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Trudeau Gets Slammed By Alberta's Premier Again - Street Politics
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Trudeau Gets Slammed By Alberta’s Premier Again


Smith Stands Against Trudeau’s Inconsideration

A fiery clash has erupted between Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over the federal government’s plans to negotiate directly with municipalities on housing funds. 

Seeing this as an encroachment on provincial jurisdiction, Smith has proposed legislation requiring Alberta’s consent for any federal-municipal agreements. She argues such unilateral deals undermine the constitutional division of powers and the principle of provincial autonomy.

This sets the stage for a larger dispute about the boundaries between federal and provincial authority. Though their rhetoric may be partisan at times, Smith and Trudeau represent conflicting visions of Canadian federalism with Conservatives favoring provincial empowerment and Liberals advocating national policy coordination.

With housing affordability a pressing issue, the dispute highlights the inherent tension in Canada’s decentralized federation between local authority and the desire for national solutions.

In a recent clash between Alberta premier Danielle Smith and Prime minister Justin Trudeau over the federal government’s plans to negotiate directly with municipalities on housing funds. Smith stood on business and refused any further federal municipal deals, arguing they undermine provincial jurisdiction. 

Smith has shown leadership instead of arrogance and complete avoidance on the true matters, proposing a law that would require provincial entities as provincial departments, agencies, cities, universities, towns, school boards, post-secondary schools and health authorities to get Alberta’s consent before making agreements with Ottawa. As Smith argues it’s inefficient for the federal government to negotiate individually with hundreds of municipalities in the province.

The law follows Smith’s clashes with Ottawa over federal policies like the consumer carbon tax and green electricity regulations, refusing political interference and further manipulation from Ottawa. It aims to reinforce provincial autonomy and consent over federal initiatives that impact Alberta.

Trudeau Interfering Tactic Failure

In a recent interview with CTV News on Friday,  Alberta’s Premier speaks about tabling the provincial priorities act known as “Stay out of my backyard”. The “Provincial Priority Act” would mandate any provincial bodies like universities, school boards, and health agencies to get provincial sign-off before making or amending deals with Ottawa. Agreements without Alberta’s green light would become illegal.

Alberta’s premier has explained that she was inspired by Quebec and how the federal government treats them differently. Instead of jumping into new programs without other’s consent, Quebec has proved they can say “no” to programs if they are not a good fit and at the same time they make special deals with the same amount of money that was offered by the federal government.

Smith is standing up to Ottawa’s pattern of interference in areas of provincial jurisdiction and promised to use Alberta’s “Sovereignty act” to reject federal laws. Conservatives should applaud Smith’s commitment to provincial rights.

As for playing it fair against the federal government and the PM Justin Trudeau, Alberta’s premier enforces section 92 of the constitution which states that “Municipalities fall within exclusive jurisdiction of the provinces” and not the federal government.

Forcing provinces to adapt to the new programs announced rapidly everyday sounds like the perfect job for Justin Trudeau, while every program with those federal dollars comes with ideological strings attached.

Danielle Smith has also stated that Alberta does not need the ongoing new programs or new funding, rather to expand existing provincial programs that already exist and for Alberta’s priorities not Ottawa since a lot of money came from hardworking Alberta taxpayers in the first place. Calling out “Ottawa should be staying in its own lane”.

Framing this as blocking potential end-runs by the federal government, which has explored direct funding arrangements with municipalities on housing and infrastructure. The law intends to close what Smith sees as a loophole undermining provincial authority.

The housing dispute highlights how the spendthrift Trudeau Liberals infringe on provincial jurisdiction through federal funding schemes. Conservatives believe provinces like Alberta know best how to address local needs.

Most Canadians likely want their provinces to control areas like housing without federal interference. Trudeau’s flexible pragmatism is mere pretext for expanding federal power over provincial domains.

Smith is right to stand up to Trudeau’s bullying. Provinces have every right to reject unconstitutional federal intrusion. Collaboration should not mean sacrificing core provincial powers.

Trudeau Calling His Job “Boring”

Aiming at Trudeau on Friday’s conference about how Alberta will start to be vocal on their own decisions and funding in order to deliver the same output without bypassing their provincial jurisdiction.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith recently called out Justin Trudeau at a conference, asserting that the Prime Minister should focus on his federal responsibilities rather than intruding on provincial jurisdiction. Trudeau’s dismissive talk of “jurisdictional squabbles” proves his disdain for the constitution. He just wants power concentrated in Ottawa, not respecting regional diversity.

Smith specifically cited areas like border security, building pipelines, expanding free trade, and aligning Canada with allies rather than adversaries. She argued there are many pressing national issues requiring Trudeau’s attention that are a better use of federal time and resources than encroaching on provincial powers.

Criticizing Trudeau for dismissing valid concerns about federal overreach into provincial jurisdiction as mere “jurisdictional debates.” Smith believes the constitutionally defined division of powers should be respected, not ignored for political expediency.

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs agreed with Smith’s perspective, noting that diverse premiers across the political spectrum are united in wanting Ottawa to focus on federal responsibilities. He echoed the call for Trudeau to focus on national interests.

Smith argued that the federal government has plenty of pressing priorities it should be addressing, saying being Prime Minister is “not a boring job.” She suggested Trudeau seems more interested in provincial matters than dealing with national issues.

Trudeau clearly has no interest in focusing on national priorities. He panders to the UN rather than standing up for Canada. He’s obsessed with provincially-run healthcare.

