to Contain Carbon Tax Revolt


It’s no secret that Trudeau is in trouble. His carbon tax is under fire, with new reports confirming it hurts families more than it helps. 

Now, his loyal media lackeys are spinning tall tales, falsely claiming the tax makes Canadians better off. It’s misinformation from a desperate Prime Minister whose failed policies are tanking with voters. 

However, Trudeau’s day of reckoning is coming. His carbon tax house of cards is collapsing. And no amount of fake news and cries of “misinformation” can change the fact that axing the tax will put more money back in the pockets of hard-working families. 

The only question is, will he go down with his ship, or change course before it’s too late?

Are his media cheerleaders printing propaganda left-and-right enough? Or will Trudeau and the Liberals end up paying the price?

One thing is for sure – the tax must go. And if Trudeau won’t axe it, voters will axe him instead.

While Trudeau has been taking hit after hit in the House of Commons by several MPs, and with his plummeting poll numbers, it seems he is now scrambling to get it back together.

A recently released article in The Globe and Mail by Tony Keller was based on the claim that you will be worse off if you pay less tax.

While many Canadians struggle daily just to be able to put roofs over their heads and food on the table, under the crushing burden of Trudeau’s carbon tax, some people have the audacity to claim that they’d be even worse off without it.

Tony Keller’s article is clearly an attempt by a Trudeau loyalist to defend the deeply unpopular carbon tax. With Poilievre surging in the polls on his pledge to axe the tax, Trudeau’s media allies are spinning fiction to protect the Prime Minister’s flailing policy.

Keller disingenuously claims scrapping the carbon tax won’t leave Canadians better off financially. But that’s demonstrably false. 

The Parliamentary Budget Officer, an independent watchdog, released a credible finding that 60% of families pay more in carbon tax costs than they receive from the government rebate.

So Keller is flat out wrong – the carbon tax leaves most families poorer, not better off.

Pierre Poilievre made sure to not miss the opportunity to call Trudeau out on his schemes, heading to the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, to expose the Prime Minister, pointing to the Parliamentary Budget Officer’s report.

Beyond the PBO’s report, everyday Canadians are experiencing the hit of higher gas, groceries, and home heating costs caused by the tax. In reality, what Keller calls a “small defect” feels like a major punch in the pocketbook for working families struggling with inflation.

By publishing such easily disprovable misinformation, Keller reveals his bias. He’s not interested in facts, only defending Trudeau’s failed, unaffordable carbon tax at all costs. His article is fiction dressed up as analysis to provide cover for a floundering Prime Minister.

But Keller aside, can Trudeau really pull this off? Can he successfully make his cronies try to clean up his tainted image?

All criticism aside, it makes perfect sense that any floundering politician losing ground among supporters would leave no stone unturned in an attempt to win back trust.

And it seems that for Trudeau, desperate times call for desperate measures.

So, how does he do this exactly?

Trudeau’s go-to tactic of accusing critics of “misinformation” reveals the desperation of a flailing leader, trying to control the narrative as his political fortunes decline. 

However, this sad attempt at damage control is unlikely to resuscitate Trudeau’s credibility. The credibility gap has simply grown too wide at this point. Coming from a Prime Minister repeatedly found guilty of ethics violations, the accusations of misinformation from his critics ring hollow.

And it’s not just about Trudeau dismissing criticism, it’s also about him spreading misinformation himself in an attempt to save face.

Back on October 31st in the House of Commons, Trudeau not only dismissed Conservative concerns as “misinformation,” but also said that the carbon tax puts “money back in the pockets of 8 out of 10 Canadians.”

While the Parliamentary Budget Officer’s report completely debunked those claims, that still doesn’t stop Trudeau.

That’s not the only time the Prime Minister used the word “misinformation” as a protective shield from possible criticism.

The Conservatives recently exposed how Trudeau’s $15 billion corporate handout to Stellantis was being used to hire over 1,600 foreign workers rather than create jobs for Canadians. This revelation was highly embarrassing for Trudeau, who had promised the subsidies would provide “good jobs” for Canadians.

Even Stellantis admitted they were bringing in South Korean workers during construction. But both Trudeau and his Innovation Minister François-Philippe Champagne still had the audacity to accuse the Conservatives of “misinformation” for daring to mention the presence of foreign workers.

On a completely different occasion back in February, Trudeau used the same tired tactic to deflect criticism.

Trudeau’s soft-on-crime bill C-75 made it harder to keep dangerous criminals locked up before trial. So much so that repeat offenders are being released on bail and committing more violent crimes.

But Trudeau continued to defend his disastrous bill and deny bail laws were weakened, accusing critics of “misinforming Canadians.”

Mislabeling legitimate criticism and data as “misinformation” is in itself a form of information manipulation. Trudeau damages his credibility with such over-the-top rhetorical games rather than boosting it.

So, in reality, the whole thing just backfires on him. At the end of the day, the conclusion that many Canadians take away is that Liberals love to deflect, not that Trudeau is a poor, falsely accused man in the public eye.

And what Trudeau also seems to forget is that Canadians have access to independent data and can think for themselves. 

Claims about the carbon tax’s costs versus rebates can be easily verified. Assertions about foreign workers at the battery plant can be readily fact-checked. Voters are fully capable of informing themselves and seeing through Trudeau’s rhetorical spin, so why does he think he can easily manipulate them like they’re sheep?

Honestly, in my humble opinion, sometimes it seems like he doesn’t even try to be believable.

Treating thoughtful critics and engaged voters like idiots unable to distinguish fact from fiction is unlikely to win back their trust. If anything, it insults Canadians’ intelligence. Trudeau’s credibility takes another hit each time he keeps crying about “misinformation” to defend his own interests.

And at this point, the technique is overused to the point of meaninglessness.

So can Trudeau really keep this whole “label anything and everything as misinformation so no one can criticize me” scheme going? The truth of the matter is: No, he cannot.

Why? Well, because he’s been doing this for months, possibly years, and it doesn’t seem to be working out for him.

According to recent polling by Ipsos, most Canadians, specifically 3 in 4, believe Trudeau should resign as Prime Minister immediately. Even among those who support the Liberal Party, one-third think the party needs new leadership under a different leader to replace Trudeau. The poll reveals widespread dissatisfaction with Trudeau’s leadership across party lines. Most Canadians feel it is time for him to step aside.

Not just that, but according to the Angus Reid Institute, a whopping 64 percent disapprove of Trudeau.

So, indeed, his tactics seem to be failing.

What this could mean for the next election still remains uncertain. But the numbers point to that many Canadians are not only losing faith in Trudeau, but also distancing themselves from the Liberal Party overall. Trudeau’s unpopularity appears to be damaging the entire Liberal brand, not just himself.

The big beneficiary here could be Pierre Poilievre, whose plain-spoken style offers a crisp contrast to Trudeau’s tired rhetoric and ethics baggage. 

Many Canadians seem ready for a fresh start under a new leader not prone to blaming others for his own failings. It seems that Trudeau’s immaturity may have single-handedly revived the Conservative’s fortunes.

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