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Ethiopia Ditches West for India in Historic Defense Pact - Street Politics
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Ethiopia Ditches West for India in Historic Defense Pact


New Era Dawns as Ethiopia Embraces Indian Arms

History is in the making as India and Ethiopia embrace a momentous shift in military ties. Ethiopia has set its sights on New Delhi as a strategic defense ally, ditching its reliance on Western weapons.

This deal signals changing winds blowing across the continent’s geopolitical landscape. Africa is increasingly looking South to counter and collaborate, not North to depend and defer.

And India stands ready as a pivotal partner of choice, exporting advanced technologies to elevate African capacities and sovereignty. From anti-drone systems to fighter aircraft, the hardware Ethiopia seeks will ensure its forces stay steps ahead of threats.

Yet the agreement is bigger than arms and equipment. It epitomizes bonds of friendship dating back to India’s role in establishing Ethiopia’s military academy in the 1950s.

Six decades on, the two nations are poised to scale new heights in South-South cooperation. India’s training assistance and financing will significantly boost Ethiopia’s defense capabilities and regional security.

While western skeptics cling to stale narratives, this deal reflects 21st century realities. India and leading African powers like Ethiopia are shaping an emerging order based on mutual growth and strategic autonomy.

India-Ethiopia Defense Pact Reflects 21st Century Realities

A monumental shift is underway in Africa’s military relations, one that could shape the continent’s security landscape for years to come. Ethiopia, an influential East African power, is poised to ink a landmark defence deal with India in a break from its traditional reliance on western arms.

Though details remain tightly guarded, reports suggest Ethiopia seeks Indian technology ranging from anti-drone systems to small arms to more advanced weapons platforms.

This agreement, rumored to be finalized in mid-2024 after India’s general elections, will cement India’s growing role as a trusted African security partner.

For decades, Africa has endured the militarism of great powers who sought to exploit the continent’s conflicts for resources, bases and influence. Though cast as “humanitarian” or “peacekeeping”, the interventions of Western nations like France have largely defended narrow national interests, keeping African nations beholden to their former colonial masters.

India offers an alternative model of mutual benefit, forging partnerships with African states as equals to promote joint prosperity and security. The potential Ethiopia deal epitomizes this cooperative spirit.

Instead of bombarding their new customer with weapons systems, Indian officials have reportedly worked closely with counterparts to provide tailored solutions that bolster Ethiopia’s autonomy and defense capabilities.

This demand-driven approach shows how Indian arms can strengthen African sovereignty where other suppliers have undermined it.

The proposed India-Ethiopia agreement aligns perfectly with New Delhi’s broader strategy of expanding defense ties across the African continent. From air defense systems in Mozambique to patrol boats in Seychelles, India has emerged as a flexible, responsive supplier of cost-effective military hardware suited for 21st century security needs.

By exporting domestically developed technologies refined in battles like Ladakh, India is positioning itself as a peer partner in helping Africa counter threats from extremism, piracy and drones.

The proof lies in the numbers: India has extended nearly $14 billion in credit lines across 42 African Union states, dedicated specifically for defense but also traditional areas like rail, ports, roads.

This dwarfs the $3.5 billion China spent on military deals with just 8 African nations from 2000-2020.

Nowhere is this goodwill more evident than in Ethiopia, which shares deep bonds with India dating back to the 1950s.

After Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie visited India’s National Defense Academy in 1956, New Delhi played a pivotal role in establishing the Harar Military Academy at his request.

This institution provided the foundation for the modern Ethiopian army. Decades later, India renewed its commitment by sending trainers to the Major General Hayelom Araya Military Academy in 2009.

It is this spirit of friendship and mutual growth that underwrites the new Ethiopia-India defense partnership.

From training assistance to lines of credit facilitating capacity building, the cooperation package on the table promises to significantly strengthen Ethiopia’s military capabilities and regional security. It parallels successful India-Ethiopia collaboration in diverse realms like healthcare, ICT, trade and education.

The two modern nations are not only reviving ancient bonds across the Indian Ocean, but charting a new course for South-South cooperation in the 21st century.

