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Fraser Admits Housing Plan is an Election Ploy, Not a Solution - Street Politics
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Fraser Admits Housing Plan is an Election Ploy, Not a Solution


The Liberals Housing Plan Exposed

Shocking confessions from Housing Minister Sean Fraser makes it clear that the government’s big housing plan is just a stunt to win votes, and it’s got some serious flaws. In a moment of candor, Fraser admits their strategy is long on lofty promises but short on concrete solutions to the housing crisis.

As the election gets closer, the government’s scrambling to look like they’re doing something about the affordability and housing crises. But Fraser’s remarks show that their plan is more about grabbing attention than actually fixing the housing crisis.

The minister let slip just how half-baked their approach is, conceding many details remain unresolved.

Even experts are calling out the government’s overblown claims, and Fraser’s own crew says the plan is going to be tough to pull off. But electoral considerations trump evidence-based policy.

Fraser’s rare moment of honesty made it clear that their big housing plan is more about winning elections than actually coming up with a solid strategy. His confession shows that their whole approach is built on shaky ground.

But the most shocking revelation was Fraser admitting what we all suspected – the Liberals’ housing plan is just an election ploy packaged as policy.

Fraser Admits Housing Plan More Show Than Substance

The government’s housing plan from the Liberal party is another instance of Prime Minister Trudeau’s habit of making big announcements with little substance. Even the Housing Minister, Sean Fraser, confessed that the plan has a lot of problems and lacks details. Meeting the goals set out in the plan will be extremely difficult.

Though the plan talks about good goals like making housing more affordable and building millions of new homes, a closer look reveals serious problems. The amount of building needed is way more than Canada can handle right now.

Currently, about 244,000 new homes are started each year, but the plan wants to triple that to over 827,000 annually, which seems like wishful thinking.

Minister Fraser also admitted that working together with different levels of government is tough. Provinces and cities won’t easily agree to the federal government’s targets and deadlines.

Plus, the federal government doesn’t have the legal power over housing, so making this plan work depends on getting support that isn’t guaranteed.

Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Sean Fraser stands during question period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Tuesday, March 29, 2022. International students who’ve graduated from Canadian post-secondary schools will be able to stay in Canada longer now that the federal government has offered a temporary program to help them qualify for permanent residency. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Fraser’s attempt to portray the target as “very clear” is disingenuous. Admitting “a lot of details need to be worked out” exposes the lack of substantive planning.

If the minister was truly confident in his plan and had a clear vision of the number of homes expected to be built, shouldn’t the specifics be defined? Or is this merely another electoral ploy?

Poillievre rightly slammed the housing minister in a recent question period, asking him how Canadians should have faith in a government that keeps talking about plans without materializing them.

Rising interest rates and ballooning construction costs hinder new projects, yet the government ignores these economic realities. Wishfully asserting that affordability for all Canadians will mysteriously materialize demonstrates naivete. With inflation spiraling, throwing money at developers is no solution.

Even the government’s own stats from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation show some serious flaws in their plans. They’re talking about tripling the number of new homes built every year, and keeping it that way for like ten years straight. But the Minister can’t even explain how they’re going to pull that off in real life.

CMHC chief economist Bob Dugan bashed the target as “an enormous undertaking” and bluntly deemed the goals difficult to attain. When your own expert concedes achieving your plan is improbable, that indicates poor policymaking.

Pressed on the feasibility, Minister Fraser could only spout vague aspirations about innovation and utilizing capital and labor more efficiently. This empty rhetoric reveals the lack of practical steps to fulfill the lofty vision. Undefined innovations do not construct homes.

The housing plan amounts to nothing but grandiose promises to pander to voters. Prime Minister Trudeau excels at speeches filled with optimism but falters at executing transformative change. His government’s failure on housing to date portends similar unfulfilled pledges.

Since 2015, affordability has eroded yearly under Liberal mismanagement. Prices have skyrocketed, outpacing wage growth. Yet doubling down on past policies will not improve outcomes. Minister Fraser’s admissions expose flaws permeating the plan.

