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Trudeau Ally Who Defected Warns Him About Defense Spending - Street Politics
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Trudeau Ally Who Defected Warns Him About Defense Spending


A Warning to Keep in Mind

Bombshell revelations from a former top Liberal expose Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a fraud on military spending.

Andrew Leslie, former liberal MP and retired lieutenant general, warns that Canada’s NATO allies are losing patience with Trudeau’s refusal to properly fund the military, leaving the nation bare and defenceless.

Leslie decries Trudeau’s abysmal track record on defence spending as outlined in the 2017 Strong, Secure and Engaged policy.

Despite bold promises, Trudeau’s government has failed to allocate over $20 billion for urgently needed military upgrades.

This is all evident with the investments that fell short as part of the budget, and a defence minister that is not confident in Canada reaching the NATO target anytime soon.

Leslie’s revelations are a hammer blow to Trudeau’s credibility on national defence. With federal leadership adrift, Canada’s security hangs in the balance.

Trudeau stands exposed as a virtue-signalling fraud, unwilling to deliver on pledges. His abdication of duty imperils Canadian sovereignty and strains bonds with allies.

Leslie’s insider account leaves no doubt – new leadership is required to steer Canada off its dangerous defence course.

Trudeau Military Spending Led to Former Ally Warning

It is very easy for someone like Trudeau and all of his policies to push away allies to defect to a more common sense conservative approach that actually has the benefit of the Canadian people in mind first and foremost.

And it is not surprising as well when these same people go and expose his incompetence and corruption when it comes to the one professional field that they are an expert in.

This is exactly the same situation that retired Lieutenant General, and former Liberal MP and defence advisor to Trudeau himself, Andrew Leslie, has found himself in when criticising Trudeau’s abysmal defence spending that might as well leave Canada defenceless and bare.

“The current prime minister of Canada is not serious about defence. Full stop.” is what the former liberal MP Andrew Leslie had bluntly stated regarding the state of Canada’s armed forces even after Trudeau’s weak attempt at further investing.

Andrew Leslie delivered insight like no other, as he peeled back the layers of incompetence and ineptitude by the liberal Trudeau government, stating how Canada’s NATO allies are actually losing patience with Canada’s lack of commitment to funding its military. It is no sunshine and rainbows for Trudeau like he would have you believe.

The United States in particular, our closest ally and partner in NORAD, is growing increasingly frustrated.

I would be ashamed if I was Trudeau and I had my closest allies that defected to the common sense conservatives lambasting me for advice I never took.

But Trudeau doesn’t seem to care or unwilling to prioritise funding the military, despite rising global instability. He has failed to meet spending targets outlined in 2017’s Strong, Secure and Engaged policy.

His government has deferred, lapsed, or failed to allocate over $20 billion in promised military funding. Key equipment modernization projects have been postponed or cancelled. The army in particular is in a dire state, with ageing vehicles and technology.

And of course when you see this dire state you start understanding why former soldiers and defence experts like Andrew Leslie are defecting from the failing virtue-signalling liberal party.

A party headed by a complete buffoon that can’t keep his stance or word solid and constant for a minute or two.

Trudeau Promised Investments

The military and defence budget saga is a wild one and just when we thought things might trek along more efficiently, Trudeau reminds us who he is exactly.

It all started a couple of months ago when the Canadian military’s abysmal state was highlighted greatly. It was certainly not the first time it has been clear that Trudeau is neglecting our defence and safety, but Canada has reached an egregious state with every expert and professional with a voice warning Trudeau about the consequences of his neglect.

What did Trudeau do? Trudeau did what he always does when he is rightfully criticised; he panicked and took a bizarre defensive stance of his policies and spending while wearing a smile that couldn’t actually hide his anxiousness and worry.

But you know what is even funnier than a corrupt liberal cornered like a scared dog trying to defend his nonsensical policies and spending? A corrupt liberal going back on his stance after quietly admitting defeat.

Of course, Trudeau went back on his defence about the military budget being fine and proceeded to announce up to $8 billion in increased spending on the military for the next five years and up to $73 billion across 20 years.

The announcement came as part of the new liberal 2024 budget at the beginning of April. Trudeau, Freeland and the minister of National Defence Bill Blair held a conference to speak about the investments and of course virtue-signal about their deep care and understanding of what Canadians serving in the military go through and why they should be aided every way they can. Which is of course just a bunch of fake sweet words to sway away disgruntled Canadians.

The self congratulation and misplaced sense of importance shined a light on the Liberal snakes taking the stage. Trudeau and Freeland kept hyping themselves and their corrupt budget up for minutes before even mentioning any details surrounding the nature of the investment.

It wasn’t until Bill Blair took the stage that we were finally face to face with the reality of an investment that barely reaches 1.7% of the GDP according to NATO requests. So all of this debacle and all of this noise just for the budget to fall short anyway.

And if that wasn’t depressingly funny enough, Bill Blair confessed days after this exact announcement that Canada would need an additional $7 or $8 billion if they ever hope to meet the NATO defence spending target.

Nothing Ever Works With the Liberals in Charge

Not only was the announcement a complete fumble in terms of easing the minds of concerned Canadians, but it was negated just days later by the minister of national defence. If this is not the perfect capture for what liberal leadership amounts to in terms of disappointment and corruption, then I don’t know what could possibly be more appropriate.

The Trudeau government’s passivity threatens not only the liberal’s reputation but Canada’s Arctic sovereignty as a whole, alongside straining critical alliances, and leaves Canadians vulnerable. Canada has international obligations through NORAD and NATO that it is failing to meet.

In a sane world the Trudeau government would heed the advice of seasoned experts like Andrew Leslie. It would outline a clear path to meeting spending targets and deliver on equipment upgrades.

But this is not a sane world with Trudeau in charge, and we are left with half-measures and deferred commitments that no longer suffice.
Our allies expect us, our enemies are watching, and future generations depend on our efforts. The time for excuses is over. Canada must strengthen its military and protect its sovereignty.

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