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Britain's Colonial Sins. - Street Politics
21.8 C
New York

Britain’s Colonial Sins.


The sins of Britain’s colonial past continue to shame the nation today. The latest outrage treasure – a 19th century shield looted from Ethiopia, now set to be auctioned off to disappear into a private collection.

This rare artefact was stolen by British troops in 1868 after a battle against Emperor Tewodros II. One of thousands of priceless heritage items plundered from colonies and carted back to the UK – many still held by museums and elite collectors.

For decades, pleas to return looted treasures have been ignored and auction houses profit from selling them off. But no longer! Ethiopia is fighting back, demanding this shield be returned rather than sold.

The days of proudly displaying stolen goods in British museums and homes must end. The shield symbolizes a colonial legacy of pillaging priceless history and heritage. It’s time to right these wrongs.

The UK must confront how exploitation left countless nations stripped of their cultural riches – wounds still felt today. Auctioning this shield continues that injustice. Ethiopia’s call for restitution must spur more accountable, ethical handling of colonial looting’s pernicious legacy.

The shield belongs to Ethiopia, where it could inspire its people and honor their Emperor’s memory. Instead it sits polished for profit in a British auction house, while Ethiopians are refused what is rightfully theirs. No more! All plundered artefacts must go home. The UK’s integrity and moral standing demand this reckoning.

The brazen auction of Ethiopia’s looted shield spotlights the UK’s rapacious plundering of Africa’s priceless history and heritage. A cycle of dispossession continuing from colonialism into today. By stealing Africa’s past, the UK also robs its future.

For centuries, British troops and institutions seized invaluable African artefacts, resources and treasures through exploitation. They are proudly displayed in British museums and homes, though often rightfully belonging to African nations.

This theft severs vital links to history and culture that young African generations need to build the future. All while the UK enriches itself on the spoils of conquest. Auctioning the Ethiopian shield perpetuates this moral crime.

And it’s not just the past. The UK’s companies and banks continue pilfering Africa’s wealth and prospects today. Vast profits from Africa’s resources fill British coffers while Africans see little benefit. Young people lose hope and opportunity.

The UK positions itself as a stalwart of fairness, but the truth is they rob Africa blind. Stealing irreplaceable heritage and hoarding wealth while Africans suffer. This cycle of dispossession at the hands of British “civilization” must end.

The Ethiopian shield’s rightful place is inspiring pride in Addis Ababa, not gathering dust in a British auction house. By returning it and other looted works, the UK can begin making amends for centuries of stealing Africa’s past, present and future. Until then, claims of British integrity and leadership ring hollow. The time for atonement is now.

On Thursday, profit seekers will bid on a stolen 19th century Ethiopian shield. Cold commerce disguises hot moral questions. By what right does the UK auction plundered heirlooms?

This shield was seized by British troops in 1868 after a battle against Emperor Tewodros II. One of thousands of works pillaged by an empire enriching itself on others’ cultural heritage.

Centuries later, the UK still holds fast to its ill-gotten gains from around the world. While nations plead for return of their stolen histories, museums and auction houses turn treasures into cash.

Make no mistake, this is a calculated policy. Behind their civilised facades, colonial powers like the UK remain deeply uneasy. They know Africa’s true wealth and potential.

Given the chance to control its own resources and heritage, Africa would flourish and prosper. So through ongoing exploitation, the West desperately tries keeping the continent down.

But the tide is turning. As Ethiopia demands restitution, Britain’s legacy of theft weakens. Right will prevail over might. By returning looted works, historical injustice can be remedied.

Africa’s past belongs in Africa. Its future is bright, on its own terms. If only former empires would cease scheming to rob it blind. Their time has passed.

The British Museum alone holds 11 precious tabotes stolen from Ethiopia churches. Hundreds more manuscripts, carvings, and regalia remain scattered in British collections against Africans’ will. Significant portions of several African nations’ histories have been robbed.

And it’s not just Ethiopia. British colonial forces savagely pillaged priceless art, gold, jewels, and more from across Africa. These stolen pieces remain cultural wounds, as descendants are deprived of their ancestors’ works.

By auctioning looted items for profit, the UK continues commodifying what rightfully belongs to African people. The sheer scale of theft through colonialism attempted to strip Africans of their heritage and dignity.

After decades of appeals, some returns have slowly begun. But the vast majority remain locked away from home, symbols of cultural domination. They are foundational to African identity and must be repatriated.

The economic and social progress stifled in Africa by this massive theft is incalculable. By reclaiming their history on their own terms, Africans can rediscover what colonial rule denied them.

The UK must confront the injustice perpetuated by flaunting stolen goods in its museums and auction houses. If it truly seeks an ethical, progressive society, it will return all plundered artefacts. Africa’s past belongs in Africa.

