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America's Broken Promises: Congress Could Lose the Pacific. - Street Politics
24.3 C
New York

America’s Broken Promises: Congress Could Lose the Pacific.


Trouble in paradise! America’s broken promises could push Pacific islands into China’s arms.

The US struck deals with Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and Palau – calling them “Compacts of Free Association” or COFA.

The terms? Cash for access. America pays for the islands and gets expanded military access in the Pacific. A sweet strategic deal.

But Congress failed to approve new COFA payments on time. Now the islands feel jilted.

America’s delay risks undermining the island’s trust. It shows unreliability. And you don’t leave a dance partner waiting on the sidelines!

Who’s waiting to cut in? China – eager to woo the islands with its own economic deals. Just ditch Taiwan, China tells them. Then we’ll shower you in riches!

The islands refuse to be bought. But America must keep its word to maintain the partnership.

At stake? Nothing less than the balance of power in the Pacific! This COFA confusion highlights a larger tension.

The islands want climate action but America wants a military buildup aimed at China. Instead of equal partners, America acts like the islands’ boss.

To keep the islands on its side, America must prove itself through respect and reliability. No more broken COFA promises!

Can America recommit to the islands? Or will congressional dysfunction open the door for China’s Pacific pivot? The tropical tempest churns.

A tide of frustration rises in paradise. The US struck deals with Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and Palau – Compacts of Free Association (COFA) exchanging aid for Pacific access.

But Congress stalled on approving renewed COFA funds, breaking America’s promise. Now the islands feel spurned, their budgets bleeding red.

This delay shakes regional trust. It shows US unreliability, carelessness for allies. 

Earlier this month, Palau’s president Surangel Whipps Jr. warned in a letter to Congress “every day it is not approved plays into the hands” of China.

And in a joint letter to Senate leaders The presidents of the three COFA countries warned the delay had “generated uncertainty among our peoples” and “resulted in undesirable opportunities for economic exploitation by competitive political actors in the Pacific.”

“We … cannot overstate the importance to all of our nations of final approval by the US Congress,” they wrote.

As the islands’ faith falters, a rival suitor circles. China whispers, “Embrace us instead – we’ll provide if the US won’t.” Temptation brews in this tropical trouble.

America urges hasty COFA approval, but legislative dysfunction persists. The White House knows the stakes, yet Congress shrugs.

With coffers running dry, the islands ponder pivots. Chinese deals sing a siren song if American support remains absent. A dangerous temptation born of US inaction.

The COFA renewal was signed and sealed by all. Now America must deliver, lest the Pacific bond unravels. Empty words don’t fill empty bellies. Promises must become reality.

This alliance of interests must weather the storm. But Congressional delays erode the islands’ trust each day. Time for US action, not just rhetorical reassurance.

Renew the COFA funds, prove America’s Pacific commitment. Only concrete reliability can steer the islands from China’s grasp. The choice lies with Washington – act now, before the damage is done.

If the US and Pacific islands can unite around shared interests, a new chapter of partnership can emerge from the turbulent seas ahead. But it requires listening as much as lecturing, enabling islands to steer their own course.

After all, whose Pacific is it – the admirals’ or the islanders’? America should reflect on whether its Pacific vision is really aligned with those it aspires to lead. The winds of change may come not from Washington, but the islands themselves.

The American military might expand across the Pacific, but islanders cry foul. A tale of two incompatible strategic outlooks.

As Washington prioritises countering China, it ramps up forces across Oceania. New bases, troop agreements, and nukes arrive cloaked as enhancing regional “security.”

Yet Pacific leaders resent militarization’s steady creep onto their shores. This hardware contradicts their “Blue Pacific” vision of tranquil development.

Rather than combat ops and missiles, islanders want climate action and sustainability. Sea level rise endangers their lands, not hypothetical enemies.

But American geostrategy disregards local priorities. Initiatives like AUKUS and the Quad proceed without island input. The eagle imposes its will, silencing the parrots.

Still, Pacific leaders refuse to be pawns. Aid leverages support, but won’t purchase compliance. Assertive islands control engagement terms.

