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Trudeau Government's TikTok Payments Show Misplaced Priorities - Street Politics
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Trudeau Government’s TikTok Payments Show Misplaced Priorities


Introduction To Trudeau TikTok Scandal

New documents reveal that Trudeau has gone the extra mile in his PR campaign by paying thousands to a TikToker. What was this Tiktoker exactly tasked to do? The answer is simple, he was tasked to curse any conservative he finds in his way.

This is just Trudeau’s latest attempt to use propaganda and misinformation to help him win the next election.

Trudeau is all happy to use a controversial Chinese-owned app in an effort to spread insane misinformation about Poilievre.

By trying to manipulate the election via TikTok, Trudeau showed his Totalitarian-like tendencies and the fact that he will do anything to survive the next elections given his poor numbers compared to Poilievre.

But the real question here is: doesn’t this incredibly unhinged move fall under Trudeau’s recently introduced online harms bill? Doesn’t this, according to him and his liberals, warrant a fun little trip to court, or even jail?

Or do the rules the liberals force onto Canadians never apply to them?

Trudeau Paid TikToker To bash Tories

Newly leaked documents have revealed that the Department of Canadian Heritage secretly paid Toronto TikToker Dylan Horner thousands of dollars to make pro-Liberal videos for Canada Day on TikTok. Dylan Horner is known for frequently using swear words to criticize Conservatives on social media.

Horner was paid $9,000 by the government for a brief appearance in Ottawa, according to contracts issued through Corus Sales Inc. of Toronto.

This questionable use of taxpayer money to pay a controversial TikToker is very concerning and raises serious questions about the ethics and decision-making of the Trudeau government.

The leaked documents expose the Liberals’ secret attempts to spread biased political messages on an app they claim is a national security risk.

This shows a government willing to put Canadians’ data at risk and secretly influence public discussion on a risky Chinese-controlled app in a desperate attempt to stay in power.

At a time when Canada’s Five Eyes partners are banning TikTok over proven privacy breaches and Chinese Communist Party spying, the shocking news that the Trudeau government quietly paid thousands into the platform for political gain is a national scandal.

TikTok is owned by Chinese company ByteDance and has faced increasing concerns about potential data collection for the Chinese Communist Party. The app is banned on government devices in Canada, the US and elsewhere due to proven security risks.

Yet the Trudeau government saw fit to funnel taxpayer dollars into TikTok to push its partisan agenda and bash Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre. This demonstrates an alarming disregard for safeguarding Canadian data and shows where the Liberals’ true priorities lie.

The Liberals had quietly ordered a national security review of TikTok in September 2023, but hid this from the public. If TikTok poses enough concern to warrant reviewing by security officials, why was the government simultaneously paying influencers on the platform?

Now that India, with 1.4 billion people, has banned TikTok entirely, Canada can no longer claim ignorance. Investigations have uncovered evidence that ByteDance employees in China can access large amounts of private data on TikTok’s former Indian users, showing the app’s alarming surveillance abilities. This should horrify Canadians and spur the government to take action.

The US is following India’s lead with bipartisan legislation to outlaw TikTok over cybersecurity fears.

In contrast, the slow, secretive approach by the Trudeau government smacks of incompetence and inaction.

The Liberals’ payment to Mr. Horner also raises questions about the limits of free speech. While Horner has the right to share his views as a private citizen, the government funding his commentary on a risky foreign app goes against their responsibility to use Canadians’ tax dollars wisely.

The Trudeau government is basically subsidizing left-wing slander of conservatives with public money.

This all fits with the Liberals’ history of shady media bailouts. They’ve funneled crazy amounts of cash to outlets that support their views, like the CBC. The public broadcaster has got tons of money to keep pumping out Trudeau propaganda.

This whole thing shows how weak Trudeau is. He’s so desperate he had to pay influencers to make him look good on apps like TikTok. A real leader would let people share ideas freely online.

But Trudeau knows Canadians are done with him after all his scandals and crappy use of social media. His time as PM is running out.

On top of security issues, people have criticized TikTok’s addictive algorithms for hurting young users’ mental health and distorting their worldview.

