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Poilievre Blasts Trudeau's Failures In Explosive New Documentary - Street Politics
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New York

Poilievre Blasts Trudeau’s Failures In Explosive New Documentary


Housing prices spiraling out of reach. Media deals undermining democracy. Disturbing statements unbecoming of a Prime Minister. Justin Trudeau stands accused of inflicting grave harm on Canada through reckless leadership. His misguided policies, unethical actions, and unacceptable conduct have left the nation reeling. Now Pierre Poilievre is sounding the alarm for dramatic change before it’s too late. In an explosive new documentary, fiery speeches, and scathing statements, Poilievre lays out a damning case against Trudeau’s failures.

He makes an impassioned call for Canadians to open their eyes to the damage done before the damage is irreversible. With Canada at a precipice, Poilievre offers a bold vision to wrest control from the political elites and restore opportunity, accountability, and unity.The nation hangs in the balance as voters weigh Trudeau’s dismal track record versus Poilievre’s clarion call for principled leadership. The choice could not be more critical for Canada’s future.

In his searing documentary on Canada’s housing crisis, Pierre Poilievre lays out the case against Justin Trudeau’s failed leadership. 

This stark reality is the direct result of Trudeau’s policies over the last eight years.Poilievre uses striking data to highlight the depth of the affordability crisis under Trudeau’s watch. This shocking statistic reveals how Trudeau’s government has allowed home prices to spiral out of control.

According to Poilievre, Trudeau’s excessive immigration targets are a major factor. He notes that while our population has nearly doubled since the 1970s, home construction has stalled under Trudeau. 

The documentary makes an overwhelming case for change. Trudeau has had eight years to tackle this crisis and he has utterly failed. Poilievre’s specific policy proposals like tying federal funds to housing targets demonstrate the leadership Canada needs. The days of excuse-making and buck-passing need to end.

Poilievre has also recently delivered a landmark economic policy speech to Toronto’s business community on Friday, outlining his vision for transforming the role of government in Canada.

Speaking at a sold-out event hosted by the C.D. Howe Institute, Poilievre gave rare remarks directly aimed at the Bay Street crowd.

In his speech to the business community, Poilievre laid out a vision for fundamentally transforming the relationship between government and business in Canada. He made it clear he rejects the cozy ties between lobbyists and politicians epitomized by Ottawa’s Rideau Club. 

Instead, Poilievre will only implement policies that workers and consumers directly benefit from. This contrasts sharply with Trudeau, who Poilievre accuses of overseeing a system that concentrates wealth among the politically connected.

Poilievre’s approach aims to return to free market capitalism and reduce government interference in the economy. He blames Trudeau for contributing to the current economic slowdown with excessive regulation and government control. 

Poilievre cited the working poor forced to rely on food banks as examples of those suffering under Trudeau’s policies. He also condemned the carbon tax which places an unfair burden on lower income Canadians.

The cornerstone of Poilievre’s plan is cutting red tape and speeding up natural resource development and housing construction. He aims to have visible results on these files within his first 100 days through concrete actions like tying federal funding to housing approvals. 

Poilievre explained he wants clear outcomes to showcase to voters before the following election. This focus on real world impacts for regular Canadians shows Poilievre is more in touch than Trudeau with the struggles facing average people.

Overall, Poilievre laid out a clear vision for shaking up the cozy relationship between government and business under Trudeau. He will implement a back-to-basics pro-business approach aimed at reducing regulation and generating prosperity. 

By cutting red tape and incentivizing production of resources and housing, Poilievre plans to revive Canada’s stagnant economy. His repeated focus on the working class shows he understands their economic pain under Trudeau’s leadership. Poilievre represents the dramatic policy and priority shift Canada needs.

While Poilievre sets his sights on reforming the economy and helping working-class Canadians if elected Prime Minister, Trudeau continues enacting controversial policies before the next election. 

The Trudeau government recently reached a licensing deal with Google over Bill C-18, under which the tech giant will pay $100 million annually to Canadian news publishers. 

The legislation, also known as the Online News Act, requires companies like Google and Meta to compensate Canadian media outlets for using their content. While Google agreed to a deal, Meta steadfastly refuses to comply, having removed all news from its platforms in the country.

There is uncertainty around which news outlets will benefit from Google’s $100 million and how the funds will be allocated. As Rudyard Griffiths of the Hub stated, “We’re pretty close, by my estimation, to a 50 percent wage subsidy on journalist salaries up to $85,000 per year.” When combined with existing federal tax credits for newsrooms, the government will cover around half of journalist salaries in this bracket through forced deals with tech companies.

This heavy subsidization raises worries about eroding public trust in the media. As Griffiths noted, “This likely is not going to be positive for the ongoing challenges that mainstream media is facing in terms of declining public trust in the very news and information that they produce.” Polls show Canadians’ trust in news media has already fallen dramatically in recent years.

With the Trudeau government now subsidizing approximately 50% of newsroom salaries through tax credits and forced tech deals, serious questions arise over their motives. Trudeau would most probably leverage the funds to reward media outlets with favorable coverage of his leadership. The lack of defined allocation criteria fuels suspicions that Trudeau could cherry-pick beneficiaries based on political alignment rather than journalistic merit.

This deal fundamentally undermines the financial independence of news media from government influence. As non-government entities become financially beholden to the state, their ability to impartially hold power to account gets compromised. 

Trudeau may exploit this dependency to silence critical coverage and boost positive reporting through discretionary funding. 

The incoming $100 million from Google provides fertile new ground for Trudeau to curry favor with publishers. By preferentially subsidizing wages at newsrooms producing flattering narratives, he can effectively “buy” propaganda services. 

This would allow Trudeau to skew national discourse toward his policy agenda. Canada’s democracy depends on press freedom to ensure balanced, rigorous scrutiny of elected leaders. 

If Trudeau’s motivations were pure, the money would go towards newsrooms doing vital public-interest investigative work, not just legacy organizations with mass reach. But past experience suggests Trudeau will direct funds to outlets acting as PR agencies for his leadership. Without proper safeguards, this deal appears ripe for abuse of power to manipulate media narratives.

While the Google deal raises alarms over Trudeau potentially exploiting funds to shape favorable media coverage, past incidents reveal his questionable judgment on critical matters. A case in point is the recent emergence of a disturbing video from Trudeau’s speech at the October 2022 press gallery in Ottawa.

In the clip from the event last fall, Trudeau makes extremely concerning remarks. He brags about overturning Canada’s democracy and compares Jordan Peterson and Pierre Poilievre to Adolf Hitler. 

Trudeau also jokes about the inflation crisis and revels in evading accountability for his government. The candid comments provide rare insight into Trudeau’s questionable mindset and judgment. 

Many viewers have been left speechless by the inappropriate tone and bizarre Nazi analogies coming directly from the Prime Minister at an official speaking engagement in the nation’s capital.

Through failed policies, unethical deals, and unacceptable conduct, Justin Trudeau has repeatedly abused the public’s trust as Prime Minister. His poor judgment and lack of principles have inflicted damage on Canadian democracy and the economy. The nation urgently needs a dramatic change in leadership. 

Pierre Poilievre represents a return to principled governance that empowers citizens, not the political elite. The choice for voters is clear: continued decline under Trudeau’s self-serving rule or a revival guided by Poilievre’s vision of freedom and responsibility. Canada’s future hangs in the balance.

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