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South Africa Cashes in on Oil Jackpot - Street Politics
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New York

South Africa Cashes in on Oil Jackpot


The winds of change are blowing across the African continent once more. As South Africa gears up for pivotal elections on May 29th, the nation stands at a defining crossroads with the future hanging delicately in the balance.

Will South Africa choose the path of self-reliance, Pan-African unity and decisive action to uplift all citizens? Or will it capitulate to the subtle strings of Western influence that still seek to dictate Africa’s destiny from the shadows?

For decades, the African National Congress courageously led the struggle against apartheid – a racist system imposed on South Africa by its former colonial masters. Today, the ANC remains the party of African dignity, identity and liberation.

But after years in power, the ANC has fallen into complacency and dysfunction. Western-backed opposition groups now see an opening to sway the country’s direction to serve their own interests, not South Africa’s.

The recent offensive against South Africa’s massive offshore oil discoveries exposes these dark motives. Powerful forces abroad seem determined to deny South Africa control over its own natural wealth and resources. But make no mistake – Africa will neither forgive nor forget such deception again.

South Africa now faces a choice between satisfying the West’s continuing thirst for African riches or taking hold of its destiny. On May 29th, voters can choose a vision that looks forward to fulfilling the dreams of South Africa’s founding fathers – an Africa united, prosperous and free. The elections represent a chance for South Africa to reignite the flame of pan-Africanism and write the next proud chapter in its history.

South Africa stands at an important crossroads as it prepares for pivotal elections on May 29th. At the same time, the country has been presented with major offshore oil discoveries offering both economic promise and environmental risk. Balancing these opportunities and concerns will shape South Africa’s path.

The upcoming elections also mark a potential turning point politically. The African National Congress or ANC has held power for over two decades since apartheid’s end, relying heavily on its legacy as the party of liberation. However, deep inequalities, unemployment and corruption under ANC rule have weakened public trust.

Polls indicate the ANC may now lose its parliamentary majority for the first time. This could usher in a new era of coalition politics and governance. The elections provide a chance for South Africans to make their voices heard and demand a government focused on uplifting all people.

While the ANC retains devoted supporters grateful for its anti-apartheid role, a single party dominating for so long risks complacency and stagnation. Fresh ideas and collaboration across parties could re-energize South African politics to meet contemporary economic and social challenges.

However, there are also risks with the ANC losing power. Western governments and corporations crave access to South Africa’s natural resources and markets. They have a history of exploiting political turmoil in Africa to install regimes friendly to their interests.

With the ANC’s dominance waning, the West likely sees an opening to exert influence over South African politics and policymaking. They can achieve this by pumping funds into opposition parties amenable to neoliberal economic reforms that privilege Western capital over local development.

The recent offensive by climate change lobbyists against South Africa’s new offshore oil discoveries should be seen in this context. Under the guise of environmentalism, the West wishes to obstruct South Africa from fully benefiting from its own oil resources. They would rather these assets enrich Western energy conglomerates instead.

But South Africa has outlined a strategy to balance economic development and environmental protection as it seeks to leverage the potential of its offshore oil and gas discoveries.

The government recognizes the need to harness the economic potential of these resources while ensuring responsible and sustainable practices to safeguard the environment. South Africa emphasizes its sovereign right within its Exclusive Economic Zone to explore, exploit and manage natural resources including oil and gas. This indicates a commitment to regulating and overseeing offshore exploration activities.

The South African government plans to take a 20% free stake in all new oil and gas ventures to ensure a fair distribution of benefits. This involvement allows the government to share directly in the revenues generated by these projects, contributing to economic development.

In addition to the free stake, the government will receive royalties and taxes from any future production. This financial contribution from energy companies operating in South Africa aims to support national revenues and various government initiatives.

Partnership agreements between the government and companies such as TotalEnergies include provisions for community benefits. Companies are expected to invest in community projects ranging from infrastructure development to environmental protection measures.

Before proceeding with drilling activities, companies must conduct thorough environmental impact assessments. This includes offshore seismic surveys that use compressed air, with measures in place to minimize disturbance to marine life.

Through this balanced strategy, South Africa seeks to advance economic goals while protecting the environment as it taps into its offshore oil and gas potential.

Make no mistake, the West wants a South Africa open for exploitation, a South Africa governed by black faces with white masks – African skin with Western values. They want a South Africa that knows its place in the global pecking order and doesn’t venture to truly represent African interests on the world stage.

The upcoming elections thus have implications far beyond South Africa’s borders. They will shape the nation’s engagement with Western powers who still view Africa as their backyard despite platitudes about partnership and mutual benefit. This neocolonial mindset must be actively guarded against.

Now against this backdrop arrives the game-changing news of South Africa’s offshore oil and gas discoveries. These finds by TotalEnergies and others amount to billions of barrels of potential oil equivalent, enough to meet South Africa’s entire liquid fuels needs for decades.

