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Trudeau Faces A Fresh Dilemma About His Troubled Project - Street Politics
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Trudeau Faces A Fresh Dilemma About His Troubled Project


Trudeau Surprises Canadians With A New Financial Hit

Trudeau troubled pet projects after years of delays and ballooning costs, the finish line is finally in sight for the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, But the pipeline’s troubled journey is far from over. 

Now the PM faces a fresh dilemma – unloading this publicly-funded white elephant without taxpayers taking a massive financial hit.

Considering the price tag swelled from $7 billion to over $34 billion under government oversight, analysts expect a colossal write-down is inevitable if Trans Mountain is sold anytime soon. This poses a political and economic quagmire for the PM.

While the Liberals trumpet completing their pipeline as a triumph, the coming battle over recouping costs could prove far thornier. Construction was the easy part. Securing fair value from a likely money-losing asset fraught with controversy presents a much tougher challenge.

As oil begins flowing through newly built sections, the Trans Mountain odyssey enters its next uneasy chapter. Will Canadians be left footing the bill for misplaced idealism and mismanagement? Can Trudeau spin his way out of a commercial debacle years in the making? 

The answers could impact far more than just energy policy.

For a Prime Minister with an election looming, selling Trans Mountain could bring headaches rivaling even the pipeline’s construction. The choice he makes will shed light on what lessons, if any, have been learned during this long, strange trip.

The Trudeau government has finally completed their pet project, the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion after years of delays and absurd cost overruns. But now they face the unenviable task of unloading this white elephant onto some new buyer. Considering the price tag ballooned from $7 billion to over $34 billion under their watch, we can expect Canadian taxpayers will take a massive bath on any sale.

Trudeau And His Privileged Ministers Play Ignorance

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland can wax poetic about finishing touches and ‘golden welds’ all she wants, but no amount of flowery rhetoric will change the fact that this project was an epic boondoggle. 

Trudeau’s government had no business dabbling in pipeline construction in the first place. Their disastrous mismanagement produced nothing but headaches.

Yet Freeland claims the pipeline will magically add 0.25% to Canada’s GDP this quarter. What accounting trickery! Does she really expect Canadians to believe over $30 billion in waste somehow strengthened our economy? This vain attempt to justify their failures is truly insulting to taxpayers.

The upcoming election complicates the timing of any sale. Trudeau would love to dump this mess quickly to avoid scrutiny. But selling Trans Mountain on the cheap right before voters head to the polls would make his government’s incompetence too obvious. 

Then again, retaining ownership exposes them to accusations of inappropriate meddling. It’s a real quandary.

You can bet purchasers will leverage this predicament to demand fire-sale prices, considering the final tolls will likely be far below construction costs. No sane company would pay the full $34 billion price tag for a pipeline with such uncertain revenue. 

The massive write-down needed could be politically embarrassing. But Trudeau has made his bed by nationalizing this turkey.

Some suggest the government will try highlighting Indigenous equity stakes to defend big losses on the sale. Let’s hope this doesn’t become just another cynical ploy to secure votes. Any deal should be judged on prudent financial merits, not scored for political correctness points.

Trans Mountain Fiasco Exposes Flaws in Trudeau’s Ideology

In truth, Trans Mountain never should have fallen into government hands at all. Dire problems were evident from the start, but Trudeau blundered forward anyway, convinced he could impose his ‘social license’ vision on economics. Now Canadians are stuck paying for his naivete.

Perhaps this fiasco will teach Ottawa to stop interfering in areas far outside its core competencies. Building pipelines is best left to the private sector. No amount of preachiness can change hard commercial realities when ideology collides with business.

After over a decade of challenges, the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion is finally completed as oil begins flowing through newly constructed sections. This milestone caps a tumultuous journey plagued by delays, cost escalations, and controversy. However, work is not fully finished, and major decisions about selling the federally-owned project remain.

While Trans Mountain’s chief financial officer jokingly quoted lyrics about a “long strange trip” at an energy conference, the project’s odyssey has been no laughing matter for taxpayers. Original cost estimates of $7.4 billion ballooned to an astounding $34 billion under Ottawa’s watch due to various setbacks. This massive overrun deserves serious examination to avoid similar debacles.

