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Does Trudeau Believe Christmas is 'Racist'? All About the House of Commons Debate - Street Politics
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Does Trudeau Believe Christmas is ‘Racist’? All About the House of Commons Debate


The House of Commons erupted into a full-blown War on Christmas this week as BC leader, Yves François, demanded to know if Trudeau thinks decking the halls and singing carols is racist.

The accusation stems from a startling new report by the Canadian Human Rights Commission casting Christmas and Easter as examples of systemic discrimination in Canada.

And while Pierre Poilievre made sure to grill the Prime Minister on his failed policies and dividing approach, it seems like Trudeau still doesn’t get the message, as he went on and on about climate action, all while Canadians still can’t put a roof over their heads or food on the table each night.

While Trudeau dismissed the notions as “totally ridiculous,” many Canadians who are struggling under his costly policies won’t be able to have the Christmas celebration they dream of.

Is Trudeau himself the Grinch who wants to steal Christmas? 

The holiday season is fast approaching, and with it comes the yearly tradition of partisan bickering in the House of Commons. But this year, BC leader Yves François took the holiday heckling to a new level. 

In a bold move sure to spark controversy, Blanchet stood up and bluntly asked if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau thinks Christmas is racist. 

The provocative question caused an uproar, with Speaker Greg Fergus nearly silencing Blanchet for crossing the line, but Blanchet wasn’t taking any of it.

This question from Blanchet did not come out of nowhere.

It was a direct reference to a recent discussion paper published back in October by the Canadian Human Rights Commission, on religious intolerance. The report declared that discrimination against religious minorities in Canada is rooted in our colonial past. It points to Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter as prime examples, since they are statutory holidays while holy days of other faiths are not.

“As a result, non-Christians may need to request special accommodations to observe their holy days and other times of the year where their religion requires them to abstain from work,” the paper reads.

Mr. Blanchet said that according to the commission, “celebrating Christmas with trees, family, music, and gifts, that’s systemic racism.”

By daring to ask if Trudeau believes Christmas is racist, Blanchet was shining a spotlight on this inflammatory report and forcing the issue into the public discourse.

In an emailed response, the CHRC said that Christmas is an important tradition for millions of Canadians, both Christians and non-Christians alike.

They also said the report merely opens a discussion on how to ensure all Canadians can equally observe their religious holidays, no matter what faith. 

“When the Commission’s academic discussion paper mentions Christmas it is in the context of statutory holidays. It explains that based on current Canadian law, providing a statutory holiday for one religion, and not providing reasonable accommodation for other religions may be discrimination,” the CHRC statement reads.

“Put another way, if you observe a non-Christian religious holiday in Canada, you might have to take the day off work, assuming your employer will give you permission to do so.” 

“This has a real effect on people’s lives that may not be visible to those who already get the day off to observe their traditions.” the CHRC said.

The paper also mentioned that, regarding Canada’s colonial history, “This history manifests itself in present-day systemic religious discrimination,”

The controversial Human Rights Commission paper spurred swift condemnation from Quebec’s National Assembly as well. On the very same day Blanchet raised the issue in the House of Commons, Quebec’s legislature unanimously passed a motion denouncing any attempt to polarize around unifying cultural events like Christmas.

In response to the question, Trude au made sure to completely dismiss Blanchet’s concerns, deeming them as “totally ridiculous.”

After Trudeau’s answer, Blanchet was given the floor once again as he pressured Trudeau further over the Canadian Human Rights Commission’s paper.

He even asked him whether he had to cancel the Christmas celebration he’s having in his riding.

In response, Trudeau once again shut down Blanchet’s accusation and highlighted that celebrating all religious holidays equally is “only a good thing.” 

Never one to miss an opportunity for partisan showmanship, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre leapt at the chance to stir up Christmas cheer in contrast to the Grinch-like Trudeau. 

While the Prime Minister stumbled over accusations of canceling the holiday, Poilievre gleefully declared he would be the first political figure this season to wish everybody a Merry Christmas.

However, Poilievre’s reasoning for criticizing Trudeau is a little different. The Conservative leader wasted no time to grill him over his costly carbon tax, and said that all Trudeau has to offer Canadians in the lead-up to the holiday is a “carbon tax lump of coal.”

Caught off guard by the accusations of attacking Christmas, Trudeau attempted to flip the script by accusing the Conservatives of being the real grinches threatening the holiday’s future.

He contended that the Conservative’s “climate denialism” jeopardizes the prospect of white Christmases down the road.

With melodramatic flair, Trudeau proclaimed that the lack of action on climate change by the Conservatives is an existential threat to cherished Christmas traditions like tree trimming and sleigh rides, that future generations may not get to enjoy as a result of climate change.

By linking Christmas to defend his climate policy, Trudeau aimed to paint the Conservatives as a party willing to sacrifice the future of Christmas for short-term gain.

However, Trudeau’s message was a bit on the aggressive side, as he shouted: “On this side of the house, we stand for Christmas!”

Poilievre, in his typical manner, missed no chance to give Trudeau a little nudge, stating that Trudeau’s passionate speech “has to be the angriest and most caustic Christmas message I’ve ever seen!”

Poilievre spoke for many Canadians when he called for Trudeau to start being less like Scrooge, and more Santa Claus, saying the only thing being phased out is affordable food under the Prime Minister’s crushing carbon tax scheme.

With his trademark metaphors, Poilievre railed against the burden on hard-working farmers who are providing the turkey, ham, and fixings for Canadians’ holiday meals. He portrayed the carbon tax as a cruel expense that will leave family dinner tables barren and Christmas stockings empty.

In response, Trudeau somehow managed to completely switch the subject to Ukraine, as he expressed the Liberals’ support for the war-torn country.

As a result, Poilievre was quick to accuse Trudeau of “rambling.”

Poilievre proclaimed that the Prime Minister can’t even engage in lighthearted holiday fun in the House without going off script and rambling incoherently. When asked about the soaring cost of food, Trudeau dodged the question entirely. 

Meanwhile, his policies have forced Canadians into bread lines not seen since the Great Depression. His hypocrisy is staggering.

As the bells ring out this holiday season, a darker tone echoes through the halls of Parliament.

While the Conservatives have tried to ignite some Christmas spirit, Trudeau and the Liberals seem intent on crushing any holiday joy under the weight of their scolding rhetoric and costly policies.

Beyond the verbal sparring, a deeper question haunts this holiday at the feet of Ottawa’s Liberal government. When will Canadians finally get a break from the shackles of Justin Trudeau’s burdensome policies?

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