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Trudeau Clings to Power Through Desperation Tactics - Street Politics
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Trudeau Clings to Power Through Desperation Tactics


Cornered and unwanted, a panicked Trudeau resorts to desperate measures to keep his fragile grip on power.

A perfect storm threatens Trudeau’s grip as dark clouds gather over the Liberal government. With policies in shambles and scandals mounting, angry Canadians clamor for a change in direction. But Trudeau stands defiant – arrogantly defending a carbon tax draining family budgets, scrambling to placate his fragile NDP partners with a multi-million dental care deal.

With Conservatives surging under Poilievre’s blistering attacks, Trudeau watches his fragile coalition near the brink of collapse.Temporary spin and rushed deals can’t disguise the sinking Liberal ship for long.

Trudeau grasps desperately to his crumbling rule. Yet he only hastens his inevitable reckoning with voters. His days seem numbered as Canadians run out of patience and more competent alternatives are fast rising.

How much longer can Trudeau cling on before his coalition fully splinters? With his leadership besieged and lifelines fraying, Trudeau appears set for an overdue rendezvous with political reality.

Justin Trudeau continues to stubbornly defend his government’s controversial carbon tax, despite growing backlash over the policy’s impact on affordability. In a year-end interview, Trudeau claimed the Conservatives have been “scapegoating” the carbon tax, exaggerating its role in inflation.

Trudeau maintains his carbon tax is not a major driver of inflation, accusing conservatives of exaggerating its impact. However, Trudeau’s defenses ring hollow when weighed against Canadians’ lived experiences.

The carbon tax’s effects are felt directly through increased costs for essentials. As families sit down to pay bills and fill up their tanks, the carbon tax’s bite on their budgets is real and tangible. Though Trudeau claims otherwise, it is little comfort to struggling households who see higher price tags on gas, groceries, and home heating as a result of carbon pricing schemes.

The evidence suggests the direct and indirect costs of the tax are indeed contributing to higher prices across the economy. 

Trudeau claimed that canceling the carbon tax, as Conservatives are demanding, would eliminate the rebate cheques that are worth between $240 and $386 every three months for a family of four in most provinces.

The Trudeau government has failed terribly when it comes to clearly communicating how the carbon tax and associated rebates actually work. Despite launching the carbon pricing plan a long time ago, the Liberals continue to struggle to explain the rationale and mechanics behind the rebates.

The Trudeau government gives money back to households through carbon tax rebates. This is meant to help offset the extra costs from the carbon tax. Households get rebate checks a few times per year. The amount of the rebate is fixed – it does not change.

But the amount of carbon tax a household pays can change. It depends on how much gasoline, heating fuel, and other things a household buys that have carbon tax added. If a household buys less carbon-taxed items, they pay less carbon tax but still get the full rebate.

This way, households get some money back to help with costs. But they still have an incentive to reduce their carbon use, because that will cut their carbon tax bill. The less carbon tax they pay, the more rebate money they keep.

The Liberals have not explained the rebates clearly. Trudeau said the rebates depend on the carbon tax existing, But the rebate system is complicated and the government has struggled to help Canadians understand it.

While the Trudeau government falters in communicating the intricacies of its carbon tax rebate system, the political and practical realities of the policy speak for themselves. Public perception matters more than complex policy explanations. 

And for most Canadians, the carbon tax translates directly into increased costs of daily necessities—a pocketbook effect that no convoluted rebate system can negate. This on-the-ground pressure from angry voters explains why, despite Trudeau’s defenses, the carbon tax faces mounting opposition across the country. 

With the evidence of their own bank accounts turning many against Trudeau’s plan, Canadians are voicing their frustrations through opinion polls and provincial leaders alike.

Polls show a majority of Canadians blame the carbon tax for increasing the cost of living. Premiers across the country have also voiced opposition. The tax is becoming politically and practically unsustainable.

Rather than addressing valid concerns, Trudeau seems disconnected from the economic pressures facing everyday Canadians. Defending an increasingly unpopular carbon tax that raises costs for consumers shows the Liberals’ misplaced priorities. Canadians deserve affordable energy and groceries, not more taxes and excuses.

The Trudeau Liberals have already proven troublesome on their own, stubbornly defending an unpopular carbon tax that inflates costs for Canadians struggling to afford essentials. 

But the Liberal-NDP coalition only compounds these problems. Jagmeet Singh continues propping up Trudeau’s damaging policies while leveraging their partnership to stifle ethics investigations into Liberal scandals. With the NDP coalition providing cover, Trudeau pushes a leftist agenda without accountability.

In March 2022, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s minority Liberal government entered into an agreement with the NDP to maintain power until 2025. The NDP, led by Jagmeet Singh, agreed to support Liberal budgets and confidence matters in exchange for progress on NDP policy priorities like national dental and pharmacare programs.

This coalition deal marked a major coup for the smaller NDP, providing them unprecedented influence over federal policy priorities. However, nearly a year later, the Liberals have slow-walked implementation of the NDP’s agenda. 

Trudeau seems reluctant to fully embrace the NDP’s progressive demands, likely wary of being perceived as too far left. Meanwhile, Singh cannot easily exit the deal, given the NDP’s weak financial state and inability to immediately fight another election.

The Liberal-NDP coalition inches closer to collapse as Trudeau stalls on delivering the NDP’s priorities. Singh’s patience is reaching its limit as dental care, pharmacare, and other reforms languish without action. The partnership was secured through bold progressive promises, but Trudeau’s feet-dragging risks the entire alliance.

The coalition deal is the only thing keeping the Liberals afloat, perhaps that is why Trudeau is kickstarting a $13 billion dental care plan.

The launch of a national dental care program fulfills a key plank in the Liberal-NDP coalition deal. The $13 billion program will provide dental coverage for uninsured Canadians with annual household incomes under $90,000. 

It will begin taking applications from seniors over age 87 this month, before expanding to other age groups throughout 2023 and 2024. Full implementation covering all eligible Canadians is expected by 2025.

With Conservatives rising in the polls under Pierre Poilievre, Trudeau aims to cement NDP backing by finally delivering on Jagmeet Singh’s long-sought dental care plan. This program provides Trudeau insurance against losing power before 2025. Satisfying this major NDP demand reduces the risk of Singh withdrawing support in the near future.

The timing of the dental care rollout seems strategically targeted to keep the struggling coalition intact. After stalling for nearly a year, Trudeau is now hastily kick-starting the program as Poilievre attacks the Liberal-NDP alliance. 

While framed as a health initiative, the dental care program has clear political motivations in shoring up the coalition that is currently Trudeau’s only path to retaining power.

As Conservatives gain ground under Poilievre, Trudeau clings to power through desperate measures. Unable to defend his unpopular carbon tax on merit, Trudeau resorts to misleading rebate claims. 

And with the NDP coalition his only remaining lifeline, Trudeau rushes to deliver dental care to satisfy their demands. But short-term political survival tactics cannot mask failed policies and broken promises forever. 

Poilievre’s rise shows Canadians are hungry for substance over empty Liberal promises. Trudeau’s house of cards teeters as his policies falter and allies lose patience. 

Scrambling to turn the political tide, Trudeau only further damages public trust. But with an increasingly viable Conservative alternative, Canadians may soon choose real leadership over this crumbling Liberal-NDP alliance.

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