Currently only 25% of the expanded pipeline is operating as construction continues in phases. But even when entirely online, uncertainties around final tolls oil companies will pay to use Trans Mountain linger. Ongoing disputes over covering exorbitant costs could further dampen sale prospects.

Nonetheless, Alberta’s premier anticipates increased oil flows by May, boosting struggling producers. However, critics argue Trans Mountain enables expanded oil sands extraction with grave climate impacts. This debate encapsulates the project’s mixed legacy.

On one hand, Trans Mountain secures vital new shipping capacity opening up Asia markets. This supports Canada‘s energy industry and economy. But environmental concerns remain valid. A measured balance is required, though partisan politics often intrude.

Trudeau and his government are now facing the unenviable task of unloading this publicly-funded boondoggle in an unfavorable economic climate. Securing a decent return for taxpayers after botching this project will prove challenging.

Trudeau’s lofty rhetoric about generating wealth for Indigenous groups rings hollow considering the epic mismanagement on his government’s watch. Negotiating equity stakes is progressing at a snail’s pace while construction costs spiraled out of control. 

This does not instill confidence in the Liberal’s deal-making abilities.

Prime Minister Trudeau maintains his controversial decision to purchase the floundering project in 2018 was necessary. However, subsequent missteps also set the stage for runaway expenses burdening taxpayers. Responsibility for this rests with the government.

While Trans Mountain promises significant economic benefits, its tortuous development offers cautionary lessons. Ottawa must be transparent about construction flaws and avoid sugar coating taxpayer losses on any sale. Spin cannot obscure administrative failure.

Though operational, the pipeline’s final costs are still unclear. And outstanding disputes over shipping tolls must be resolved before considering sales options. Proper due diligence is essential, not political expediency.

Trudeau Lack Of Responsibility Will Cost Canadians Dearly

Some suggest marketing Indigenous equity stakes to soften sale criticisms. However, securing fair value must take priority over public relations games. First Nations do deserve inclusion, but not as PR ploys.

Completing Trans Mountain was a slog reflecting botched planning and execution. Before offloading this publicly-funded project, the government owes Canadians full accountability for its mismanagement. Any sale must be financially prudent, not staged for political cover. Voters deserve the unvarnished truth.

Trans Mountain is undoubtedly a critical energy infrastructure project. But misplaced idealism and mismanagement have tainted its enormous potential. This should serve as a lesson in the dangers of government overreach.

Instead of stubbornly defending their boondoggle, the Liberals should take responsibility for how badly things went awry. Be honest about the waste, sell Trans Mountain responsibly, and stay out of the pipeline business in future. Canadian taxpayers deserve that much, at least. We won’t be fooled by spin on Trudeau’s pipeline to nowhere.

In summary, The Trans Mountain pipeline expansion has been a fiasco under Justin Trudeau’s government, marred by massive cost overruns and mismanagement.

Trudeau will surely hype successful construction as a win for his controversial decision to nationalize Trans Mountain. But taxpayers are left footing the inflated bill. No accounting tricks can hide the tens of billions wasted.

Canadian taxpayers will likely take a huge financial loss when this publicly-funded white elephant is eventually sold. No amount of political spin can mask the epic failure this project represents. 

Trans Mountain was an unnecessary overreach driven by politicized calculus, not sound economics. Now the chickens have come home to roost. Before launching similar misadventures, Trudeau should reflect on the high costs of blind ideological ambition.

Trudeau and his cabinet own full responsibility for nationalizing such a risky endeavor then bungling it disastrously. This debacle should teach the Liberals to stay out of commercial areas far beyond Ottawa’s expertise. 

Any sale of Trans Mountain must be at arm’s length, fully transparent, and based on fiscal prudence rather than political optics. Trudeau owes voters an honest accounting of how badly things went wrong. 

Failure to provide this raises doubts whether lessons have actually been learned. Before undertaking massive public works again, the government must prove it can exercise due diligence. Canadians deserve that reassurance.

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