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Trudeau Program Collapses as Premier Smith Calls His Bluff - Street Politics
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Trudeau Program Collapses as Premier Smith Calls His Bluff


On Today’s Episode, Another Failed Program

An epic clash of political philosophies is unfolding between two of Canada’s most prominent leaders – the pragmatic conservatism of Alberta Premier Danielle Smith versus the idealistic liberalism of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Their spirited debate highlights a deeper divide over the role of government and the best path forward for Canada.

On issues like gun control and housing affordability, Smith acts as a skeptical voice of reason, demanding evidence over rhetoric. She questions the effectiveness of Trudeau’s tax-and-spend approach, preferring targeted investments over scattershot largesse. The Premier upholds traditional western values of self-reliance and fiscal restraint.

Meanwhile, Trudeau governs as a starry-eyed optimist, envisioning a progressive utopia achievable through boundless government intervention. But his policies often lack substance behind the lofty idealism. His breezy assurances inspire hope yet frequently fail to deliver real-world results.

How this ideological battle unfolds will profoundly shape our nation in the years ahead?

Trudeau Gets Called Out Publicly

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has once again voiced opposition to joining the federal Liberal’s proposed gun buyback program. She pointed out these feel-good programs have failed to deliver results despite the Trudeau government’s lofty promises.

The feds plan to spend a whopping amount of $42 million of taxpayer money over the course of 4 years in their mandatory buyback scheme to confiscate legally owned guns from law-abiding citizens. But as Premier Smith cheekily noted, a similar voluntary program previously resulted in a big fat zero firearms recovered in Alberta.

In a recent speech, Premier Smith wryly observed that the previous flop of a buyback clearly shows these programs are all symbolism over substance. But our drama teacher turned Prime Minister loves the theatrics of looking like he’s getting tough on guns, even when the facts show otherwise.

After 4 long years of the Liberals’ holier-than-thou rhetoric on this issue, you’d think they would have something to show for it besides wasted money and resources. But this government has mastered the art of self-congratulatory virtue signaling while accomplishing zilch.

The Premier believes existing gun laws already work well for responsible, law-abiding firearm owners. But rather than penalize these good citizens, real leadership requires focusing efforts on keeping guns away from bad actors who don’t follow the rules.

When asked how she feels about the gun buyback program and how not a single firearm to date has been confiscated? Smith called it a “success”, and how the main issue is not with duck hunters or farmers, but the real issue the one Trudeau always turns a blind eye on is the border.

The illegal firearm in the hands of gangs coming across from the border and that is supposed to be the government’s main focus.

Smith’s common-sense stance shows she understands this issue better than our out-of-touch Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. She was elected to stand up for Albertans against federal overreach, not act as a rubber stamp for failed policies.

While they clearly differ on this file, Smith expressed hope that cooler heads in Ottawa will eventually see the light and work cooperatively to craft solutions that balance public safety with respect for legal gun owners.

For instance, instead of buying back hunting rifles, investments could go towards border security to stop smuggled guns or anti-gang initiatives targeting criminals. But the ideologues in Trudeau’s inner circle don’t seem open to evidence-based approaches.

Until the Liberals’ thought leaders extract their collective heads from the sand, sensible compromises will remain elusive. For now, Premier Smith is smartly shielding Albertans from the consequences of their tone-deaf posturing.

Her stance exposes the emptiness behind the Liberals’ moralistic posing on this file. When will these out-of-touch leaders understand that divisive politics and confiscating property from lawful citizens is not the answer?

Premier Smith deserves credit for seeing through the government’s partisan rhetoric and standing firm for common-sense policies that protect law-abiding Albertans’ rights while keeping their communities safe. Her skeptical, no-nonsense attitude is precisely what we need more of in today’s politics.

Trudeau Being A Schematical PM

Although many provinces are opposing the federal government’s proposed gun buyback program, which was originally introduced just days after the Nova Scotia mass murder on May 1, 2020 that left 22 people dead and many more injured. 

Alberta was not the only province expressing reservations about the federal gun buyback program. Several other Conservative-led provinces have also voiced criticism or refused to cooperate.

In Ontario, Conservative Premier Doug Ford spoke out against the buyback plan, calling it unfair for lawful gun owners. However, Ford stopped short of saying Ontario would not participate at all in the federal program.

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe adopted a stronger opposition stance similar to Alberta. He stated Saskatchewan will not direct any resources towards aiding federal gun confiscation and will not share any gun ownership data to facilitate the buyback.

The premier of Manitoba, Heather Stefanson, expressed concerns about the buyback and said she doesn’t want lawful gun owners punished. But Manitoba has not completely ruled out some level of cooperation either.

Among the Atlantic provinces, New Brunswick under Conservative Premier Blaine Higgs was the most vocal critic. Higgs said the extensive resources required for a buyback would be better used to counter gun smuggling.

The reluctance from these Conservative-led provinces highlights ideological divisions over the federal Liberals’ buyback plan. It sets up a confrontation between provincial and federal powers on the issue of gun policy.

Trudeau Doubles Down On Pricey Housing

Not long enough after surprisingly announcing one program after the other in a span of a week, Our spendthrift Prime Minister has generously announced yet another massive federal spending package. This time Trudeau is sprinkling around $600 million on housing affordability so he can appeal to his millennial fanbase. How wonderfully noble of him to throw taxpayers’ money at problems, no questions asked!

Trudeau claims this extravagant spending will magically make homeownership cheaper through loans and grants for fancy construction methods. But haven’t we heard these lofty fantasies before, with little to show for it? At some point we need to ask if the PM’s excessive largesse is actually achieving anything.

Apparently Trudeau can’t take a hint that a federal proposal after one another is not going to help build a good future for Canada as he claims.

The housing minister calls this a “crisis” to justify the ballooning budget. But funnily enough, just signing bigger checks rarely resolves crises. This excessive funding could perversely drive housing inflation without expanding supply. But why worry about unintended consequences when it’s only taxpayers footing the bill?

Being as desperate as ever aiming at the younger voters, “Younger generations, like millennials and gen-Z, feel like they’re falling behind because housing costs are just too high,” said Trudeau. “That’s not OK — and it needs to change.”

Newsflash for you Trudeau, real solutions require regulatory reforms to increase market-based housing supply. But bureaucratic red tape doesn’t disappear by magic just because our Prime Minister is spending like a sailor on shore leave. Sustainable changes need partnerships with stakeholders, not top-down directives.

Despite lofty promises, the Trudeau government has failed to deliver meaningful results from its buyback plan after 4 years. exposes the emptiness behind the Liberals’ moral posturing on this file. Danielle Smith deserves credit for seeing through partisan rhetoric and standing up for common-sense policies balancing public safety with Albertans’ rights.

As a good conservative, Premier Smith knows the value of a hard-earned taxpayer dollar and thinks the funds could be put to much better use targeting criminals and stopping illegal guns at the border. But Trudeau seems to care more about flashy announcements than practical solutions.

In summary, the divergent leadership styles of Smith and Trudeau epitomize the complex interplay between federal and provincial authorities in Canada. Their constructive tension, if channeled properly, can lead to balanced policies that serve citizens across the country. But subordinating politics to principled, pragmatic problem-solving remains a work in progress.

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