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Is Reform Teaming With Labour to 'Obliterate' Tories? - Street Politics
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Is Reform Teaming With Labour to ‘Obliterate’ Tories?


Could the unthinkable happen at the next general election? Is Reform UK joining forces with Labour against the Tories?

Reform UK has just sensationally revealed they would be willing to help Labour boot Rishi Sunak and the Conservative Party out of government, and that it would be “worth it” for them.

It’s a stunning admission that could reshape British politics if it leads to an official alliance against the Tories.

With Reform surging in the polls, Co-deputy leader Ben Habib admitted that installing a Labour government, despite policy differences, may be necessary to “obliterate” the Tories.

But could this be the start of a new anti-Tory coalition determined to wipe out Rishi Sunak’s party for good?

The political landscape in the UK could be on the verge of a serious shift as the right-wing Reform UK party has sensationally revealed they’d rather see a Labour government if that means that they’ll get rid of the Tories in the process.

Reform UK’s co-deputy leader Ben Habib dropped the bombshell admission that installing a Labour government, despite policy differences, may be a necessary step to “obliterate” the Tories at the next general election.

Habib revealed that he had joined the party with the goal of politically destroying the Conservative Party.

As a guest on PoliticsHome’s podcast The Rundown, he expressed his approval at the idea that Reform UK competing against the Tories in the next general election could split the right-wing vote. This would boost Labour’s chances of victory under Keir Starmer’s leadership.

Habib clearly sees Reform UK as being in direct competition with the Conservatives for right-leaning voters. By standing candidates across the country, Reform UK threatens to peel away traditional Tory supporters and fragment the right-wing vote. 

But he also dismissed the idea that Reform UK should not run candidates in certain seats, as the Brexit Party did in 2019 to help the Tories take power. 

“This is a really fundamental point for British politics, you cannot elect people just because you think the person you’re voting for is bad, but the other lot are even worse,” Habib explained.

But Habib seems to still hope this vote splitting will cripple the Conservatives’ electoral chances and allow Labour to take power. According to his words, Reform UK is purposefully trying to “obliterate” the Tories as a political force, even if it means Labour gains.

Habib seems to be going with the “by any means necessary” approach.

And things seem to be going well for them.

Nigel Farage was recently in the United States covering Donald Trump’s Republican primary victory in Iowa. Trump acknowledged Farage’s presence and support during his campaign rally speech.

Ben Habib said that if Trump goes on to win the Republican nomination and the U.S. election coincides with the UK’s next general election, it could benefit Reform UK greatly. Especially if Nigel Farage returns to lead Reform UK into the election campaign against the Tories.

“I’ve never met Donald Trump, and I’m not going to venture an opinion on him,” Habib said. “But if an American election takes place before a British election, and Donald Trump wins, I think it helps Reform UK because that’s the direction of travel.”

With Reform UK surging in the polls, this could be the start of a new anti-Tory coalition determined to wipe out Rishi Sunak’s party for good.

But how did we get to this point and what could it mean for the future of British politics?

After a chaotic summer leadership contest, Rishi Sunak emerged victorious to become the UK’s next Prime Minister. Sunak promised unity, integrity and fiscal responsibility as he sought to restore credibility to the Tories.

But it’s pretty clear to see that that just hasn’t been the case.

The storm clouds have already gathered over the Tory government.

Under Sunak and the Tories, we are in a terrible state.

With inflation still rising, the NHS on its knees, and the economy tanking, Sunak looks powerless to get a grip.

The Tories’ poll ratings have plummeted to levels not seen since the dying days of John Major’s disastrous premiership in 1997.

Labour now boast leads of up to 17 points as Sunak flails.

After 13 years in power, the Conservative Party’s brand has become toxic in the eyes of many voters. The endless scandals and U-turns have shredded public trust and confidence in their ability to govern competently.

While Sunak is trying to present the Tories as under new management, the public simply aren’t buying it. Memories of the Johnson years and the damage done are still fresh. 

