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Poilievre Calls Out Liberal Failure on Housing - Street Politics
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Poilievre Calls Out Liberal Failure on Housing


Housing tensions boiled over in the House of Commons this week as Pierre Poilievre slammed Justin Trudeau’s abysmal record on affordability. 

Poilievre took direct aim at Liberal failures that have caused rents and home prices to double over Trudeau’s time in office. 

Housing Minister Sean Fraser could only deflect with smug condescension in response to Poilievre’s fierce critique.

This heated exchange exemplified how Canadians are fed up with empty promises from Trudeau as housing slips further out of reach. 

Meanwhile, Poilievre is proposing bold solutions in his viral housing documentary that has resonated with millions of frustrated Canadians.

But the housing crisis goes beyond buying a home. Shocking new data reveals Half of young Canadians now fear eviction. And an AI analysis predicts homelessness could soon double if decisive action isn’t taken.

Trudeau’s lack of leadership has left Canada on the brink of a generational housing catastrophe. What will it take to elect leaders who will treat this as the crisis it is?

Housing affordability took center stage during a heated exchange in the House of Commons on Wednesday. Pierre Poilievre slammed the Liberal government’s record on housing costs, noting that rents, mortgage payments, and down payments have all doubled over the past eight years under Justin Trudeau. 

Housing Minister Sean Fraser defended the government’s approach and touted investments in new housing construction.

The heated exchange between Pierre Poilievre and Sean Fraser demonstrates the stark contrast between the Conservative and Liberal approaches to Canada’s housing affordability crisis. 

Poilievre is rightly calling out the abject failure of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government to address skyrocketing housing costs after nearly a decade in power.

As Poilievre highlights, rents, mortgage payments, and down payments have all doubled under Trudeau’s watch. This is simply unacceptable and proves the Liberals’ housing strategy has been completely ineffective despite the lofty rhetoric from Minister Fraser. 

Poilievre rightly points out the Liberals’ $4 billion housing accelerator fund has not completed a single new home two years after it was announced. More money for bureaucratic gatekeepers is clearly not the answer.

Meanwhile, Minister Fraser opts for smug condescension rather than addressing the substance of Poilievre’s critique. He belittles Poilievre’s innovative and common sense housing documentary while failing to acknowledge the very real struggles average Canadians face in buying or renting a home.

Canadians are tired of empty Liberal promises while housing becomes increasingly out of reach. Poilievre understands middle class and working Canadians are being priced out of the market and is proposing bold solutions. 

It’s time for the Liberals to stop making excuses, watch Poilievre’s documentary and get to work implementing real reforms to make housing affordable again.

Pierre Poilievre’s 15-minute video on Canada’s housing crisis has attracted millions of views online, signaling the Conservative leader’s new approach to directly reach voters. The “groundbreaking documentary,” as Poilievre called it, slams Justin Trudeau’s record on housing affordability.

“This is not normal for Canada,” Poilievre says in the video, referring to an entire generation of youth giving up on home ownership dreams. The video lambastes the Liberals’ failure to curb skyrocketing housing costs, placing full blame on the federal government while ignoring provincial and municipal jurisdictions.

The video is part of a broader Conservative strategy to have Poilievre speak directly to Canadians and cement support among voters as the party rises in polls. “Pierre Poilievre continues to do new and innovative things,” said Fred DeLorey, former Conservative campaign manager. He called the video a “pivotal moment in Canadian politics” that will reach more eyeballs than any TV show this week.

According to David Coletto, CEO of Abacus Data, Poilievre is “effectively tapping into that anxiety” over housing affordability, an issue that polls show is the second-most important for voters after cost of living. The video aims to connect Poilievre with younger Canadians who have traditionally not supported the Conservatives.

While Pierre Poilievre’s viral video shined a spotlight on the inability of young people to afford buying a home, the harsh reality is that many young Canadians are struggling just to avoid eviction. A recent Leger survey found a staggering 50% of Canadians aged 18-24 worry about getting evicted because they can’t pay rent or mortgage.

This fear is understandable given how precarious housing has become, especially for younger generations. According to the survey, nearly two-thirds of Canadians aged 18-34 spend at least half their income on housing. 

With such a high proportion of paychecks being eaten up by rent or mortgage payments, any bump in the road like a job loss or medical emergency could mean missing payments and facing eviction.

It’s clear the housing crisis has reached untenable levels when half of young people fear losing their homes. The inability to afford stable shelter takes immense physical and emotional tolls and prevents young Canadians from pursuing their goals and dreams.

Pierre Poilievre is right to spotlight how home ownership is increasingly out of reach. But we must also urgently address how cost pressures are putting so many Canadian renters, especially younger ones, at risk of eviction and even homelessness. 

All levels of government need to move swiftly on policies like rental subsidies, purpose-built rentals, and protections for tenants to help young people stay securely housed.

A sobering new AI analysis predicts Canada’s homeless population could nearly double in the next 7 years, ballooning to over half a million people by 2030. The data crunched by Calgary’s HelpSeeker paints a dire picture of where the country’s housing crisis could be headed if left unaddressed.

“We have layers of visibility, we have rough sleeping, an encampment, we’ve got people that are in those unsafe situations (and) we have people that are couch surfing,” said HelpSeeker CEO Alina Turner about the nuances within the homelessness data.

The AI estimates the current homeless population in Canada to be between 150,000 to 300,000. By 2030, that number is projected to grow to 550,000 to 570,000 as factors like inflation, unemployment, and lack of affordable housing stock compound. Even more alarming is the prediction that those at risk of homelessness could approach 1 million people by the end of the decade.

Clearly, all levels of government need to treat this data as a five-alarm fire wake up call. If they thought the sight of homeless encampments in cities like Vancouver and Toronto were bad now, it seems we’ve only glimpsed the tip of the iceberg. 

Concrete action plans to rapidly build deeply affordable and supported housing are needed immediately to alter these trajectories and prevent the human tragedy of skyrocketing homelessness.

As Pierre Poilievre’s documentary brought attention to the issue of housing unaffordability, this AI data spotlights the horrific downstream effect – how hundreds of thousands more Canadians could soon find themselves without a stable roof over their heads if leaders don’t mobilize the resources to address this crisis now.

The data paints a devastating picture of how Justin Trudeau has failed Canadians when it comes to housing affordability. After nearly a decade of Liberal government, rents and home prices have skyrocketed out of reach for average Canadians. 

Now we face the prospect of a lost generation unable to achieve the stability and dignity of affordable shelter. Even worse, AI projections warn homelessness could double to over half a million people as a direct consequence of inaction. 

Trudeau has had ample time to steer housing policy in a just direction, but has opted for half-measures and empty platitudes instead. 

With lives and livelihoods on the line, it is time for a change in direction. Canadians deserve better than a Prime Minister who stands by idly as this crisis spirals. We need leadership ready and willing to implement the bold solutions needed before it is too late.

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