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South Korea and Japan Boost Ties Amid Regional Security Threats - Street Politics
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South Korea and Japan Boost Ties Amid Regional Security Threats


Major geopolitical realignments are underway in Asia that could reshape regional dynamics! Long-time rivals South Korea and Japan are rapidly boosting strategic cooperation in a dramatic turn after decades of tensions.

Seoul and Tokyo seem to be putting historical grievances aside for mutual security interests in the face of urgent threats. This includes provocations from a nuclear-armed North Korea and concerns over China’s expanding influence.

Just how far will this accelerated partnership go? Are the early stirrings of a robust new alliance emerging? It’s clear national security priorities are driving the rapprochement between the two tech and manufacturing powerhouses.

Alarm bells rang across capitals in Asia when North Korea conducted a record number of missile tests last year while flaunting its growing nuclear arsenal. Meanwhile, China’s military buildup and claims over disputed territory fuel worries.

Faced with these challenges, leaders in South Korea and Japan realize closer cooperation is vital for stability and deterrence.

Overcoming the lingering animosity to transform their relationship is a monumental task. Yet the momentum is clearly towards aligning policies, sharing intelligence, and strengthening economic ties.

What does this mean for the region’s balance of power? Could a new bloc emerge to counter Chinese and North Korean ambitions?

Attention turns to South Korea and Japan as the two Asian neighbors rapidly boost strategic cooperation – from opening diplomatic ties to aligning defense policies – amid urgent security threats in the region.

Relations between South Korea and Japan have been complex historically, but recent developments indicate increasing cooperation between the two Asian neighbors.

Park Cheol-hee, a key foreign policy adviser to new South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, recently shared insights into how the Yoon administration views the Korea-Japan relationship. In an interview, Park stated that the two countries need to “break free of stereotypes” that have hindered closer ties up to this point.

He said that Japan has often taken the stance that it just needs to respond to South Korean demands, but that a more shared perspective is needed. This seems to indicate that President Yoon is hoping for a deeper partnership between the two nations, not just superficial cooperation.

Park also noted that there have been three major waves in Korea-Japan relations over the decades, with pivotal decisions by South Korean Presidents Park Chung-hee, Kim Dae-jung, and now Yoon Suk Yeol leading to new eras of engagement. With Yoon in office, Park sees another opportunity for enhanced bilateral ties.

Some topics Park addressed reveal the ongoing challenges between the two countries. He acknowledged some in South Korea argue that Japan must fully resolve historical disputes before relations can truly advance.

However, Park stated this view is not forward-looking and both sides need to be open to creating a shared vision for the future while still acknowledging the past.

Park also referenced Japan’s wariness that any agreements could be scrapped when governments change in South Korea. He emphasized the need to build a solid foundation during this window when relations are stronger so that progress will be lasting. This reveals an encouraging focus on establishing ties that can withstand political transitions.

Shifting gears, some other notable recent developments demonstrate warming relations between Seoul and Tokyo. South Korea just announced that it has now formally established diplomatic ties with Cuba, a longtime friend of North Korea dating back to the Cold War era.

South Korea’s Foreign Ministry stated that opening relations with Cuba at the ambassador level marks an important achievement in strengthening South Korea’s diplomacy in Latin America and the Caribbean. Cuba was the only country in that region which had not previously had official diplomatic ties with South Korea.

This is significant given Cuba’s close alignment with North Korea for over 60 years. The two nations have shared anti-American hostilities and socialist ideologies. North Korea still maintains an embassy in Havana and leaders like Kim Jong Un have touted their alliance with Cuba.

South Korea’s presidential office stated that establishing ties with Cuba deals a political and psychological blow to North Korea. As Kim Jong Un has been striving to boost North Korea’s relations with Russia and China as part of a new Cold War front against the West, South Korea linking up with Cuba weakens Pyongyang’s diplomatic footing in a region it has viewed as an ally.

