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Trudeau And His Spies Face Backlash Over Threat Reports - Street Politics
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Trudeau And His Spies Face Backlash Over Threat Reports


Lies, Spies And False Claims

A storm is brewing in Ottawa’s intelligence community. While warnings grow of foreign interference threatening Canada’s democracy, the spymasters seem strangely unfazed.

CSIS chief David Vigneault is pushing back against explosive claims that his agency failed in its duty to accurately warn the Prime Minister’s Office about election meddling.

The spy chief appears reluctant to admit any lapse in the face of scoldings from the PMO over sloppy intelligence work. He downplays credibility concerns that could cripple trust in CSIS across government.

Yet his cavalier denial of responsibility only deepens suspicions that CSIS allowed errors and misinformation to reach the highest officials.

As threats to Canada’s democracy intensify, accuracy and accountability at CSIS are critical. But the spy chief dismisses criticism while doubts fester.

Can Vigneault reform the intelligence failures being exposed before a vital agency’s reputation crumbles? With security on the line, he cannot afford to underestimate the growing warnings.

The stage is set for a showdown between the spymaster and the PMO. But will Vigneault clean house before it’s too late? The security of the nation could depend on it.

Showdown Brews Between PMO And Canada’s Spy masters

In an attempt of a downplay, Director Chief of CSIS David Vingeault described the seriousness of the inaccurate intelligence briefing provided to the PMO as just a “re-assessment”. Despite that any false information presented to the top officials is considered as unacceptable and as a failure in the oversight that compromised CSIS’s credibility.

The fact that CSIS had to work through the night to reverse their assessment clearly indicates they presented incorrect information in the initial briefing. This mistake exposes concerns about the rigor of CSIS’s reporting processes and quality control measures for intelligence presented to senior officials.

Vigneault insists it was just routine “re-assessment” rather than mistakes in CSIS reports flagged by the PM’s top aides. But his excuses ring hollow amid the serious allegations.

Despite the testimony of Katie Telford, who has served as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s chief of staff since 2015, stating that there were flags raised about a certain mistake in the report and it didn’t seem right to her at the moment.

“And to the credit of the officials involved, they went and they worked through the night and they came to us the next day and reversed their assessment because they had made a mistake in how they were looking at the information,” she testified.

Telford was right to say this experience showed the PMO cannot have “first blush trust” in CSIS intelligence. If erroneous reports reach senior officials, it undermines confidence across government. Vigneault should commit to reforms.

Vigneault seems reluctant to acknowledge the gravity of providing misinformation to the PMO. He should be conducting a full investigation into how this occurred and implementing reforms to prevent recurrences, rather than diminishing Telford’s legitimate concerns.

Who needs accuracy when you can retroactively modify erroneous reports?

The PMO cannot simply trust that all CSIS intelligence briefings are accurate. If false reports reach the highest levels of government, it severely undermines confidence in the reliability of CSIS analysis across all departments.

The moment Justin Trudeau finds out there is serious backlash against services or anything related to him and his government while knowing that he and his cabinet are part of the problem, especially after withholding documents, he immediately turns against them in a blink of an eye. 

Trudeau Betraying His Spies On First Incident

Trudeau has questioned unsubstantiated claims of Chinese interference lacking credible evidence. CSIS undermined its credibility by making such bold claims without rock-solid verification. 

Trudeau’s comments about a lack of political context were valid but what kind of hypocrisy is Trudeau on, is it early amnesia? – the report demonstrated weak analytical background work by CSIS. 

Vigneault would be wise to order enhanced training to improve political understanding in intelligence analysis.

In a recent clash between conservatives and Minister of Public Safety Dominic Leblanc in the house of commons, after the failed promise of clarity and transparency in the documents for the public testimony, Alain Therrien has slammed the Liberals over lack of transparency, saying that the commissioner should be allowed full access to all documents in order to conduct an effective and successful investigation.

However, Leblanc vaguely answered the question, saying it is supposed to be an exception to have full access from the cabinet, what kind of an exception is this when you withhold 9% of 33,000 documents? 

Therrien boldly highlighted the whole reason and purpose of the Hogue commission is to put an end to it all, and for neutral non partisan judgment, the public wouldn’t need to read all of the confidential document, but guess who does? Yes, the judge who is ruling the case and the investigation.

In the meantime, Trudeau and his cabinet refuse to admit they covered up and withheld documents that were not provided to judge Marie-Josée Hogue, with the Privy Council Office confirming 9% of relevant documents was not provided with a restricted access as well.

National security and transparency need not conflict here. Trudeau’s devotion to secrecy likely aims to conceal failures under his watch.

Experts argue the inquiry requires uncensored access to properly evaluate evidence. Any obstruction or selective release of documents undermines the inquiry’s effectiveness and credibility. 

Trudeau’s vague testimony about interference accusations raises suspicions. His government seemingly knew of meddling risks yet took no substantive actions, claiming disinformation instead. 

A compromise balancing security and public trust is needed. Otherwise, this inquiry may expose worse negligence than already evident in the Trudeau government’s growing record of failures.

Legislative changes are important, but equally vital is a cultural shift within CSIS to emphasize meticulous accuracy and objective analysis. As leader, Vigneault must model this ethos of excellence to replace a tolerance of mediocrity.

While Vigneault promises balance between rights and security, public trust depends on CSIS consistently demonstrating prudence and propriety. Oversight mechanisms must ensure expanded powers are not abused or exercised carelessly.

In summary, this incident highlights systemic credibility issues within CSIS that require Director Vigneault’s urgent attention and leadership. Instilling an ethic of accuracy and accountability will rebuild confidence in this crucial agency.

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