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Trudeau in Hot Water with Poilievre Demanding Justice - Street Politics
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Trudeau in Hot Water with Poilievre Demanding Justice


Trudeau is once again lambasted by Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre on the “ArriveScam” scandal that made every Canadian’s blood boil in anger.

New revelations sped up proceeds regarding “ArriveScam”, as contractors raked in the big bucks while delivering little to no work, and financial records vanished in a black hole of “glaring disregard” for rules.

All while government officials partied with contractors, just extra proof of their crony behavior, if you weren’t so sure of it before.

And if that wasn’t enough, we are now learning that the CEO of a major subcontractor, Dalian Enterprises, turned out to be a Department of Defense employee, just to hammer home the idea of “conflict of interest”.

Polievre pressed Trudeau on all matters regarding the scam and demanded transparency and payback of every Canadian’s hard-earned tax dollars.

But the PM’s nonchalant dismissal of this epic waste of government funds reveals his infamous disrespect for Canadian taxpayers.

With Conservatives fighting for truth and justice, the ArriveCan corruption saga is far from over, but it will be soon, once righteous justice is delivered.

The ArriveCan saga has become a tainted and muddied poster child for a government rife with mismanagement and very talented when it comes to wasting taxpayer dollars.

What began as a simple app, albeit very dysfunctional and suspicious even during its early inception, to collect travel information during the pandemic morphed into what may be a $60 million corrupt fiasco under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s watch.

The multiple damning revelations around ArriveCan warrant both outrage and immediate corrective action.

After a heated debate between Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre and Justin Trudeau, where Poilievre rightfully called out Trudeau’s corruption and incompetence wasting millions of taxpayer money on hollow and useless projects like “ArriveScam”. Poilievre demanded Trudeu hand over all the documents pertaining to the “ArriveScam” project to the police, reprimanding him about his history of failing to lift cabinet confidentiality and obstruction of justice when he is facing accountability. Trudeau couldn’t deliver a retort to save his image and just blabbered about how the government is doing what it can to fix the issue. Something every Canadian knows all too well, is not happening.

Poilievre has also rightly pressed for full transparency and financial recovery, passing a house motion to compel the government to recoup misspent funds within 100 days.

Full repayment of wrongful contractor bills should be mandatory, not optional. Anything less would allow this abuse of taxpayers to stand uncorrected.

A detailed report on all “ArriveCan” costs and payments is needed to diagnose wider problems. Any bonuses, unnecessary legal fees or vanity advertising linked to the app must be identified and reversed.

Honesty is required from the government, not coverups. Attempts to downplay the ArriveCan mishandling are unacceptable. When confronted on the millions wasted on this app, Prime Minister Trudeau consistently dismissed it as Conservatives “politicizing” the issue.

But demanding answers is not political opportunism – it is defending Canadian taxpayers against waste and mismanagement from a corrupt Liberal establishment.

Lest the Canadian people forget this travesty anytime soon, these recent developments came after an Auditor General report conducted by Karen Hogan, underlined how ArriveCan’s costs spun out of control, ballooning from an initial $80,000 budget to a rough estimate of about $60 million.

The app’s development was marked by improperly awarded contracts, overbilling, and payments for work never completed.

This massive overspend exposes incompetence and disregard at the highest levels of government. The Liberals treated public money like a blank check, bankrolling a flawed app with no care for efficiency or accountability.

And as if it couldn’t get worse, even when we know the Liberals’ track record by now, the Auditor General could not accurately or sufficiently determine the full cost of ArriveCan due to the appalling and embarrassing state of financial records.

Sloppy bookkeeping and weak internal record controls prevented a precise accounting of expenditures that cost the Canadian people millions of dollars.

About 18% of outside contractor invoices that were submitted, lacked cohesive and sufficient documentation to justify payment.

Hogan expressed her concern at the government paying too much for something they couldn’t possibly understand or justify fully, and the bad record keeping is just the cherry on top of this corrupt and rotten cake that will lack any form of accountability from the Liberal establishment.

A disturbing lack of transparency around a government project is not new to everyday Canadian folk. However it is still shocking to understand the extent of the issue and the scandal at hand.

The government’s corruption and extreme ineptitude during the whole debacle is very much showcased when taking a second to examine the primary contractor “GC strategies” and how they received their money contracts.

“GC Strategies” received a lucrative sole-source contract in April of 2020 that is worth just under $2.3 million, despite limited evidence they even submitted a proposal. This same contract grew to a contrasting $13.9 million just after six amendments. Then they went on to receive another contract totaling to about $5.9 million in early 2021. Finally at the end of 2021, the company helped shape technical requirements for a $25 million contract they were awarded themselves.

With “GC Strategies” being one of the major contractors and thus easy to highlight any blatant corruption, people tend to forget smaller contractors like “Dalian Enterprises” which secured a $7.9 million dollar contract for its work on the app.

Hilariously, the company’s CEO, David Yeo, warned people back in 2021 about the dangers of mandating vaccine passports, right before his company accepted the “ArriveCan” contract.

Recently, and on top of the already insane news and updates, it was revealed that David Yeo is actually a Department of National Defence employee.

How could Yeo fairly distribute government contracts as a DND employee while also helming a company profiting from those same contracts?

DND took initiative and suspended Yeo and launched an investigation into the manner, but it is too little too late for this governmental institution to suddenly wake up to its corruption.

This flagrant conflict of interest would never occur in a properly managed process under a much more competent and strong leadership.

The auditor report went on to highlight a major failure to uphold good management practices around ArriveCan, as it reveals that the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Public Services and Procurement Canada, and the Canada Border Services Agency all have repeatedly disregarded policies and rules which points to a culture of carelessness with public resources.

Long-standing guidelines to ensure value for taxpayers were casually ignored by the civil service.

But if you think the corruption starts and stops there, then you are not familiar with Trudeau’s government.

A most troubling revelation was the cozy relationship between ArriveCan contractors and government officials, mainly the CBSA.

Contractors were found to have been treating CBSA officials to dinners and other activities, it should not be necessary to state how such actions create an alarming risk of improper influence on spending decisions. Conflict of interest is the word for it, but the Liberals and Trudeau should be very familiar with it.

Any sign of preferential treatment or cronyism in awarding contracts, like what we have discussed with the “GC Strategies” debacle, should justifiably shake the public trust more and more in regards to the current corrupt establishment.

The “ArriveCan” mess is symptomatic of weak oversight under Liberal rule. From corporate bailouts to bloated consulting contracts, oversight gaps have led to huge sums being wasted.

Canadians deserve better from their government. Millions in public funds wasted so egregiously on an app that failed to live up to expectations should not be a new normal. They work too hard to see their tax dollars squandered without consequence.

The Trudeau Liberals must take responsibility for this failure in oversight and be held accountable.

All public expenditures should face rigorous scrutiny to ensure that they serve the Canadian citizens’ best interests. Proper checks and balances prevent this governmental abuse of funds.

The “ArriveCan” failure demands both financial and ethical restitution. Taxpayer dollars, though vast, are not unlimited. We must insist on accountability for how public funds are leveraged to serve citizens’ best interests. As fiscal responsibility advocates, Conservatives will continue pressing the government to correct course, recover misspent money, and prevent such waste from further recurring.

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