The government’s housing plan might look good on the surface, but when you dig deeper, it’s like a house of cards waiting to collapse. Stuff like bumping up mortgage limits and throwing out tax breaks for rental buildings sounds like solutions, but they’re really just half-baked ideas pretending to be fixes.

Hiking up mortgage borrowing limits just lets buyers get even deeper into debt, taking on crazy amounts of money to buy houses that are way overpriced. It’s like putting a band-aid on a broken leg – it doesn’t fix the real problem, it just makes it worse.

And let’s talk about Canadians’ debt load – it’s already through the roof thanks to years of banks being too loose with their lending rules. Pushing for more borrowing is just plain reckless. It’s like playing with fire, setting families up to crash and burn when interest rates go up or the economy takes a hit more than it already is.

And don’t even get me started on those tax breaks for rental construction. They’ve been tried over and over again, both federally and provincially, and guess what? They haven’t done a dint to fix the rental shortage.

Developers aren’t holding back because of taxes; they’re held back by real issues like crazy construction costs and zoning laws. Tweaking a few tax rules won’t magically make more rental units appear. So, what’s the real solution here?

This policy tinkers around the edges but fails to implement the structural reforms needed to incentivize rental construction at scale. It represents a piecemeal approach unable to deliver the exponential increase in housing starts promised. To characterize such inadequate measures as solutions trivializes the crisis.

In reality, the government’s plan relies predominantly on gimmicks and half-measures rather than comprehensive strategies. Expanding access to mortgages fans the flames of overheated demand instead of cooling the market. Tax incentives cannot counteract excessive red tape and costs hampering builders.

This housing plan amounts to little more than aspirational talking points. It outlines lofty goals without coherent steps to achieve them. The policies offered are band-aid solutions at best that leave the underlying issues unresolved.

Minister Fraser’s confessions show even the government isn’t fully sold on these policies hitting the mark. The goals they’re setting seem more like wishful thinking than anything backed by facts. Dealing with high construction costs, not enough workers, and fights over who’s in charge will definitely slow things down.

This housing plan just seems like another example of Prime Minister Trudeau’s habit of focusing on identity politics instead of real solutions. Canadians want real fixes, not just politicians showing off their values.

Minister Fraser’s straight talk about doubting their own strategy shows the government knows it’s got some big problems.

After eight years of Liberals running the show and not much to show for it, Canadians are tired of hearing big promises that never come true.

Letting in tons of immigrants and spending like there’s no tomorrow has just made housing problems worse. This plan doesn’t offer much beyond vague goals and no clear steps to make them happen.

Trudeau All Talk, No Concrete Fixes for Young Canadians

Minister Fraser admitting there are holes in the plan just highlights the serious issues that are going to get in the way of real progress. The government’s own words make it clear: this housing plan isn’t going to fix things like Canadians hoped.

So Trudeau’s latest budget being hailed as a move towards “generational fairness” is just plain spin. This government has a history of piling up debt and pleasing its supporters at the expense of future generations, so talking about fairness is a joke.

Trudeau says today’s young people are getting a raw deal compared to past generations. But his policies over the last eight years have made things worse for young Canadians. Debt has shot up, houses cost way too much, and the job market is tough for millennials and Gen Z, all thanks to Liberal screw-ups.

Now he’s acting like he’s the champion of young people, but it’s all talk. The budget doesn’t do much to actually make life better for millennials and Gen Z. Trudeau’s just throwing out nice words without any real solutions.

And let’s talk about the housing plan in the budget – it’s a total flop. It’s nowhere near enough to hit the construction targets they’re aiming for. But Trudeau’s acting like a few small incentives are a huge deal for making housing more affordable.

Canadians of all ages are sick of Trudeau’s big talk that never leads to anything. Look at his track record: huge debts, weak economy, crazy housing prices. Nice words won’t cover up his failures.

Young Canadians are going to be stuck paying for Trudeau’s mistakes long after he’s out of office next year. They’ll be the ones footing the bill for all the debt he’s racked up unnecessarily.

Trudeau’s talk about fairness is just him trying to score political points – it won’t actually make things better for millennials and Gen Z. We need leaders who actually care about the future, common sense, and not just their own popularity.

Trudeau’s let us down time and time again. And it’s time to vote him out in October 2025.

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