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North Korea Launches Spy Satellite as Tensions Escalate - Street Politics
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North Korea Launches Spy Satellite as Tensions Escalate


A new shadow looms over the Korean Peninsula. Kim Jong-un has again defiantly bypassed international sanctions, successfully launching the first military spy satellite for North Korea.

Pyongyang claims its rocket “accurately placed” the satellite into orbit, defying international condemnation and sidestepping UN sanctions targeting its missile programs.

This provocation in space may escalate tensions, revealing expanded capabilities to monitor and target the nation’s foes, in the region and beyond.

While the satellite’s full capabilities remain uncertain, its propaganda value is immense for a regime seeking to display strength amid hardship.

What sinister motives drive Kim Jong-un’s surveillance from above? How have world leaders responded? And what does this mean for the region, and the world?

North Korea likely already has the nuclear missile capability to strike the United States mainland. But now, it’s claiming to have new abilities to conduct military surveillance from space. 

North Korean state media has announced the country’s first successful launch of a spy satellite. 

This immediately prompted South Korea to respond with alarm over the provocation.

Though Japan, South Korea, and the US have not yet verified if North Korea successfully inserted the satellite into orbit, the launch alone escalates regional military tensions. 

Even an incomplete orbital attempt highlights the inability of sanctions to restrain North Korea’s weapons programs. A surveillance satellite, if functional, would provide new intelligence capacities, further destabilizing the Korean peninsula. 

Just hours after North Korea’s space agency announced it had successfully launched its Chollima-1 rocket to deliver the Malligyong-1 satellite into orbit, South Korea responded. 

Seoul declared it would partially suspend a bilateral military agreement meant to reduce tensions along the border. 

South Korea’s defense ministry also said it would restart aerial surveillance near the heavily fortified border separating the two countries. Clearly the North’s provocative satellite launch has inflamed cross-border frictions rather than reducing them.

According to Ankit Panda of the US-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, North Korea could utilize satellites to improve targeting of South Korea and Japan during a conflict. The satellites could also enable North Korea to evaluate the damage inflicted in a war.

And even if the satellite lacks adequate technology for military surveillance, as some analysts suggest, the successful launch still demonstrates North Korea’s capacity to evade UN sanctions on its ballistic missile and nuclear programs.

It may have possibly done so by receiving assistance from the helping hand of another isolated regime: Russia’s Kremlin.

Although distinct from the flurry of ballistic missile tests conducted under Kim Jong-un in recent years, North Korea’s satellite launch utilized the same advanced technologies present in the regime’s steadily improving intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs.

And North Korea’s satellite launch will only heighten anxiety in South Korea, Japan, and the United States. Officials in those capitals were quick to condemn this recent provocative action, as well as UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres.

Adrienne Watson, spokesperson for the US National Security Council, stated the launch “raises tensions and risks destabilizing the security situation in the region and beyond.” She condemned North Korea’s provocation which intensifies instability in the area.

Having a rocket that can put a satellite in orbit indicates that North Korea may also be able to build a missile carrying a warhead as big as that satellite. 

This is an alarming advancement, as noted by South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol last week when he said the successful launch of a spy satellite “would signify that North Korea’s ICBM capabilities have been taken to a higher level.” 

The provocative satellite launch has further deteriorated the fragile relationship between North and South Korea. South Korea’s president learned of the launch while on a state visit to the UK, underscoring the tensions.

In response, officials in Seoul declared they would promptly suspend a 2018 bilateral military agreement and restart “frontline aerial surveillance” of North Korea near the fortified border. That pact had established buffer zones, no-fly areas, and prohibitions on artillery, naval drills, and reconnaissance missions along the heavily armed inter-Korean border. It also opened communication channels. Suspending it goes to show the deteriorating relations after the North’s satellite launch.

Japan’s Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, condemned the satellite launch, saying it represents a “serious threat that affects the safety of the people.” He denounced North Korea’s provocative act which jeopardizes security.

Although some civilian experts think the Malligyong-1 satellite likely can only spot large military assets like warships and aircraft, the deployment of additional satellites pledged by North Korea would substantially boost its capacity for remote surveillance of US, South Korean and Japanese forces. Even limited reconnaissance abilities would aid North Korean military operations greatly.

Regardless of the satellite’s actual capabilities, Kim Jong-un will definitely exploit the successful launch for maximum propaganda gains, after two previous, and frankly embarrassing, failures in May and August. 

Building a functional spy satellite aligns with Kim Jong-un’s goal of enhancing North Korea’s capacity to counter perceived growing threats from the United States. 

He views American shows of force, like the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson and its battle group arriving in Busan, South Korea this week, as hostile. An orbiting surveillance platform would aid North Korea’s efforts to monitor and respond to US military moves in the region.

While the full technical capabilities of the satellite will become clear over time, officials in South Korea suspect the launch may have benefited from unspecified Russian expertise. They believe this could potentially be “payment” for North Korea allegedly providing munitions to Russia for use in the Ukraine war. 

If accurate, it would illustrate deepening military cooperation between the isolated regimes in Pyongyang and Moscow.

When Kim Jong-un visited Russia in September amid heavy publicity, he spoke with Vladimir Putin about space technology. Putin gave Kim a tour of Russia’s modern Vostochny space launch facility. This high-profile meeting suggests potential space cooperation between the two isolated regimes, against the West.

Regardless of the satellite’s practical military value, the successful launch indicates that hopes for a revival of “nuclear diplomacy” with Washington have faded to their lowest point since the collapse of Kim Jong-un’s summit with Donald Trump back in 2019. The provocation highlights deepening estrangement between Pyongyang and Washington.

As Leif-Eric Easley, a professor at Ewha University in Seoul, stated: “What is already clear is that this is not a one-off event but part of a North Korean strategy of prioritizing military capabilities over economic development, threatening rather than reconciling with South Korea, and further aligning with Russia and China instead of pursuing diplomacy with the United States.”

Easley argues the satellite launch reflects Pyongyang’s broader focus on boosting its military might over economic growth, intimidating the South rather than reconciling, and deepening ties with Russia and China instead of diplomatic outreach to the US.

Easley expressed skepticism about North Korea’s assertions regarding the satellite, stating that there are “many reasons to be skeptical.” 

He also noted that just because state media claims a successful launch does not necessarily mean the satellite will be able to perform meaningful reconnaissance operations. Easley cautions that the proclaimed achievements may be exaggerated.

And according to Chad O’Carroll, founder of the NK News website, North Korea could now assert it has a military spy satellite, as long as the satellite can relay data back to North Korean ground stations. A functioning reconnaissance satellite would be a propaganda boost for the regime, O’Carroll stated.

O’Carroll wrote on Twitter: “South Korea’s government will attempt to suggest the satellite has little to no military reconnaissance value and try and reassure citizens its military capabilities remain hidden. But even if capabilities are relatively basic, the satellite will give real-time intelligence on military movements and installations throughout the region. This is a big shift.”

Kim Jong-un’s satellite gambit has delivered a new shadow over the Korean peninsula. This latest act of defiance reveals the regime’s relentless pursuit of enhanced military capacities, despite hardship and global condemnation.

Though its true capabilities remain uncertain, the launch alone carries immense symbolic weight. It lays bare the inability of sanctions to restrain North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. And it exposes Pyongyang and Moscow’s deepening cooperation, two isolated regimes aligning against the West.

Most alarmingly, functional or not, this new eye in the sky escalates regional tensions and further dims hopes for renewed nuclear diplomacy. Kim has again cast the die toward confrontation over reconciliation.

His satellite launch makes one thing clear – the North Korean threat will only continue to grow, unless matched by a united global response.

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