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Trudeau says Russia 'must win' war in embarrassing gaffe - Street Politics
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Trudeau says Russia ‘must win’ war in embarrassing gaffe


Justin Trudeau has once again embarrassed himself on the world stage. During a recent trip to Poland, the Prime Minister made a humiliating mistake on live TV. Trudeau quickly tried to correct himself, but the damage was already done.

This is just the latest cringeworthy misstep in a long line of wince-inducing moments that make Canadians shake their heads in disbelief at the man supposed to be representing them globally.

Of course, Trudeau’s devoted fans in the liberal media did their best to downplay the incident. But any reasonable observer can see this is part of a pattern. Whether it’s silly antics on state visits, or his history of insensitive behavior, Justin seems incapable of avoiding foolish misjudgments.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk has made it a mission to troll Trudeau whenever possible. The maverick billionaire took hilarious new shots at Trudeau on twitter that are now going viral.

Trudeau’s popularity has clearly faded as Canadians lose faith in his leadership. His endless embarrassment of Canada has gone on long enough.

How much more humiliation can Canada take at the hands of this clueless liberal elitist?

Justin Trudeau has once again embarrassed himself and Canada on the world stage. During a recent trip to Poland, the drama teacher turned Prime Minister made an utterly humiliating gaffe when he mistakenly said “Russia must win this war” against Ukraine.

Trudeau quickly tried to correct himself, but the damage was already done. This is just the latest misstep in a long line of cringeworthy moments that make Canadians shake their heads in disbelief at the man supposed to be representing them globally.

Of course, Trudeau’s devoted fans in the liberal media did their best to downplay the blunder. But any reasonable observer can see this is part of a pattern. Whether it’s silly stunts like dressing up in traditional Indian clothes on a state visit, or his history of blackface and other insensitive behavior, Justin seems incapable of avoiding foolish misjudgments.

He stumbles from one embarrassment to the next, diminishing Canada’s reputation worldwide.

This would all just be laughable if the stakes weren’t so high. We’re in the midst of the greatest geopolitical crisis in decades.

And Canada’s PM can’t even keep straight which side he wants to win! It’s downright scary to think Trudeau is representing Canadians during such dangerous times.

Trudeau’s latest blunder also calls attention to his hypocrisy on Ukraine. He wraps himself in the Ukrainian flag and promises endless support, yet his policies tell a different story.

Under Trudeau, Canada continues falling short of its NATO commitment to spend 2% of GDP on defense. Currently Canada spends just 1.3% of GDP, despite promising years ago to significantly increase investments. Meanwhile, frontline NATO states like Poland are ramping up defense outlays to meet the threat posed by Russia.

This gap between Trudeau’s talk and action undermines Canadian credibility within the alliance. Key NATO allies have called out Canada’s low defense expenditures. The U.S. Ambassador plainly stated Canada risks being an outlier within NATO if spending isn’t increased. Eastern allies want to know when, not if, Canada will finally meet targets.

Trudeau has pointed to some specific military upgrades his government has funded. But those don’t make up for Canada still underspending on core defense budgets compared to what was promised. There’s just no replacement for steady, adequate financing to keep the military prepared and fix the problems from years of neglect.

This disconnect between what Trudeau says and does is familiar by now.

The same thing happened with the deficits and government spending. Trudeau criticized the Conservatives a lot over relatively small deficits back then. But then Trudeau’s government went on a major spending spree that reached new highs, despite saying deficits would be modest and “temporary.”

But now Canada is looking at structural deficits as far as we can see. No matter how high taxes go, Trudeau doesn’t seem able to control his taste for lavish government spending.

Canadians are catching on to this routine. Trudeau’s popularity has faded. His personal approval ratings keep dropping as people lose faith in his leadership. And this dissatisfaction with Trudeau himself has extended to the whole Liberal Party. Their own internal polls show the Conservatives way ahead amid growing unhappiness with the Liberals in power.

This dissatisfaction is about more than just Trudeau’s gaffes and hypocrisy. It’s rooted in the deeper failures of the big government, high tax, politically correct vision Trudeau represents. Though he promised sunny ways, Canadians have gotten lower growth, reduced opportunity, and less freedom. Woke ideology has been shoved down people’s throats from Ottawa. The divisive politics of identity and victimhood have displaced the unifying bonds of national identity.