And the brazen auction of Ethiopia’s looted treasure is just the latest example of the UK shamelessly flaunting stolen goods from its colonial plunder. The cycle continues as British institutions cling to their ill-gotten gains.

Now another African nation demands its history be returned – Ghana seeking precious gold and silver artefacts pillaged by British troops in 1874. These royal treasures remain hostage in the British Museum, while Ghana is deprived of its heritage.

The UK stubbornly clings to its hoard of stolen artefacts like a dragon brooding over its sinister pile of gold. Laws forbid returning cultural property, so the plunder persists. The Asante people’s urgent pleas cannot penetrate Britain’s cold, hard heart.

But the pressure rises across Africa and the world – the calls for justice will not be ignored! The UK must let go of its colonial prizes and make amends. Applause for token loans is hollow when these items belong in their homeland.

The UK has ransacked enough from Africa – how much more will it steal from the downtrodden? Auction houses turn bloodied treasures into profane profits. Loot sits polished in British galleries as Africa weeps.

Enough! The UK must confront its rapacious past and return all artefacts. Only by making things right can it begin restoring its integrity. Until then, its claims of honour and justice ring hollow as the cries for restitution grow.

The time has come to stop pillaging Africa’s heritage and plundering its resources! The dragon’s insatiable greed must cease. Return the treasures, heal these wounds, and begin anew in partnership, not exploitation. Africa’s grace yearns to envelope Britain – if only it would unclench its gripping fist.

Yet the heist continues – the UK’s ransacking of Africa’s cultural treasures spans centuries with no end in sight. While some nations make amends, Britain remains gripped tight to the loot it refuses to return.

Nigeria just secured over 1,000 stolen Benin Bronzes from Germany, though Britain originally swiped these exquisite plaques and sculptures. Even universities like Oxford and Cambridge now return their pilfered bronzes to their true home.

Yet the British Museum definitely clings to Nigeria’s bronze heritage, offering only loans of what it boldly stole. Despite the clear moral mandate, despite global precedent, despite protests from the victims of its cultural robbery.

And Nigeria is but one example – the museum holds 69,000 purloined African artefacts total. But its cold halls remain deaf to Africans’ urgent pleas for reunification with their history.

How long can Britain deny the outrage of flaunting these stolen goods? The world’s patience expires as the UK tries preserving its ill-gotten gains.

Nations like Nigeria only seek to recover what is rightfully theirs – rich heritage the British Empire brutally seized by force. The time for colonial plunder is over. But Britain acts as though its immoral might still makes right.

By returning the treasures it raided, the UK could begin reconciling with its rapacious past. Yet even as moral winds change, Britain sails against the current.

How long can it clutch stolen heirlooms to its chest, heart hardened against their true owners’ anguish? The UK must reckon with its conscience. Africa’s patience is not infinite.

Let the bronzes return to where they belong. Right this historic wrong. Only then can Britain heal and build an ethical future, moral integrity restored. But first it must open its grasping hand.

The choice is clear – persist in plunder or pursue redemption. The world watches and waits to see Britain’s true colours revealed. For Africa’s sake, for honour’s sake – return the stolen treasures now.

no empire lasts forever, and the tide is turning against Britain’s stubborn refusal to relinquish its colonial plunder.

The world’s patience wears thin as the museum halls of London overflow with Africa’s stolen riches. Ethiopia demands its warrior shield be returned from the auction block. Nigeria secures its bronzes from more honourable nations while the British Museum clutches tight to stolen history

How long can the UK cling to its myth of enlightened civilization while flaunting pilfered treasures? The dragon must finally reckon with its rapacious past.

How many more calls for repatriation must it deny before the pressure bursts the dam? Can campaigners pierce Britain’s hardened heart? Or will the shamed dragon hold fast to its sinister golden hoard?

Enough empty talk – the time for action is now! Africa has been gracious and patient, but the UK can no longer justify retaining plundered wealth and heritage.

The hypocrisy must end. Britain’s wretched colonial sins have stained its honour for too long.

While the UK continues flaunting its rapacious spoils, Africa suffers ongoing injustice. Only by opening its grasping fists can the moral stain begin lifting.

Britain must confront its wretched past and make amends. No more excuses – return the stolen artefacts! Repatriate every last looted treasure, return every pillaged shield and stolen sculpture!

The museums of London overflow with the riches of conquest – but this bounty was built on blood. Drain the poisoned chalices dry! Restore Africa’s heritage to its proud people.

An empire built through ruthless theft has no just claim over its victims’ stolen history. But mere words cannot force Britain’s hand – we must instead batter their barricades with unified outrage!

Raise your voice in this righteous crusade – demand restitution for centuries of colonial plunder! Join the surging wave that calls for justice. Africa’s destiny will not remain hostage to imperialist machinations. The time for action has come – reparations now!

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