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Trudeau Called Out For Foreign Interference Inaction - Street Politics
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Trudeau Called Out For Foreign Interference Inaction


Liberals Blasted Over Political Games

Bombshell allegations rocked Ottawa this week as former Conservative MP Kenny Chiu unleashed a blistering attack on the Trudeau government’s response to foreign interference in Canada

Chiu is on the warpath, and his explosive new accusations have the Liberal government scrambling to defend itself.

At the center of Chiu’s offensive is the Liberals’ proposed Countering Foreign Interference Act, which he slams as a cynical ploy for political gain. Chiu claims the Liberals sat idle for years while foreign actors like China meddled in Canadian democracy. But with an inquiry report looming, the government rushed to introduce toothless legislation merely for show.

The embattled former MP is hitting back hard after losing his seat in 2021 to a Chinese-backed disinformation campaign. Chiu believes foreign interference rigged the election against him. 

Now he’s calling out Trudeau’s failures to protect Canada as Prime Minister for nearly a decade.

Chiu won’t stop his relentless attacks until the government implements real safeguards. He’s demanding concrete action, not flimsy political theater. With the prospect of a dramatic return to politics, Chiu is on a mission to hold the Liberals’ feet to the fire.

Blistering and unfiltered, Chiu’s latest criticism shows he believes Trudeau fiddled while foreign actors meddled in Canadian sovereignty. 

Chiu Attacks Trudeau For Failing To Protect Canada

Former Conservative MP Kenny Chiu unleashed strong criticism against the Liberal government this week, accusing them of playing political games when it comes to combating foreign interference in Canada. 

The focal point of Chiu’s latest attacks is the Liberals’ newly tabled Countering Foreign Interference Act, or Bill C-70.

The legislation, presented to Parliament on Monday, would create a foreign agents registry and expand CSIS’s powers to prosecute those aiding foreign actors against Canada’s interests. 

Chiu slammed the government for taking years to act on an issue first raised by the Conservatives, and sees the timing of the new legislation as a convenient political maneuver.

“I think the Liberals have again proven that they are the best political manipulators in terms of timing, they see everything in their benefit and they time it the best,” said Chiu in an interview.

In Chiu’s view, the Liberals strategically tabled the bill to get ahead of the Foreign Interference Commission’s final report. “They drafted all these legislative changes long before Justice Hogue finished compiling the initial report or even I suspect the testimony even began in early April,” argued Chiu. 

He believes the government has had ample time to refine and translate the legislation behind the scenes.

As the former MP for Steveston-Richmond East, Chiu has direct experience with foreign electoral interference. During his failed 2021 re-election bid, Chiu was targeted by a disinformation campaign sponsored by the Chinese government. 

As an outspoken critic of China’s communist regime who advocated for the foreign agent registry, Chiu posed a political threat.

Chiu is convinced the foreign meddling influenced the outcome of the race. He contends that had the registry been in place, it could have mitigated the interference. “It would have probably given me a better chance had this legislation been law in 2021,” said Chiu.

While Chiu admits no single solution can fully stop interference, he believes the registry will allow Canadians to better understand foreign influence operations. By shining a light on those spreading disinformation and their ties to Chinese state actors, Chiu argues Canadians could have held them accountable.

“I believe they see the registry as a huge threat to them in being able to conduct clandestine and deceptive operations. And this is not my words, this is CSIS’s characterization,” said Chiu.

Trudeau’s Inaction Over Foreign Interference Backfires

Now, with the damage already done, Chiu is seriously considering another run for the Conservatives in Steveston-Richmond East. He wants to help fix the “shithole” he believes the years of Liberal inaction on foreign interference has created.

“I’m seriously considering it. I’ve been saying that this whole debacle, it’s not about Kenny Chiu, it’s not about Steveston-Richmond East,” said Chiu. “But through Steveston-Richmond East we see how big a shithole that we’re in, that Canada is in.”

While remaining coy about committing to another campaign, Chiu appears motivated to continue his fight. His strong language and sustained criticism exemplify his conservative principles. 

Chiu seems determined to hold the Liberals accountable on the issue of foreign influence in Canadian democracy.

With a potential return to politics on the horizon, it’s evident Chiu remains passionate about confronting Chinese election interference. His latest attacks show he believes the Trudeau government has dragged its feet addressing a critical threat to national sovereignty. 

Chiu won’t relent until Canada erects proper defenses against foreign meddling that undermines the democratic process.

On April 3, 2024, Chiu was asked by a reporter about the Chinese media that it was implying if there is no connection to China or was it just a contradiction in the report? MP Chiu has responded with disappointment in the Canadian’s government.

Along with Prime minister Justin Trudeau’s testimony at the federal inquiry on foreign interference a month ago. It has raised several alarms, Trudeau claimed ignorance about foreign meddling before 2015. 

During his testimony, Trudeau repeatedly alluded to unspecified “misinformation” and “disinformation” online, going so far as to blame Russia though offering no proof. 

It appears Trudeau relies on these hazy warnings to rationalize potential encroachments into Canadians’ privacy absent demonstrated threats. Despite 8 years as Prime Minister, his government has still not enacted concrete laws to counter documented foreign election interference.

He has completely failed to implement meaningful laws to safeguard Canadian democracy after eight years in power.

Trudeau cited “significant foreign interference allegations and threats” in 2016. But when pressed for specifics on the scale, he shied away. Perhaps this is because the ugly truth would damage him politically. 

Kenny Chiu’s point of view has a very concrete analysis and concerns about how the federal government deals with serious issues that may be destructive to the country. However, Trudeau and his government has a roundabout way to deal with concerns addressed.

Instead of leaning on vague allegations and fake threats and warnings, Trudeau should have come forward with concrete evidence instead of dragging their feet away from a meaningful action against foreign meddling and accusing former MPs.

The federal government only moves with the legislation just before the final report only for their own political gain. Trudeau’s supposed concern about election interference rings hollow given his failure to pass substantive laws until now.

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