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Trudeau schooled for criticizing democracy skeptics - Street Politics
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Trudeau schooled for criticizing democracy skeptics


A new video circling around the internet is shocking Canadians all over the country. It seems that at a recent press conference, our beloved prime minister Trudeau was severely scolded for the hypocrisy of claiming to stand for democracy while his actions say otherwise. The heated conversation in the footage confirms worries about Trudeau’s undemocratic behavior.

The video captures the growing anger over Trudeau’s controlling actions – hostility and mocking aimed at reasonable concerns about government overreach.

Amid nationwide upset over the footage, a dire truth becomes clear – the Prime Minister sees basic freedoms as expendable roadblocks to unlimited power. Public backlash seems not to matter.

With Bill C-63, Trudeau wants to censor legal speech he doesn’t like. This Trojan horse bill would control online talks under elite supervision. An authoritarian nightmare emerging before Canadians’ eyes.

Now Trudeau’s undemocratic colors stand exposed for all to see. Will citizens bow to growing totalitarianism? Or has freedom’s final hour come at last? How the public responds could define Canada’s character for generations. The stakes are extremely high.

A chilling new AI-generated video portrays a dictatorial Justin Trudeau being brutally schooled for cracking down on free speech in his controversial Online Harms bill. While imaginary, it powerfully shows the fears of many Canadians regarding the Prime Minister’s increasingly authoritarian actions.

The satirical video raises an alarming question – with Trudeau’s attempts to control online speech, how long before even AI-created parodies criticizing the government are banned? Could Canada become a nation where dissent of any kind is crushed through force and censorship?

The video paints a dire warning of a future where once-sacred rights like freedom of expression no longer exist. Where an unconstrained government monitors thoughts and words to stamp out dissent. And where leaders rule by instilling fear rather than earning respect. A nightmare Canadians have long believed could never happen here.

Canadians have long prided themselves on being a free and democratic society. One where fundamental rights like freedom of expression are cherished and protected. But Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s proposed online harms legislation threatens to undermine those values in profound ways.

Rather than thoughtfully addressing concerns about the bill’s impacts on civil liberties, Trudeau simply labels critics as undesirables not worth listening to. It’s a tactic straight from the dictator’s playbook. One many Canadians find deeply troubling from the leader of a supposedly free country.

The Online Harms Bill, labeled C-63, grants the government broad new powers to censor legal speech it deems “harmful.” A new Digital Safety Commissioner, appointed solely by the ruling party, would have unchecked authority to create rules limiting expression. Fines up to $50,000 could be levied against those deemed non-compliant.

Canadians could also face harassment complaints through the Canadian Human Rights Commission for speech considered offensive or hateful. Accused individuals would have limited rights to defend themselves in these extra-judicial proceedings. Even comedians telling edgy jokes aren’t safe under the legislation’s expansive reach.

Essentially, the bill would regulate everyday conversations and interactions. Empowering authorities to police thought and speech to an unprecedented degree. Prime Minister Trudeau seems to believe only the enlightened few in power should decide what Canadians are allowed to see, hear and say.

It’s easy to envision how such tools could be abused down the road by less scrupulous leaders. The bill allows tribunals to deny those accused of the ability to even confront their accuser. Sacrificing fundamental justice to vaguely defined “online harms.”

It’s pretty ironic to see the same Liberal government that got upset over Tucker Carlson’s “hateful” comments now pushing a bill that would let the authorities widely censor speech. Their hypocrisy is obvious.

When speech they don’t like crosses some vague line, it’s “hate” that needs to be stopped. But their own law targeting unfavorable opinions is apparently fine. It seems for power-hungry leaders like our Prime Minister, the motto is “Hate speech is anything I don’t like.”

If this becomes law, it will certainly be used to silence opposing voices, not just real bigotry. After all, once the government can censor speech, they rarely hold back from squashing legitimate criticism that threatens their goals or agenda.

Even Putin made an indirect parallel between Trudeau and Hitler when he openly mocked Trudeau’s invitation of a Nazi to his official reception for Zelensky during his interview with Tucker Carlson.

Trudeau’s personal vendettas are also evident in the legislation’s intent. For years, he has openly scapegoated critics of his pandemic response – especially the Freedom Convoy protesters. Bill C-63 looks tailor-made to silence dissenting voices and ideas on social media he finds disagreeable.