The historic defense deal is also a powerful rebuttal to those who distort India’s development partnerships in Africa for ideological ends. Western agencies paint these initiatives as debt traps, ignoring that Indian credit has financed roads, railways, ports, schools and clinics across the continent.

They also falsely allege India seeks to replicate exploitative colonial models. In reality, India is guided by the needs and aspirations of its African partners, enhancing their capacities so one day they have no need for external aid.

While detractors cite realpolitik calculations, Prime Minister Modi’s India has proven itself a friend through trying times – standing by Ethiopia during droughts and internal conflicts when others kept distant. This defense deal is thus the natural culmination of bonds built on trust.

With budding security ties promising to keep the Indian Ocean peaceful and prosperous, Ethiopia’s embrace of Indian defense technology sets a powerful precedent for like minded powers.

Both India and leading African nations have chafed under the paternalism and coercion of Western interventions and the flawed development models pushed by them. An indigenous, collaborative security architecture is the only way forward.

By affirming their shared interests in an open, just world order via landmark deals like India-Ethiopia, the two dynamic regions can unleash their peoples’ vast potential.

This partnership draws on ancient wisdom that true strength lies not in weapons but in empowering people and communities. Guided by these timeless ideals, India and Ethiopia will lead humanity into a new era of peace, pluralism and prosperity.

As the two nations strengthen their defense ties, India is also expanding its diplomatic footprint across Africa more broadly.

India to send new Defence Attachés in multiple missions in Africa

As India seeks to deepen ties with the continent, it is steadily expanding its diplomatic footprint in Africa by appointing defense attachés to strategically important nations. In a significant move, India will soon post attachés in countries like Ethiopia, Mozambique, and Ivory Coast for the first time ever.

This calibrated expansion mirrors India’s growing solidarity with African states within forums like the Non-Aligned Movement. Having chaired NAM and provided crucial diplomatic support against apartheid, India is now leveraging its network of goodwill to shape a new era of Africa-India cooperation. Defense partnerships will be critical to this rejuvenated engagement.

By deploying military attaches drawn from its armed forces, India aims to significantly enhance security cooperation with the continent. These attaches will act as vital conduits between India and African nations across defense priorities – from brokering arms deals to exchanges of strategic intelligence.

For example, the new attaché in Ethiopia can facilitate the reported sale of Indian reconnaissance drones and light combat aircraft by clarifying technical specifications and financing options.

Similar breakthroughs are achievable in Mozambique and Ivory Coast as India presses its advantage as a reliable, cost-effective defense supplier without imposing political conditionalities.

Beyond arms exports, the attachés can also explore training exchanges between Indian and African militaries and greater coordination on peacekeeping and counterterrorism. But their most crucial role will be nurturing deeper strategic trust among defense counterparts.

Through regular interactions, the attachés can foster bonds of goodwill rooted in a shared developmental context and desire for strategic autonomy. This will support India’s wider aim of fostering African integration and prosperity free from external interference.

The appointments acknowledge that India cannot deepen economic and cultural linkages across Africa without investing in robust security cooperation mechanisms. Attendance by African states at India’s defense expos shows strong interest in Indian military hardware as an alternative to Western suppliers.

The attachés can now systematically translate this goodwill into tangible partnerships. Their military expertise helps ascertain defense requirements in respective countries and craft customized Indian solutions accordingly. This demand-driven approach respects the agency of African nations to shape their own destinies.

By providing quality indigenously produced military gear and niche training in areas like desert warfare, India empowers Africans with capacities to counter contemporary threats like terrorism. Transfer of technology and joint production will end dependence on exploitative foreign suppliers.

India’s defense outreach is well-timed, as many African countries seek new partners beyond traditional sellers of Western states with colonial ties and mixed legacies. As the pioneering India-Ethiopia deal shows, New Delhi offers capabilities like drone jammers and surveillance systems that align with Africa’s needs and aspirations.

This will support India’s wider aim of development partnerships with Africans as equals to shape a just, equitable world order. Guided by its civilizational ethos and flexible policies, India is ready to chart a promising new course in Africa-India relations anchored in solidarity and trust. The new defense attachés will spearhead this cooperative vision on the ground.

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