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Freeland Dismisses Concerns Over Tragedy As "Cheap Politics" - Street Politics
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Freeland Dismisses Concerns Over Tragedy As “Cheap Politics”


Freeland Downplays Criminal Justice Crisis 

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland recently made controversial comments dismissing concerns about the tragic consequences of her government’s lax criminal justice policies. Her flippant response to heartbreaking preventable deaths exposes the desperate need for reform that the Liberals continue ignoring.

A horrific crash that killed an infant and his grandparents has Canadians demanding accountability for bail laws that free violent criminals to offend again. The devastating fatal tragedy is just the latest example fueling public outrage.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre proposes long-overdue fixes, yet the government attacks him for “cheap political points” rather than acknowledging their duty to keep Canadians safe. Lives hang in the balance while Liberals politicize the issue and dodge responsibility.

The preventable deaths shred confidence in the justice system’s moral foundations. Swift action is required to protect law-abiding citizens and uphold Charter principles. With more victims at risk daily, partisan bickering must yield to urgent bipartisan reforms.

Freeland Dodges Responsibility Over Failed Bail Laws

Chrystia Freeland’s accusation that it is “cheap” and “un-Canadian” to question the Liberal government’s lax criminal justice policies is misguided. The policies have directly led to preventable tragedies, including the recent horrific crash that killed an infant and his grandparents. 

It is the duty of the Opposition and all Canadians to hold the government accountable when lives are lost due to flawed laws and enforcement.

The heartbreaking deaths could have been avoided if the accused, Gagandeep Singh, was not out on bail after being charged with a series of violent robberies. 

The fact that he breached his bail conditions by attempting another robbery at an LCBO raises serious questions about the bail system. It was a failure of both the laws and their enforcement.

Rather than deflecting criticism, the Liberal government should be reflecting upon how to fix the broken system.

Deputy Prime Minister Freeland’s characterization of legitimate concerns as “cheap political points” is disappointing. Standing up for the safety of Canadians and fixing policies that enable criminals should transcend partisanship.

Canadians are understandably frustrated that repeat, violent offenders are allowed back into communities on bail, free to commit more crimes, sometimes with fatal consequences. Poilievre is giving voice to those concerns.

The tragic crash is just one example of how repeat offenders on bail have shattered lives. There are countless stories of criminals committing new crimes, even murder, while out on bail. Each case is more evidence that the bail system is badly in need of reform to keep dangerous criminals locked up. Lives depend on it.

Rather than attacking her critics, Deputy PM Freeland should work with Opposition parties to fix the laws that enabled this tragedy. Granting bail to an accused violent criminal who then violates his conditions is unacceptable. 

Keeping communities safe should be priority number one. Policies that fail to achieve that must be reformed.

Instead of arrogantly ignoring such an incident due to lack of criminal justice, Freeland should have listened to what conservatives have been saying about the criminal law and how to adjust it to serve the Canadians better.

Poilievre Proposes “Jail Not Bail” Fixes Amid Public Outcry

Pierre Poilievre has been stating and hinting that he would use notwithstanding clauses to change laws, rather than hearing a plan that might be effective, Poilievre was attacked upon it as Freeland has called him out as scoring cheap political points.

That was clearly a shot at Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, who had called out the Liberals for their “catch-and-release” policies, while promising “jail, not bail,” if he were elected as prime minister. Those are not cheap political points; he was responding to what is happening in our justice system and the frustration that ordinary Canadians feel.

Conservative Leader Poilievre’s promise to enact “jail not bail” measures is a reasonable response to the tragic consequences of the current flawed system. 

Earlier in May this year, Poilievre aimed to restore justice and public safety if elected prime minister. His tough-on-crime proposals are a reasonable response to a system plagued by revolving-door bail practices and lenient sentencing.

Poilievre pledges to use all legitimate tools to fix the broken system. This includes invoking the notwithstanding clause to enact stiffer sentences for the most heinous crimes. 

The horrific Quebec City mosque shooting tragedy exposed flaws when the killer’s consecutive life sentences were overturned. Invoking the clause would re-establish appropriate sentencing.

Canadians deserve to feel safe in their communities. Lax enforcement emboldens criminals while leaving victims and families feeling victimized again by the system. Poilievre plans to implement reforms to restore accountability.

Some critics accuse Poilievre of rhetoric on crime issues. But the tragic results of the current flawed system are very real. Preventable crimes occur continuously while on bail, and dangerous offenders get early release. Canadians are rightfully demanding reforms, not rhetoric.

The notwithstanding clause should be used judiciously on targeted legislation that clearly enhances public safety, as with consecutive sentences for mass murderers. Protecting society from the most dangerous criminals is a responsible use of legislative tools. Critics exaggerate its impact.

Poilievre aims to work with provincial attorneys general to coordinate national reforms. Criminals easily exploit the patchwork of inconsistencies across jurisdictions. A coordinated crackdown on leniency makes communities safer.

Some ideologically oppose any get-tough measures, believing sympathizing with criminals best serves society. But the fundamental role of the government is protecting citizens’ security so they can live free of fear. Poilievre understands this duty to Canadians.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claims to be a champion of the Charter, but the first Charter right is the right to life, liberty and security. A system that enables criminals to take lives and threaten public safety violates that right. Upholding charter principles requires reforms.

Poilievre aims to restore public confidence in the justice system’s ability to differentiate right from wrong. The soft-on-crime status quo erodes the basic moral foundation of Canadian society. Criminals need to be punished, citizens protected. Strong reforms will uphold both imperatives.

Canadians deserve to understand why the criminal was free and able to allegedly cause mayhem yet again. The Liberal government must take responsibility for the laws and enforcement that allowed it to happen. Pointing fingers and making accusations of partisanship won’t bring back lives lost due to lapses in the system.

The priority now should be comprehensive reforms to prevent any more families from suffering the grief of losing loved ones due to a broken justice system. Canadians deserve to feel safe in their communities. That means taking a hard look at “catch and release” bail practices that put violent criminals back on the streets.

Deputy PM Freeland does the victims’ families and all Canadians a disservice by dismissing valid criticism and avoiding accountability. There should be non-partisan agreement that fixing the flawed criminal justice system is urgent and vital. Lives hang in the balance.

Rather than partisan bickering, the government must work with all parties to enact sensible reforms. Keeping dangerous offenders locked up, appropriate sentences, and ending revolving door bail practices will help prevent more lives being needlessly shattered. That should be the priority, not political finger-pointing.

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