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Namibia calls for expulsion of EU envoys - Street Politics
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Namibia calls for expulsion of EU envoys


Namibia Signals Beginning of the End for EU Influence

In a shocking and unprecedented move, the African nation of Namibia has demanded the expulsion of European Union envoys from its sovereign territory.

The stunning pronouncement comes after the ruling SWAPO party condemned a controversial secret meeting between EU diplomats and an opposition leader in the capital.

The fiery SWAPO youth leaders are demanding the EU envoys be removed immediately and without compromise.

The EU has pathetically denied any wrongdoing, but their feeble excuses have fooled no one. The line has been drawn in the sand – Africa will tolerate no more imperialist meddling or shady political games.

Africa has awoken, and its time has come. The winds of change are blowing strong. By defiantly resisting EU interference in its democracy, Namibia has lit a flame of independence and self-determination that will blaze across Africa and the global South.

Is this the end of Europe’s influence in Africa? Will other nations follow Namibia’s bold example?

The era of neo-colonialism is over. Namibia’s explosive “mic drop” moment may soon ignite a wildfire of freedom that the Western powers cannot extinguish. Africa will no longer be silent or subservient.

EU Envoys Declared Persona Non Grata in Namibia

In a shocking turn of events, members of Namibia’s ruling party South West Africa People’s Organisation or SWAPO have called for the expulsion of European Union envoys from the country. This drastic measure comes in response to a controversial meeting last week between EU diplomats and opposition leader Panduleni Itula of the Independent Patriots for Change party or IPC.

The ill-advised meeting took place last Tuesday at the residence of German ambassador Thorsten Hutter in the Namibian capital of Windhoek. SWAPO Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah decried the meeting as “highly questionable diplomacy” in statements to local media.

With Namibian elections slated for November, SWAPO leaders described the EU envoy’s actions as clear interference in the country’s political process.

In a groundbreaking pronouncement on Sunday, the SWAPO Youth League demanded the government declare the meddling diplomats “persona non grata” and expel them immediately.

The youth league secretary Ephraim Nekongo said: “The former colonizers must understand that Namibia is forever free, sovereign and independent.” He called on the Foreign Ministry under Peya Mushelenga to take decisive action without compromise.

The EU diplomats have denied impropriety, claiming the meeting was routine engagement with opposition parties. EU ambassador Ana-Beatriz Martins patronizingly insisted they did not discuss internal Namibian affairs with Itula.

But who believes them? If the meeting was truly innocent, why was it held secretly at the German ambassador’s residence instead of at the EU mission?

Nekongo flatly rejected this explanation. He condemned the legacy of European colonialism, noting Germany’s direct role in the 19th century scramble for Africa. He accused Germany and other European powers of unspeakable crimes during colonial rule, including genocide of the Namibian people.

Nekongo rightly said: “Germany and many European nations who are responsible for the agony and oppression of many African nations are yet to pay reparations for its criminality, thuggery and robbery, committed in our country.”

He pointed out the enduring economic inequality and dispossession of ancestral lands that resulted from colonialism. Nekongo emphasized: “Germany has an eternal debt to Namibia and our patience should not be misconstrued for weakness.”

These dramatic developments signify a new chapter in North-South relations. African nations are rightfully demanding autonomy and non-interference in their internal affairs. The EU envoys’ actions reveal the persistent neo-colonial attitude of Western powers.

By calling for their expulsion, Namibia’s ruling party has drawn a line in the sand – foreign meddling in African democracy will no longer be tolerated. SWAPO’s bold response sets a powerful precedent across the continent.

The people of Africa are awake – their sovereignty and self-determination will no longer be denied. Europe’s colonial past has caught up with it. The EU envoys now find themselves persona non grata across much of the continent.

This unprecedented move by Namibia and SWAPO is a lightning rod – a watershed moment in the global south’s struggle against neo-imperialism. Western leaders are on the defensive, downplaying the expulsion calls as “regrettable.” But their platitudes ring hollow.

Africa has spoken. The age of dictates from Brussels, Paris and Berlin is over. African solutions will be found for African problems. No more will the West manipulate internal affairs behind the scenes through patronage and bribes. These proud nations are masters of their own destiny.

As the sun sets over Windhoek, the shadows of history loom large. But tomorrow a new dawn rises on the continent. An Africa free from foreign interference, finally able to achieve its vast potential. The sleeping giant has awoken – the winds of change are blowing. Africa’s time is now.