The Trudeau government’s sketchy use of TikTok shows they’ve got their priorities wrong and are making poor choices when it comes to keeping Canadians’ data private and secure.

But that’s not the only place where the Liberals have failed to show they’ve got citizens’ backs. Their shady relationship with the big telecom companies further reveals where their loyalties are.

Trudeau is catering to corporate giants instead of making modern telecom services affordable and giving Canadian families and businesses better choices.

MPs grill telecom CEOs about wireless prices

It’s obvious from the fact that the heads of Canada’s big three telecom companies – Rogers, BCE, and Telus – were invited to speak to the House of Commons industry committee that there is a cozy relationship between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government and these giant telecom companies.


While Canadians struggle with inflation and the rising cost of living, Trudeau’s government seems fine letting the telecom oligopoly rip off customers with crazy high prices for wireless service and internet.

At the committee hearing, the CEOs trotted out convenient excuses and talking points to try to justify why Canadians pay some of the highest wireless rates in the world.

They blamed increasing data use, expensive spectrum auction costs, and device costs. But these are just distractions to avoid taking responsibility for their predatory pricing and anti-consumer tactics.

Trudeau’s government has allowed this greedy behavior by taking a hands-off approach to regulating telecoms. The government has even gotten cozy with the industry giants.

And Trudeau’s government seems unwilling to take real action to make life more affordable for average Canadians struggling to pay their wireless and internet bills.

While the CEOs point to small decreases in wireless prices over short periods, they ignore that prices have gone up way faster than incomes over the last decade.

Any tiny price drops look tiny compared to the massive profits raked in by Rogers, BCE and Telus. All three companies regularly report soaring revenues, profit margins and executive pay that outpaces most of the Canadian economy.

For example, Rogers, much like the CBC, recently laid off over 5,000 employees while paying executives bonuses worth millions. How is it fair when frontline workers lose their jobs while executives reward themselves for ripping off Canadians?

The telecom giants also hide behind excuses like spectrum costs to justify high prices. But a closer look shows their arguments don’t hold up.

Spectrum costs in Canada, while higher than some countries, are lower than similar nations with more affordable wireless. Also, more competition would lower the cost of spectrum at auction.

The cozy oligopoly maintained by Trudeau’s government results in less competition and higher spectrum costs. Like many excuses from the CEOs, this argument tries to distract from the real problem – a government unwilling to stand up to telecom profiteering.

While the Liberal MPs on the committee let the CEOs repeat their convenient talking points, Conservatives pressed for real answers. They called out Rogers for raising prices despite promising affordable plans to get their Shaw merger approved.

Conservatives highlighted the contradiction between Telus claiming lower costs while boosting average revenue per user every quarter. The CEOs had no good answers for these tough questions that challenged their weak excuses.

While Trudeau’s Liberals pay lip service to standing up for the middle class, their cozy relationship with telecoms shows where their priorities truly lie. It’s shameful that in a prosperous country like Canada, families must choose between groceries or their internet bill.

Access to telecom services is no longer a luxury but a necessity to fully participate in the modern economy and society.

The invitation of telecom CEOs to the committee was a chance to demand real action on behalf of Canadians struggling under crazy high wireless and internet costs. Unfortunately, Trudeau’s government failed once again to seize this opportunity.

Canadians barely scraping by during this cost of living crisis deserve a government that makes life affordable, not one that caters to corporate interests.

Trudeau’s hands-off approach has resulted in Canada falling behind on wireless and internet affordability. Their cozy relationship with telecoms has allowed companies like Rogers, BCE and Telus to focus on shareholders over competitively priced services.

While they point fingers and make excuses, Canadians keep struggling to pay some of the highest wireless and internet costs in the world.

The Trudeau government’s use of TikTok and lack of progress on cell phone affordability show upside-down priorities. While saying they stand up for Canadians, the Liberals have gotten too close with Chinese tech companies and telecom profit-seekers.

Their questionable TikTok payments and weak response to expensive cell plans show a government that claims to help the middle class but really serves the elite. With choices that let voters down, it’s clear the Liberals have lost direction and can’t be trusted.

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