Sunak was also Chancellor during some of the Tories’ worst failures.

Fairly or unfairly, the Conservatives are now perceived as the party of “sleaze, scandal and failure” by many. 

And it seems like decontaminating their brand looks like Mission Impossible for Sunak. But maybe it’s just the opportunity for both Labour and Reform UK.

After years languishing behind the Tories in the polls under Jeremy Corbyn, Labour have capitalized on Conservative woes under Keir Starmer’s leadership.

Starmer has professionalized Labour, dumping Corbyn’s radical left-wing policies for a more centrist, small-target approach. 

This had seen them open up huge poll leads, despite lingering doubts about Starmer’s charisma and vision.

But with the Tories floundering, Labour smells blood. The next election could be theirs to lose. Starmer knows clearing out the current government is the priority – there will be time later for policy debates once in power.

Into this already tense political atmosphere steps Reform UK, the rebranded Brexit Party led by Nigel Farage. 

After campaigning relentlessly to get Brexit done, Reform UK is now broadening its policy platform.

With net migration back to near record highs and the Rwanda asylum plan collapsing, Reform UK spied a golden opportunity to win over disaffected Tory voters worried about immigration under Sunak’s hapless leadership.

Under the guidance of veteran political streetfighter Farage, Reform UK support has surged and they’re now trailing the leading parties. They now threaten to steal significant vote share off the Tories at the next election.

The political landscape looks tantalizing for Farage. He can present Reform UK as the true heirs of Brexit while attacking the Tories’ credibility on migration and leadership failures.

Despite claiming to be retired from frontline politics, the prospect of leading Reform UK into an election against a flailing Tory party may prove too tempting for him to resist.

And in all honesty, we all want him to wage this war against the Tories.

The Teflon Tory aura has finally worn off – Farage will feel this is his best chance yet to smash the Conservatives and realign politics to the populist right. Don’t be surprised if he returns to take the fight to Sunak.

Into this mix comes Ben Habib’s admission that Reform UK is willing to help Labour boot out the Tories, even if it means Starmer as Prime Minister.

Some have accused Reform of cynical opportunism and putting power before principles with this move. But can you really blame him?

But Habib argues drastic action is required to “obliterate” the woeful Tories for good.

By standing candidates across the country, Reform UK threatens to split the right-wing vote and hand Labour easy wins, even if Reform don’t win many seats themselves.

This bitter feud between Reform UK and the Conservatives confirms the civil war on the right is still raging.

But what does this mean for Sunak?

Well, he now finds himself caught between a rock and a hard place. It’s almost as if he’s handing voters to Reform UK.

His failure ailing to get migration under control and reassert Brexit promises will allow Farage to keep hammering the Tories and corrode their support even more.

Above all, Reform UK’s advance reveals a yearning amongst a significant section of voters for bold leadership and an inspiring nationalist vision post-Brexit.

Farage promises a return to conviction politics instead of Tory fudge and muddle. Sunak’s pedestrian approach pales in contrast to the deeply resonating rhetoric of Reform UK.

With Sunak failing to ignite much passion, the contrast between his stale government and Reform UK’s crusading insurgency is obvious. At a time of national crisis, the country craves direction, not managerial politics-as-usual.

And all arrows are pointing in Reform UK have momentum while the Tories are on the ropes. And it seems all the pieces are falling into place for a titanic three-way battle at the next election between Labour, the Tories and Reform UK.

British politics hasn’t seen a genuine three party race on this scale since the 1920s. The tectonic plates of UK politics are rumbling again.

Labour are buoyant after reclaiming their mantle as the main anti-Tory vehicle. But can Starmer convince the country his bland managerialism is the answer in these turbulent times?

Meanwhile, Reform UK threaten to decisively split Tory voters, banishing them to the electoral wilderness for a generation.

Only time will tell how all of this will actually play out.

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