Namibia Cultivates Local Economy, Defies Western Dependence

While the EU envoys continue their hapless efforts to undermine Namibia’s sovereignty, the people show their strength and spirit through entrepreneurship. Nowhere is this more evident than at the thriving Village Sunday Market Day in the capital Windhoek.

Here, rows of stalls proudly sell 100% locally made stuff – from organic beauty creams to traditional fabrics, spices and sauces. The smell of homegrown Namibian coffee flows through the market as vendors yell out prices and chat with customers.

The market was thought up by Alain Seha, who started it during COVID to help local businesses struggling from closures. What began as just six vendors in Seha’s driveway has grown into a weekly showcase of up to 50 local entrepreneurs.

The market’s focus on locally-sourced goods fosters community and empowers Namibian culture. Vendors rent spaces and contribute 10% of proceeds to fund operations and local charities. It provides a platform for small businesses to network, raise brand awareness and increase sales.

For Pure Marula by Taneta CEO Namupa Nengola, the market has been invaluable since she joined at its inception. Beyond profits, it has expanded her customer base and promoted Namibia’s prized marula oil worldwide. She now exports her organic health and beauty products to many countries including Asia.

Caterer Gloria Simon credits the market for honing her business acumen and self-confidence. The weekly vendor interactions have led to marked improvements in marketing strategy and sales. Local shoppers and tourists alike now flock to sample Simon’s signature pepper sauces and dishes.

The market’s rousing success did not happen overnight. Organizer Seha highlighted the challenge of attracting diverse, quality vendors to meet customers’ demands. But the communal atmosphere and ethical practices have established the market as a Windhoek staple.

Its growth has paralleled that of the national economy. The Namibian government’s “Growth at Home Strategy” aims to empower local enterprise and drive domestic markets. Initiatives like the Village Market are key to these goals.

Trade Minister Lucia Iipumbu lauded such markets for bolstering micro, small and medium enterprises. With prudent policies and hardworking citizens like Seha and Nengola, Namibia is overcoming economic headwinds.

Analysts predict a modest recovery beginning in 2025. But Namibia’s prospects shine brighter than figures can capture. Its people possess an unmatched entrepreneurial spirit, rooted in ancestral values of sustainability.

Namibia faces its challenges with unity and industriousness. While the EU envoys issue arrogant demands, the citizens’ hands are calloused from hard work. They do not seek handouts of stolen wealth – only the freedom to control their own destiny.

The Sunday Market bustles with hope and self-reliance. Its diverse aromas seem to silence the bitter stench of colonialism.

As customers flock here rather than foreign-owned supermarkets, the message is clear: Namibia will buy from Namibians. Products “Made in Namibia” are now a badge of honor.

United by shared values, the market has grown from Seha’s driveway into the heart of the community. Its stalls overflow with locally-grown produce, arts and crafts. This oasis offers refreshment for the Namibian spirit.

The people provisions themselves through hard work and reciprocity. Their success makes claims of “helping Africa” ring hollow. But neo-colonial ears turn deaf to Namibia’s progress.

While EU ministers sip cocktails in Brussels, mothers in Katutura wash clothes and swaddle their babies. They do not seek saviors – only freedom. The villagers have always been Namibia’s lifeline. It was so before the first Portuguese caravel invaded, and remains so today.

Here at this humble Sunday market, Namibia’s hopes take root. Dreams flourish like saplings under the African sun. No matter the obstacles, the people nourish each other and press onward.

Their tireless hands shape a new reality, one market at a time. No diplomats can dictate to those who have already won their liberation. Namibia marches into a bright future – with her people, not the patronizing West, leading the way.

Namibia has firmly rejected external manipulation and neo-colonial interests by expelling EU envoys who sought to interfere in its internal affairs. This watershed moment asserts Namibia’s sovereignty and self-determination in the face of Western paternalism.

At the same time, Namibia continues to develop economically on its own terms. The thriving local marketplace in Windhoek demonstrates the innovation and entrepreneurial spirit of the Namibian people. By empowering local businesses, Namibia is building prosperity independent of foreign aid or agendas.

Together, these actions represent a lightning rod for oppressed nations worldwide. Namibia draws a line against exploitation of the global South. Its citizens chart their own course forward with indigenous solutions. The nation looks to its roots rather than its former colonizers for strength.

Namibia’s defiance of both political and economic pressures shows that another world is possible – one where the shackles of imperialism are cast off for good. Their struggle evokes memories of colonists departing African shores at last. The moral arc of history still bends toward justice.

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