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Poilievre Savages Freeland in House Over Carbon Tax Hike - Street Politics
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Poilievre Savages Freeland in House Over Carbon Tax Hike


Introduction to Poilievre Attack

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has unleashed a brutal attack on Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland in the House of Commons. Poilievre ruthlessly criticized her over her failed economic policies, leaving Freeland scrambling to respond, quite literally reduced to having a tantrum in parliament.

Poilievre went after Freeland for sticking with Trudeau’s crazy carbon tax, saying it was just cruel to hit struggling families with a hike when they’re already dealing with high costs.

Freeland was basically left speechless after Poilievre’s fact-based attacks and refused to acknowledge the tax’s damage.

Poilievre was just being the voice of many hopeless Canadians after Freeland’s one failed policy after another that many Canadians now believe are purposely made to further hurt Canadians.

The concerning question here – how can Freeland master being the worst reputed minister under Trudeau’s Liberal government?

Poilievre Blasts Freeland

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre’s brutal attack on Freeland sent shockwaves across the House of Commons. It was another bold move from the Conservative leader, who once again took the fight directly to Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. Poilievre brutally criticized her over the government’s failed policies, leaving Freeland scrambling to respond.

Poilievre immediately tore into Freeland over the carbon tax. He pointed out how cruel it was to impose a 23% hike on struggling Canadian families already dealing with high food and energy costs.

With two million Canadians visiting food banks each month and military families in Gagetown being forced to rely on donations just to eat, hiking the carbon tax was unconscionable.

Freeland tried to defend herself by making partisan attacks, claiming the Conservatives only want to take away benefits from Canadians. But Poilievre wasn’t having any of it. He kept up his criticism by forcing Freeland to defend how the average family will be forced to pay more money each year because of the carbon tax increase.

A flustered Freeland could only repeat weak talking points about the carbon tax rebate, refusing to admit how the tax would leave families worse off. Her feeble arguments were no match for Poilievre’s rapid-fire critiques. Every time she tried to defend herself, Poilievre had another fact or number ready to rebut her.

The exchange showed the clear contrast between the two. Poilievre was sharp, focused, and armed with data. Freeland came across as evasive and lacking understanding or care for the daily struggles of regular Canadians. Her repeated attempts to change the subject showed she had no effective response to the criticism about the Carbon Tax.

Other Conservative MPs soon started criticizing Freeland about issues like the increasing use of food banks in Toronto, rising inflation, and housing becoming unaffordable. Each of their pointed questions backed Freeland further into a corner, forcing her to come up with even more nonsensical defenses of the Liberal’s record.

Freeland’s track record of overspending has driven Poilievre to be a voice for all Canadians.

Freeland Out Of Control Spending

With the Trudeau government set to deliver yet another late budget after the fiscal year has already started, Poilievre and many Canadians are rightfully worried about what new unaffordable spending ideas Freeland has planned.

This blatant disregard for basic budget discipline shows an arrogance and sense of entitlement that has come to define the Liberal government.

Since taking over as finance minister, Freeland’s record has been a case study in wasted opportunities and mismanagement. Despite repeatedly claiming the government respects “fiscal anchors”, the evidence shows spending under Freeland has continued growing without control. Just a few months ago, her fiscal update dramatically underestimated the size of this year’s deficit by nearly $7 billion.

Even the Parliamentary Budget Officer, who is typically generous in assessing the Liberals’ fiscal promises, has called out Freeland’s lack of spending restraint. Yet she continues rapidly pushing ahead with her planned massive pharmacare expansion, ignoring the fiscal implications.

With interest costs now the government’s fourth largest expense, Freeland can no longer disregard the consequences of her reckless borrowing. After years of very low rates, her excessive borrowing has left Canada exposed now that rates are rising quickly.

Interest charges are completely crowding out other priorities. As the military requests recruitment help, Freeland admits no new funding is available. But she always manages to find new programs to announce, like her recent tax break for beer drinkers.

Her management of finances has been equally ineffective for the economy. Despite claiming to support the middle class, incomes have stayed flat under the Liberals’ watch. Inflation has eroded savings while wages fail to keep up. Canadians find costs skyrocketing for basics like groceries, gas and housing.

Yet Freeland continues insisting her policies are working, doubling down on damaging ideas like higher carbon taxes. She is dismissive of evidence showing these taxes disproportionately hurt the most vulnerable.

At one point, an exasperated Freeland made an absurd claim that higher taxes make people richer demonstrates her economic incompetence and lack of comprehension – it’s no wonder Canada is in such fiscal turmoil with that kind of thinking!

At the end of Question Period, one thing was clear – Poilievre had once again completely outmatched his Liberal opponent. Freeland was left looking weak and unable to defend her government’s terrible track record. Her poor performance will likely raise even more doubts about the already shaky Liberal chances in the next election.

Also, average Canadians are really feeling the negative impacts of Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland’s poor management of the economy. Years of overspending and uncontrolled deficits have led to skyrocketing inflation, housing prices that have become unaffordable, and paychecks not keeping up.

The result is a growing feeling of desperation and hopelessness among regular citizens.

This despair can be seen in the huge crowds at recent job fairs where thousands of people show up competing for just a handful of jobs.

The viral videos of these anxious crowds show the human cost of the Liberal government’s mismanagement. Freeland’s policies have weakened job creation and made the job market extremely competitive.

For many people, these job fairs represent their only opportunity amid the increasing costs of daily life. But with so few jobs available, most will leave disappointed, with their hopes shattered. The obvious unhappiness in those lines shows how the Liberal’s mismanagement of the economy has put citizens in a desperate situation.

Record inflation along with tiny wage growth has created huge pressure. And as dreams of owning a home disappear, and grocery bills eat up entire paychecks, people are reaching their breaking point.

When skilled workers are reduced to desperately competing for warehouse and service jobs, it signals something is very wrong. After years of Liberal mistakes, the middle class is barely surviving.

Canadians are struggling under the burden of Liberal mismanagement. Inflation is eroding incomes, while taxes and fees continue to rise. Basic necessities like groceries, gas and housing grow more unaffordable by the day. Clearly, the Liberal approach is not working.
As the Question Period ended, the consensus was clear. Freeland and her government colleagues are simply not up to the task. After eight years of Liberal rule, the economy is weaker, the society more divided, and the future more uncertain.

Poilievre’s masterful takedown of Freeland showed the liberals missed priorities and failed leadership.

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