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The House Oversight Committee issues subpoenas for Hunter and James Biden as part of Joe Biden's Impeachment inquiry. - Street Politics
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The House Oversight Committee issues subpoenas for Hunter and James Biden as part of Joe Biden’s Impeachment inquiry.


The House Oversight Committee appears to be closing in on Biden now that it’s issued subpoenas requiring Hunter Biden, James Biden, and an associate named Rob Walker to provide testimony.

Committee Chairman James Comer, stated more subpoenas could be coming for others connected to President Biden’s relatives – showing just how far this web of suspicious “family business dealings” extends.  

Comer indicated the committee’s review of evidence points to Hunter Biden as a common denominator in almost all foreign associations with the Biden family. With these subpoenas, the committee will have the chance to press Hunter and James for information on whether Biden had a role to play in these dealings. 

Could this be the start of impeachment proceedings against President Biden? Find out now. 

Comer’s impeachment inquiry has found evidence that Biden’s relatives profited from connections to the President, especially when it came to foreign businesses. So far they haven’t been able to directly connect Joe Biden to any wrongdoing, but all that may change with these subpoenas. 

The House Oversight Committee has issued subpoenas requiring Hunter Biden, James Biden, and Rob Walker to show up for questioning. But it plans to send more subpoenas to other members of Joe Biden’s family and their associates later this week. 

In their letters to Hunter and James’ lawyers, the committee chairmen wrote that “The Committees require your client’s testimony to provide evidence that is relevant to the impeachment inquiry. In particular, your client has personal knowledge of whether and how President Biden has been involved in his family’s business dealings.”

Specifically to Hunter’s lawyer, the Republican leaders wrote “based on our review of this evidence, it is clear that Robert Hunter Biden was at the center of many of these transactions and actively involved in the web connecting the Biden family to foreign money.”

The date has already been set for Hunter to meet with the committee on December 13th. James Biden will come in on December 6th, and Walker on November 29th. The committee has already uncovered a very suspicious web of transactions between Biden’s family members and even his wife, so the questioning of James and Hunter Biden could be very revealing.  

No doubt this is why Democrats are railing against the committee’s questioning. If Biden and his family have nothing to hide then what is so terrible about them meeting with the committee to explain these transactions? While Democrats are claiming this is overreach, it’s doubtful they’d be putting up such a fight if they weren’t worried what it would reveal. 

And it seems that there is a lot to be concerned about if you’re Joe Biden. As Comer said, the panel has “followed the money and built a record of evidence revealing how Joe Biden knew, was involved, and benefited from his family’s influence peddling schemes.” The bank records “reveal how the Bidens sold Joe Biden around to the world to benefit the Biden family, including Joe Biden himself, to the detriment of U.S. interests.”

The House Oversight Committee found records showing the Biden family set up over 20 shell companies while Joe Biden was Vice President. They claim these were used to hide payments from foreign countries. According to the committee, over a five year period the Bidens and their business partners took in over $24 million from places like China, Russia, Ukraine and more.

One guy who worked with the Bidens, Devon Archer, told them Joe was like their brand, people wanted access to him. Archer said Hunter put Joe on speakerphone over 20 times with foreign business associates. 

This has already been proven recently as a series of text messages Hunter had with Chinese associates surfaced, showing him using his dad’s name to pressure his associates into sending him money.

The Biden family have made some shady financial moves to cover up where all this cash was really coming from. Recently, the committee found two checks labeled as loan repayments from Joe Biden’s brother James to Joe Biden. But this money appears to have come from laundered cash originating from deals in China as well as other influence peddling at home. This evidence looks pretty damning since the White House has refused to provide proof of loans when asked to provide it. 

To learn more about the web of payments traced between Biden’s family members,  watch our previous video for the full story. But here’s a brief recap of what’s happened so far. 

The first check uncovered on October 20th revealed that on March 1st, 2018, a struggling healthcare company called Americore wired $200,000 directly into James and Sara Biden’s personal checking account. Later that very same day, records show James wrote a check out to Joe Biden for $200,000, labeled as “Loan repayment”

The second check was uncovered on November 1st, and shows that Biden received $40,000 from his brother also labeled “loan repayment” in a transaction linked to a company backed by the Chinese Communist Party.

Those “loan repayment” checks were both made while Joe Biden was Barack Obama’s Vice President. So it’s interesting to see how so much of this ties back to Hunter’s business partner – Rob Walker – who apparently visited the White House at least 16 times while Biden was vice president. A frequent golf buddy of Joe Biden, Walker recalls playing golf with him at least 8 to 12 times. 

When discussing an email detailing the equity split for a now failed joint-venture called Sinohawk Holdings, which was meant to be a partnership with CEFC, a Chinese Communist Party-linked company, Walker told an FBI agent:

“that email looks bad and it’s probably hard to explain for James.  Do I remember it?  No.  Does it look real?  Yeah.  And I certainly never was thinking at any time that the VP was a part of anything we were doing”

Walker became one of the people at the center of these operations after the House Oversight Committee Republicans obtained records showing members of the Biden family received more than $1 million in payments from accounts related to Walker and their Chinese business ventures in 2017.

James Biden’s attorney has stated regarding the recently issued subpoenas that “James has never involved his brother in his business dealings.” But considering the flow of money between Hunter, James, and Walker that doesn’t seem to be the case. 

The impeachment inquiry on Biden slowed down in early October after Kevin McCarthy was ousted as speaker. However, Comer’s recent revelations have reignited the probe into the Biden family’s business dealings and how the VP was used as a “brand” to curry favor overseas. 

Now settled into the role, Speaker Johnson has given his OK to the inquiry and hinted a decision could come soon on whether to pursue impeachment against Biden. As he told Fox News recently, “I think we have a constitutional responsibility to follow this truth where it leads.” In another interview, he said he’d back Comer’s decision to subpoena Biden’s son, saying “desperate times call for desperate measures, and that perhaps is overdue.”

These subpoenas and Speaker Johnson’s remarks signify the growing likelihood that the articles of impeachment will be brought against Joe Biden. But there are still many hurdles to be crossed before Biden can be impeached. 

First, the House would have to agree on bringing charges against Biden by a majority vote. This would be followed by a trial in the Senate. 

Biden’s impeachment will not be an easy matter, but all the new evidence this inquiry has revealed has at the very least cemented the perception of a conflict of interest in many Americans’ minds. 

Let’s not forget that Hunter Biden earned millions of dollars in places like Ukraine and China while his father played an important role in US foreign policy for those countries under the Obama administration. Besides this, Hunter Biden flew on Air Force Two and met foreign business associates on his father’s foreign trips. The then Vice President attended at least two dinners with his son and his business associates in Washington, DC – giving him ample opportunity to talk business. 

The mounting evidence against Joe Biden is painting a murkier and murkier picture of his family’s business dealings and whether or not he is ultimately impeached, these questions will continue to haunt his re-election bid.

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