The Prime Minister once proudly declared Canada had no core identity or values. But freedom of expression has always been a cornerstone of our society. One that separates us from repressive regimes elsewhere that restrict speech and thought. This hard won right should not be tossed away lightly to satiate Trudeau’s control fantasies.

Canadians have a long tradition of openness, acceptance and mutual respect spanning cultural differences. These remain aspirations to strive towards, not yet fully realized. But the path forward is through greater open dialogue, not government suppression of speech it arbitrarily deems unacceptable.

True diversity means hearing difficult and uncomfortable opinions. Progress comes from challenging preconceptions through debate in the search for truth – not marching in lockstep conformity to the ruling orthodoxy. In free countries, no one gets to define approved beliefs.

The Online Harms Bill threatens to upend these ideals in favor of Trudeau’s personal values enforcement. Canadians understandably feel uneasy at the prospect of an elite few hand picking which opinions can and cannot be expressed. Censoring thoughts and ideas does not make them disappear. It simply drives them underground and leads to further polarization.

Many have questioned the government’s true motives behind Bill C-63. While marketed as protecting kids, Justice Minister Arif Virani let slip the real target during an interview. He explains the bill’s purpose is to crack down on internet “anarchy” the state can’t control. It’s not about shielding children – it’s about shielding the Liberal party from dissent and accountability.

This surprising admission shows the controlling mindset behind the bill. The government seems to see the free sharing of ideas online as dangerous “anarchy” that challenges their power.

Instead of a tool for empowering people and democracy, they view an uncontrolled internet as weakening the control they want. Bill C-63 is not really about fixing clear harms. It’s about taming the open exchange of ideas that politicians see as threatening their influence over what people think.

A society that can’t work through disagreements peacefully will end up with even bigger issues later on. Can Canada keep its values of acceptance, diversity, and fairness for all if the government alone gets to decide right and wrong? Or should people be free to make up their own minds on controversial topics through open debate and discussion?

These questions cut to the heart of Canada’s democratic traditions. While the Prime Minister cracks down on free speech, many Canadians are engaging in serious soul searching. If fundamental rights can be suspended whenever the government deems it convenient, do they really exist at all?

The Trudeau government’s online harms bill gives authorities a lot of new power to limit freedoms based on vague guesses that someone might commit a hate crime later on. The Justice Minister defended parts of the law that let police put electronic tags on people or order them to stay home if they think the person could commit a hate crime in the future. They don’t need proof the person actually broke any laws yet – just suspicion.

This turns innocent until proven guilty and due process upside down. People’s freedoms would be severely restricted just because of subjective predictions they might do something bad later. This lays the groundwork for a police state where Canadians can lose their rights based on arbitrary decisions.

The government has shown little self-control in calling legitimate disagreement dangerous extremism when it helps their political goals. Giving authorities power to limit the rights of “possible future criminals” would almost definitely lead to overreach and abuse.

From mass arrests of Freedom Convoy protesters to freezing bank accounts, Trudeau has repeatedly shown he doesn’t care much about civil liberties that get in his way. Few Canadians trust this government to fairly balance individual rights versus state power. Especially when new laws take advantage of public fears over rare but serious crimes as an excuse to expand social control.

The AI video has shown the concerns lots of people have about the Prime Minister’s controlling ways. Even though it’s made up, it seems real in showing Trudeau’s disrespect for thoughtful criticism of the government going too far.

His casual brushing off of such reasonable worries says everything. Canadians deserve a leader who talks through disagreements, not just mocks them. The online public square has revealed Trudeau’s undemocratic mindset for everyone to see.

With each rude dismissal of critics and growth of the surveillance state, Justin Trudeau shows his gradual move toward total dictatorship. His Online Harms bill is an insult to every freedom Canadians value deeply. A self-obsessed leader drunk on power does not belong in a democracy.

Acting like he’s protecting us from exaggerated dangers, this petty tyrant wants to limit free thinking itself. His insatiable hunger for control stomps on centuries of fighting to escape the boot of tyranny. A once proud country cowers under the tighter and tighter grip of a dictator-in-training.

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