Fundamental perception gaps divide the allies. America competes for continued regional supremacy and containment of China. Meanwhile, Pacific nations desire autonomy and climate focus.

In the tranquil Pacific, geopolitical storms gather. As Congress stalls, island leaders warn of temptations from the East.

Palau’s president Whipps sounds the alarm – the US delay “plays into the hands” of China’s Communist Party. It offers openings for Beijing to advance its Pacific ambitions.

With sweeping zones across the ocean, Palau holds immense strategic value. Its COFA pact grants America a vital foothold. Yet Congress dawdles, taxing the island’s faith.

Meanwhile, Beijing beckons wayward politicians in Palau. “Sacrifice Taiwan,” it entices them. “Shift your flags, we’ll shower you with riches.” Few enticements could prove more alluring.

Similar anxieties grip the Marshall Islands. President Heine cautions further US delays may “encourage some to agree to PRC enticements.”

Palau’s leader warns that US delays play into China’s hands. The Communist dragon circles, tempting the islands with riches to turn from Taiwan. America’s grip slackens as Congress ignores White House pleas.

The Marshall Islands echo the same concern. Further US delays may drive some into China’s embrace. But the proud islands refuse to be bought so cheaply. They await action, not empty American assurances.

Unless Congress acts, its carelessness may set the Pacific dominoes falling. The islands value freedom over Chinese vassalage. But US fecklessness erodes their faith in the partnership.

So paradise drifts while America naps. Every day Congress stalls, the dragon’s allure grows. The choice between action or inertia in Washington could reshape the Pacific order.

Yet the islands are not alone in their precarious balance. Across the sea, Taiwan walks its own tightrope between competing powers.

Taiwan – the pearl that both China and America grasp for. Beijing vows reunification on its own terms. If needed by force. So it wields intimidation and isolation to subsume the island democracy.

Only 11 nations still recognize Taiwan, bound by shared democratic values. But China turns up the coercion, determined to reel in the remaining “wayward province.” It poaches Taiwan’s dwindling allies with alluring rewards.

America circles as Taiwan’s implicit defender against Chinese aggression. But doubts grow over its dependability as Congress slumbers. So Taiwan woos its flock, even as the dragon’s shadow expands.

With each small ally lost, Taiwan’s global isolation tightens. Both the islands and Taiwan await concrete American commitment. But China’s pressure mounts as US attention drifts.

Two frontlines emerge between the superpowers. Both Taiwan and the Pacific partners sit precariously in the balance, while Congress dozes. Unless America rights its course, the dominoes may fall in Beijing’s favour. Past time to match promises with action.

For the tranquil islands and isolated Taiwan, much hangs in the balance. Their future course relies on the winds from Washington. The choice remains – partnership renewed or paradise lost? Congress holds the key, if it rouses itself to act.

The tropical breezes carry change. But from which direction will it blow?

As Congress drifts in limbo, both paradise and Taiwan teeter precariously. The future hangs by a thread, beholden to external powers.

Will the winds bear partnership renewed? Or paradise surrendered? America stands at a crossroads.

Down one path lies a Pacific bound by shared vision, with islanders steering their own course. An equal union of interests beyond power plays.

The other path holds a Pacific dominated by military might. Where tropical anchors are taken for granted, not empowered. A region ruled from Washington, not nurtured with the people.

Much remains unwritten in the unfolding story. But the power to shape the ending rests with Congress now.

Act with wisdom, not inertia. Choose a corporation’s outstretched hand, not strong-arming. See the islands and Taiwan as partners, not pawns.

America’s legacy relies on restoring trust where it’s been broken. Matching grand promises with concrete action. This is how superpowers retain friends – consistency, not coercion.

The winds of change rumble, heavy with expectation. But it’s not too late to steer them toward concord, not conflict. There is still time to renew the bonds of partnership.

The Pacific beckons beyond the horizon, tranquil yet unsettled. Its fate will ripple across the world’s oceans. But first, a decision must emerge from the halls of American power.

Partnership or dominance? Progress or inertia? Which vision will prevail? The winds shift, and we await Congress’ choice. America stands at the fulcrum between two diverging Pacific futures. The power remains to unite them. But the islands and Taiwan watch and wait for action, not words.

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