Trudeau’s embarrassing comments about Russia were pretty cringey. People around the world are chuckling at his lack of tact, just like more Canadians are shrugging off his attempts to claim the moral high ground.

Trudeau’s not fooling anyone anymore. When the next election rolls around, voters will give their opinion on the government’s poor track record so far. And Trudeau should probably start thinking about what he’ll do after his time in the spotlight as PM comes to an end.

In other news mocking the virtue-signaling PM, it seems like Elon Musk has made it a personal mission to troll Trudeau whenever possible. The maverick billionaire behind Tesla and SpaceX took some hilarious new shots at Trudeau on social media that are going viral across Canada.

It started when people searched “Justin Trudeau” on X so searches for “Justin Trudeau” returned pictures of Freedom Convoy leader Tamara Lich.”

This simple act of online activism led to epic levels of outrage and cope from the snowflake PM and his defenders. They just can’t stand even the slightest ridicule or questioning of their cult-like authority.

Soon the liberal censors at X will probably ban all satire just to protect their fragile egos.

Elon Musk mocked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in light of the viral realization that Google’s AI photo generator refuses to show pictures of white people and posted side-by-side pictures of Trudeau appearing in blackface on multiple occasions along with Trudeau dressed in traditional Indian garb. The caption read, “I can’t believe Gemini made these unfair pics of Truedough.” Within hours, the tweet had amassed hundreds of thousands of likes and shares.

This is just the latest example of Musk using his massive platform to expose the hypocrisy of woke liberals like Trudeau. While they often talk a big game about diversity and inclusion, their own past actions betray them. The blackface photos are especially ironic given how often Trudeau smears his political opponents as racists. He hopes people will forget his own offensive history. Elon Musk, though, is making sure Canadians don’t forget.

Trudeau’s lack of self-awareness truly knows no bounds. The man who wore blackface so many times he can’t even remember the number now believes he faces discrimination because of his last name. You heard that right – according to Trudeau, being part of a political dynasty is suddenly a burden that victimizes him.

This is delusional thinking on an almost psychotic level. The Trudeau last name practically guaranteed Justin a seat in Parliament and an eventual run as Liberal leader. His father Pierre Trudeau is lionized by the party faithful and considered Canadian royalty. Trudeau was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and a red carpet laid out leading straight to the PMO. If that represents oppression or victimhood, then words have lost all meaning.

What makes these comments even more insulting is that they came during a broader discussion on cancel culture. Trudeau acknowledged that his political opponents face all kinds of unfair attacks, but felt no need for self-reflection on how his own allies engage in cancellation. The total lack of self-awareness is mind-boggling but not surprising.

It speaks to a broader hypocrisy on free speech issues. Trudeau presents himself as a champion of inclusion and diversity. But his government has moved to expand censorship and regulate online content. He ignored threats to academic freedom on campus. And he stands idly by while woke mobs try destroying anyone who steps out of leftist ideological orthodoxy. In practice, Trudeau only favors freedom for those who adhere to approved progressive dogma.

This hypocrisy is easy for someone born into privilege like Trudeau to overlook. But for millions of Canadians who face real economic challenges, these free speech issues matter. Out-of-touch elites want to ban controversial opinions they find upsetting. But for struggling workers who can’t afford runaway inflation, open inquiry and debate are crucial.

Trudeau’s own protected privilege blinds him to how most Canadians value liberty of conscience. His positions are so far removed from the realities facing everyday citizens.

Trudeau’s endless embarrassment of Canada has gone on long enough. This incompetent drama teacher turned virtue-signaling hypocrite is completely unfit to lead Canada.

His recent “Russia must win” gaffe is just the latest cringeworthy example of Trudeau’s ineptitude on full display for the world to see.

Enough is enough. It’s time Canadians stand up and demand better from the elites who are supposed to represent them. Trudeau and his cabal of out-of-touch liberals need to be kicked out of office at the first opportunity. No more weak excuses – the pathetic Trudeau era must end.

Canada needs strong, principled leaders who will honor our commitments to allies like Ukraine against Russian aggression. Canadians need serious policymakers who will boost funding for the military instead of breaking promises. And Canadians need someone in charge who respects freedom of speech instead of pandering to woke censorship mobs.

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