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Kim Jong Un Threatens to "Annihilate" US and South Korea - Street Politics
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Kim Jong Un Threatens to “Annihilate” US and South Korea


Tensions are rising dangerously on the Korean peninsula as North Korea and the United States engage in a high-stakes standoff over Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons program. Kim Jong Un is aggressively accelerating North Korea’s military capabilities, threatening to “thoroughly annihilate” America and South Korea. Yet with global war fatigue high after Ukraine, a disastrous miscalculation could spell catastrophe worldwide.

The situation is precarious. Kim continues expanding his nuclear arsenal and missiles able to strike the US mainland. South Korea and the US have vowed overwhelming retaliation to any attack, nuclear or otherwise. Nerves are frayed on all sides as militaries conduct provocative exercises.

Diplomacy is urgently needed to step back from the brink. But nationalist emotions are inflamed, making de-escalation difficult. Leaders in Washington and Pyongyang must exercise wisdom, weighing war’s profound costs and resisting pressure for reflexive military action.

Now more than ever, courage and statesmanship are vital to pull back from confrontation’s precipice. The risk of catastrophic miscalculation has never been higher.

Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader of North Korea, has ordered his military and nuclear forces to accelerate preparations for war against the United States and South Korea. Speaking at a key meeting of the ruling Workers’ Party, Kim cited the “unprecedented” confrontational moves by the US and its allies as the reason for ramping up North Korea’s war readiness.

According to state media reports, Kim stressed the need to strengthen the country’s nuclear attack capabilities and expand ties with like-minded nations opposed to US hegemony. He described the political and military situation on the Korean peninsula as having reached its limit and urged the armed forces to be ready to decisively crush any provocations.

Kim’s bellicose rhetoric comes amid growing tensions between Pyongyang and Washington, with the two sides locked in a standoff over the North’s nuclear weapons program. 

The White House recently reaffirmed its commitment to defend its allies South Korea and Japan using all available means, including nuclear weapons. But Kim seems undeterred and is marching ahead with expanding his nuclear arsenal.

At the party meeting, Kim pledged to launch three new military reconnaissance satellites this year, produce more fissile materials for nuclear warheads and develop unmanned attack drones. Analysts see this as an attempt to boost North Korea’s leverage in any future negotiations with the US.

But Kim also wants to be ready for war, if it comes to that. He exhorted the military to “thoroughly annihilate” the enemy at the first sign of any provocation, signaling his readiness to go to war with the US and South Korea.

North Korea has already test-fired over 100 missiles last year, prompting the US and South Korea to expand their annual military drills. Kim slammed these exercises as rehearsals for an invasion and vowed to counter them strongly.

According to experts, North Korea may launch military provocations targeting South Korea ahead of the parliamentary elections there in April. Kim could also order long-range missile tests to pressure the US before its presidential polls in November.

Having strengthened ties with Russia and China, Kim seems confident that his powerful allies will shield him from any international backlash over his actions. North Korea is already under multiple UN sanctions for its nuclear and missile programs.

But neither sanctions nor threats seem to deter Kim from enhancing North Korea’s offensive capabilities. He is rapidly expanding his nuclear arsenal. Once he masters nuclear-tipped ICBM technology, Kim could directly threaten the US mainland.

South Korea’s military is on high alert and President Yoon Suk-yeol has ordered a harsh retaliation against any North Korean attack. The US has also warned of overwhelming force if Pyongyang uses nukes.

But Kim Jong Un seems to be pursuing a high-risk strategy of brinkmanship, gambling that neither the US nor South Korea will risk outright war despite his provocations. He likely believes that by dramatically escalating tensions, he can coerce the allies into offering concessions to dial down the crisis.

Specifically, Kim wants sanctions relief. The severe international sanctions have crippled North Korea’s economy, and Kim knows he needs them eased if he wants to fulfill his promises of prosperity. He may believe that by posing a credible military threat, he can force the US and others to relax sanctions.

Secondly, Kim wants acceptance of North Korea as a nuclear power. By ramping up nuclear and missile tests, Kim seeks to demonstrate his enhanced capabilities. His goal is to compel Washington to abandon its stance that North Korea must disarm and instead acknowledge it as a nuclear weapons state.

Essentially, Kim hopes to back the US into accepting a nuclear North Korea just as it has done with countries like Pakistan, India and Israel. This would be a major boost to Kim’s legitimacy and support his narrative that only nukes guarantee the regime’s survival.

Of course, this is an extremely hazardous gambit by Kim. The US has repeatedly said North Korea will never be recognized as a nuclear power. And South Korea remains adamantly opposed to the North keeping any nukes.

Yet, Kim likely calculates that at some point, the risk of war will force the allies to reconsider their stance. By upping the ante, he thinks he can get sanctions relief and nuclear acceptance without having to disarm or make major concessions.

The big unknown is whether Kim’s brinkmanship will misfire and trigger an actual war rather than concessions. It’s a thin line he is walking, and daring the US to go to war could lead to catastrophic misjudgment. But Kim seems willing to take that risk, betting that ultimately, the allies will blink first.

However, miscalculations can spark uncontrolled escalation. Small skirmishes along the border can easily spiral into a full-blown conflict. And if North Korea resumes ICBM or nuclear tests, the US may react militarily.

Kim’s risky brinkmanship has raised the chances of a clash that could quickly go nuclear. As he orders his military to prepare for war, the world watches anxiously, fearing that the Korean peninsula may be on the edge of catastrophe.

Much depends on whether Kim is bluffing or if he really intends to attack. But with nationalist emotions running high on both sides, even a small incident could trigger a devastating war that no one wants.

The world is already exhausted from almost a year of conflict in Ukraine, with no end in sight. Public appetite for another major war is next to zero.

Additionally, the recent flare-up in Gaza reminds us that even limited conflicts can spiral in unpredictable ways. 

As Kim accelerates North Korea’s war preparations, the US, in particular, must exercise wisdom and restraint. Though it cannot ignore threats, an overreaction could ignite an uncontrollable inferno. 

Any war with North Korea will have global ripple effects, even for nations not directly involved. The world economy would reel from disrupted supply chains and markets. Hard-won prosperity would be jeopardized. 

A nuclear exchange could unleash environmental catastrophe. Therefore, while resolutely defending its allies, America must also take the high road of courageous diplomacy. 

That is the only way to walk away from the brink and build lasting peace. With so much at stake, statesmanship and foresight are needed to avoid calamity.

South Korea also faces a dilemma as it balances deterrence with restraint. The coming months will test the crisis management skills of both Seoul and Washington as Kim turns up the heat through provocations.

With his fate tied to nuclear weapons, the North Korean leader seems unlikely to back down. Kim’s outsized confidence in his growing arsenal combined with overheated rhetoric only makes the powder keg more explosive.

Unless cooler heads prevail, Northeast Asia may be teetering dangerously close to the brink of catastrophe. The Korean peninsula has seen many crises before, but the current one is perhaps the most unpredictable.

As nuclear-armed foes exchange threats, the world prays that deterrence holds and that Kim’s martial orders are more bluster than real intent. But with the military build-up gathering pace, nerves are fraying on all sides.

It may take extraordinary restraint and far-sighted diplomacy to walk away from the precipice. But with national pride at stake, de-escalating the situation will be no easy task. The next few months may well prove decisive in averting or accelerating what once seemed unthinkable – an all-out war pitting the US and its allies against a nuclear-wielding North Korea.

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