This move by South Korea required delicate discussions given Cuba’s long-term partnership with the North. But ultimately the shifting tide internationally made Cuba receptive to formalizing ties with Seoul. This demonstrates South Korea’s growing economic and political clout globally, allowing it to sway a traditionally pro-North Korea nation.

Beyond the Cuba development, there have also been promising discussions around defense and security collaboration between Seoul and Tokyo. Recently, former South Korean national security advisor Kim Sung-han revealed he had talked with his Japanese counterpart about potentially expanding their bilateral nuclear consultative group.

This nuclear group was created earlier this year between South Korea and the United States to enhance cooperation on deterrence against North Korean nuclear threats. Kim Sung-han stated South Korea is open to turning it into a trilateral framework including Japan as well, though the decision rests with Tokyo.

He acknowledged that nuclear discussions are sensitive in Japan, but floated options like starting a separate trilateral group focused on broader extended deterrence. Former U.S. diplomat Sung Kim also spoke on a panel with the South Korean advisor, emphasizing the need to institutionalize more trilateral cooperation on defense and security.

These discussions indicate an encouraging direction for potentially deepening alignment between Japan and South Korea when facing North Korean belligerence. While historical animosities remain, there seems to be growing strategic awareness of the need for coordinated deterrence capabilities.

Of course, some major anniversary milestones are also coming up between South Korea and Japan which could provide opportunities to further reconcile and strengthen their partnership. As Park Cheol-hee referenced, 2025 will mark the 60th anniversary of normalized relations between the two nations after World War Two.

It also is the 80th anniversary of the end of that disastrous war, which saw Korea fall under brutal Japanese occupation for decades. Park suggested South Korea and Japan issue a new joint declaration in 2025 to lay out a vision for their future ties, building on a previous joint statement by leaders in 1998.

These anniversary moments will put the spotlight on the complex shared history between the countries. But they also offer chances for reflection and renewed commitments to overcome past animosities. Leaders in both Seoul and Tokyo have a chance to shape the enduring legacy of the relationship.

For both sides, there are pragmatic reasons to keep nurturing stronger ties as well. South Korea faces an increasingly bellicose North Korea that just this year conducted record missile tests and codified its nuclear-armed status. Japan is similarly threatened by Pyongyang’s advancing weapons programs and volatile rhetoric.

China’s growing assertiveness also Poses mutual security concerns. Closer alignment on defense, intelligence sharing, and deterrence capabilities makes sense in the face of these regional challenges. And economically, deeper trade and investment flows between these two tech and manufacturing powerhouses also benefits both nations.

So while lingering disagreements remain, the overall trajectory seems positive for an enhanced South Korea-Japan partnership based on common interests and shared threats. The two countries may never have an easy relationship given their history. However, prudent leaders in Seoul and Tokyo have ample reason to keep pursuing reconciliation and cooperation.

Small but substantive steps like restoring military intelligence sharing, reaching economic agreements, and coordinating policies on North Korea can gradually build confidence and interdependence. Meanwhile, youth exchange programs and societal reconciliation can help heal historical wounds over the long-term.

Stronger ties between South Korea and Japan will boost economic growth and provide stability in a tense region. It also weakens attempts by North Korea, China, and Russia to divide democratic allies. Much work remains, but the Yoon and Kishida administrations have an opportunity to guide this vital relationship forward. Their successors must continue that progress for the benefit of both nations.

The strengthening ties between South Korea and Japan come at a pivotal moment. With North Korean provocations, an assertive China, and ongoing historical tensions, the two nations face urgent security dilemmas. However, by focusing on shared interests and pragmatic cooperation, President Yoon and Prime Minister Kishida have a chance to elevate this complex relationship to better serve both countries’ futures.

People of goodwill in Seoul, Tokyo, Washington, and beyond should encourage further reconciliation and alignment between these key democracies. Regional stability and prosperity will be enhanced if Japan and South Korea can move beyond the past toward deeper interdependence. While the path forward will not be easy, it is one worth taking.

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