Indicating that she does not oppose federal spending in principle, but believes provinces have the right to reject federal programs they deem inappropriate interference. She wants funding with no strings attached.

While Smith’s combative tone was partisan, she identifies legitimate conservative concerns about constitutional overreach. The federal government expanding its powers risks undermining Canada’s decentralized federation of provinces.

Striking the appropriate balance between federal and provincial powers remains an ongoing challenge in Canadian politics. Conservatives prioritize provincial autonomy while liberals emphasize national policy responses.

While defending her province’s jurisdiction, Premier Smith could likely achieve more for Albertans through constructive engagement with Ottawa. Her pugnacious approach may play well politically but risks being counterproductive.

Meanwhile, Poilievre has proposed conservative solutions to the housing crisis that empower municipalities without violating provincial rights. This balanced approach respects the federation.

The federal government has no business interfering in provincial housing policies. Poilievre understands the need to collaborate with provinces rather than circumventing them like Trudeau.

Smith rightly expects any future Conservative government to respect Alberta’s authority over housing. Conservatives believe housing policy should be administered closest to constituents.

Major Attacks From Alberta Against Trudeau

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is right to threaten legal action against the Trudeau government’s unconstitutional housing deals with municipalities. Housing falls under provincial jurisdiction, so Ottawa is clearly overstepping.

Smith is defending both her province’s autonomy and the division of powers enshrined in Canada’s constitution. Conservatives have long stood up against Liberal overreach that concentrates power in Ottawa.

As Trudeau continues to circumvent uncooperative conservative provinces through direct deals with liberal cities. This partisan approach weaponizes federal funding to punish opponents. 

Smith’s determination to fight back exposes Trudeau’s hypocrisy. He blames provinces for inaction but rejects solutions that empower regional authorities. Conservatives favor localism.

Ottawa’s involvements in provincial domains like housing, health and education distort accountability. Canadians deserve decision-making as close to them as possible. Centralized power leads to waste.

Trudeau dismisses constitutional concerns as unhelpful jurisdictional squabbles. But checks on government power protect Canadians’ rights and freedoms against liberal overreach.

Conservatives believe provinces and municipalities should control housing policy, not distant bureaucrats in Ottawa. Local leaders understand their communities’ needs better than Trudeau.

Smith is prepared to go to court to defend provincial sovereignty from this federal infringement if needed. Trudeau’s housing strategy relies on unconstitutional overreach Conservatives must oppose. “We’re prepared to take them to court. They cannot be using their federal spending power in asymmetric federalism,” Smith told host Catherine Cullen, accusing the federal government of “playing politics” with tax dollars.

Trudeau admonishes provinces to get on board with his ideological agenda rather than serve citizens. Conservatives reject this coercive approach that reduces regional diversity. 

FILE PHOTO: Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during a press conference following a cabinet shuffle, at Rideau Hall, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, July 26, 2023. REUTERS/Blair Gable/File Photo

In a recent conference, Trudeau was asked about the new legislation law Alberta’s premier has proposed, Trudeau has arrogantly answered that the housing crisis will not be solved alone by the federal government. 

In Trudeau’s own bubble perspective, provinces should step up with the federal government instead of backing on them and be ambitious. In the real world, Trudeau wants to drag every province and premier downhill with Ottawa.

Despite every province and every premier not agreeing on bypassing and ignoring the consent of their region in order to satisfy Ottawa’s vicious hunger for wasting taxpayers money rapidly, Trudeau calls out anyone who does not support the federal governments to let them do their job and “get out of the way”.

Not only Trudeau has been blindly refusing the proposal of Alberta’s new law, but also a few 

the federal government has called it “a distraction that will only delay funding”.

Canadians deserve a balanced federation that respects provincial autonomy. Trudeau views constitutional constraints as mere obstacles to his centralization of power. Smith is bravely resisting.

Smith is bravely defending Alberta’s jurisdiction from Trudeau’s unconstitutional housing deals with municipalities, and expects any future Conservative government to respect Alberta’s authority over housing. Conservatives believe housing policy should be administered closest to constituents.

Yet Trudeau’s liberal government is addicted to centralizing power in Ottawa, ignoring constitutional constraints that limit federal overreach. Conservatives must push back against this dangerous precedent, as Trudeau’s direct deals with municipalities are absurd and inefficient.

And so this heated jurisdictional battle continues, with Saint Trudeau the Benevolent declaring from on high that any provincial dissenters should “get out of the way” of his glorious housing crusade. How generous of the exalted federal government to bestow its wisdom upon the unenlightened peasant provinces!

One can only imagine the divine inspiration behind Trudeau’s vision to negotiate directly with municipalities while ignoring provincial jurisdiction. Clearly the constitution is but a trifling inconvenience when it restricts His Liberal Highness’s ambitions.

Meanwhile, Premier Smith and other defiant conservative voices refuse to bow before Trudeau’s dictates, clinging bitterly to their quaint notions of “provincial autonomy” and “constitutional authority.” Don’t they realize how graciously Ottawa is offering to fix all their problems, if only they would submit to centralized power?

In truth, this conflict reveals the timeless divide between liberal centralization and conservative localism. And so the tug-of-war continues between Ottawa’s insatiable appetite for control and the provinces determined to defend their constitutional turf.

One hopes cooler and wiser heads prevail to achieve pragmatic solutions, but Trudeau’s imperial arrogance does not bode well. Conservatives can only resist his constitutional overreach and work to restore the federal balance. The road ahead promises more rancorous wrangling over the soul of Canadian federalism.

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