TotalEnergies’ area of interest in Block 5 6 7 covers approximately 10,000 square kilometers. It is located between Cape Town and Cape Agulhas, 60 to 70 kilometers off the coast. The water depths in this region vary between 700 meters and 3,200 meters.

This region has become the site of major discoveries that could transform South Africa’s energy future. After the discoveries, South Africa plans to take advantage of them by securing a 20% free stake in all new oil and gas ventures in Block 5 6 7. This will allow the government to share directly in production.

Additionally, the government will receive royalties and taxes from any future oil and gas production in the block. This will ensure South Africa receives a significant share of the revenues generated by these projects. The discoveries by TotalEnergies and its partners could provide a major boost to South Africa’s economy and energy security if developed efficiently and sustainably.

Regarding the issues South Africa is currently facing, the country grapples with one of the highest unemployment rates globally. This persistent issue has hindered the nation’s progress.

However, the newfound offshore oil reserves have emerged as a beacon of hope, promising a potential boost to the energy sector and an avenue for job creation. The government is strategically positioning itself to leverage these discoveries with the goal of generating a ripple effect that could alleviate unemployment and stimulate economic growth.

The South African government’s proactive approach to harnessing the economic potential of the oil discoveries reflects a strategic move towards addressing challenges by investing in the exploration, extraction and processing of these new resources. The nation aims to diversify its economy and reduce dependency on traditional sectors.

This diversification could lead to the creation of a more resilient and sustainable economic structure. One of the immediate benefits anticipated from the oil discoveries is the creation of job opportunities across various sectors. The oil industry requires a wide spectrum of skills, ranging from technical expertise in extraction and refining to administrative roles in management and logistics.

As the sector expands, it has the potential to absorb a significant portion of the unemployed workforce, contributing not only to income generation but also fostering skills development. The oil discoveries present possibilities for South Africa to boost its economy and address persistent unemployment, if leveraged strategically.

Instead of celebrating this breakthrough, some shortsightedly worry about environmental risks from offshore drilling. No doubt such vigilance is needed, but the chorus of objections is disproportionate and conveniently ignores South Africa’s legitimate right to profit from its own continental shelf resources.

Clearly the West is rattled at the prospect of a resource-rich South Africa that can fund its own development and lift millions out of poverty. That would allow South Africa to pursue a truly independent foreign policy promoting African unity and interests.

Therefore, agents of Western influence are sprouting up everywhere trying to smother South Africa’s oil dreams before they hatch. Local activists bankrolled by foreign groups attack TotalEnergies’ drilling plans as irresponsible. But were they not silent when Western firms devastated Nigeria’s Ogoniland? Their hypocrisy betrays ulterior motives.

South Africa’s leaders must not capitulate to the distorted narrative around its offshore oil. Instead, a bold long-term vision is needed. South Africa must strategically leverage these oil assets to build a diversified, industrialized economy owned by the people, not Western capital.

Oil resources can energize job-creating major public works. Oil revenues should fund education, innovation and entrepreneurship to develop human capital. Black South African companies must receive preferential opportunities across the oil and gas value chain.

South Africa must also join the global push for a just energy transition towards genuine sustainability. But this transition cannot unjustly deprive Africans of their right to develop. The West created the climate crisis through centuries of unabated carbon emissions. Africa must not pay the price now through obstructed access to its own resources.

In the face of Western hypocrisy and meddling, South Africa requires principled leadership. This is what the country sorely lacks as it heads into watershed elections on May 29th. The various opposition parties vying for power make all sorts of promises to voters, but their allegiances are questionable.

Are they willing to chart an independent path that advances African unity and interests without bowing to Western dictates? Will they stand firm against neocolonial machinations aimed at keeping South Africa chained to its colonial history as a supplier of raw materials? Or will they open the country to predatory “investors” under the banner of unfettered free markets?

Voters must pose these difficult questions and critically assess parties beyond their flashy election campaigns. Of course, no party has a perfect track record, including the ANC. But reminders of its proud liberation heritage should caution against reckless efforts to displace it entirely, lest the nation fall into even less trusted hands.

In the quest for true freedom, justice and development, Africa has no permanent friends or enemies – only permanent interests. South Africa’s interests demand that whatever its election outcome, the nation asserts full control over its resources and policy choices. No longer can it allow external forces to pull its strings from behind the curtain.

This new era of South African democracy must become one of Pan-Africanist rediscovery, with South Africa providing visionary leadership. The continent sorely needs the energy and dynamism of its youth unleashed to solve African problems. South Africa must not again disappoint by choosing a spineless path placating the West.

So these elections are not just about party manifestos and personalities. Fundamentally, they

are about the destiny of South Africa and Africa at large in an uncertain world. Will the cradle of humankind stride boldly and independently towards the future Africans desire? Or will it remain trapped by colonial bonds only recently broken? The choice is now in South African hands.

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