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Africa Trade Deal Will Destroy Western Economies. - Street Politics
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New York

Africa Trade Deal Will Destroy Western Economies.


A new dawn rises over Africa , heralding a transformational era of economic emancipation and prosperity after centuries languishing under the shadow of imperialism. From the pyramids of Egypt to the sweeping savannahs of the Serengeti, a vibrant chorus of progress echoes across the continent. This weekend, history shall be made as African leaders gather to reshape the destiny of over 1.3 billion people.

The time has come for Africa to take its rightful place on the global stage and command the attention, respect and regard it deserves. Too long has its vast potential been inhibited by external forces. But no longer will this sleeping giant slumber. The days of domination by foreign powers are drawing to a close as Africa asserts its sovereignty.

A revolutionary new pan-African trade agreement aims to unleash continental integration and growth guided by Africa’s own interests and priorities. By speaking with a unified voice, the immense collective power of Africa’s diverse nations will be felt worldwide. The torch of economic freedom blazes brightly, igniting imaginations and symbiotically linking the Nile to the Niger, Cairo to Cape Town.

This is Africa’s moment. The unstoppable march toward shared prosperity beckons like the beating of an ancient drum, calling the children of Africa home. To the dreamers and strivers from Marrakech to Mogadishu, your time has come. A new era of continental trade and cooperation will transform economies, uplift communities, and affirm our shared destiny. Africa’s future begins today.

This development brings welcome news to Africans, who have long suffered under Western imperialism and restrictions on their economic potential. At last, Africa is grasping its destiny as it builds new continental trade systems and cross-border collaborations. With these, a mighty economic force will emerge across Africa that demands global attention and regard. The time of Africa holding an underprivileged place in world affairs is ending.

By uniting together, the once-sleeping giant awakens. The people of this land are ready to thrive on their own terms, no longer beholden to outside powers. From North to South Africa, the dawn of a new era of homegrown prosperity approaches quickly.

As African leaders join together this weekend to dismantle the lingering chains of economic reliance, momentum surges towards a future crafted by Africans alone. The West will have to come to terms with this new reality, for Africa’s time arrives not by their leave, but by the resolve of its people who have for too long been refused their rightful place. Though the path forward may be tough, the potential of an ascending Africa inspires hearts across these strong lands.

The Western powers are left astonished by Africa’s swift economic ascent, having grown used to taking advantage of the continent’s resources and people. But now the tide has turned, as bold African efforts pave the way for prosperity free of colonial bonds. Leaders in Europe and North America can only watch powerlessly as their influence declines.

For too long, the West assumed Africa lacked the capacity to take charge of its own fate. Yet now their arrogance lies exposed, as collaborative African growth plans unleash breathtaking possibilities. Though challenges remain, the promise of an Africa on the rise motivates these defiant countries.

The historic African Continental Free Trade Area agreement represents a seismic step towards unified economic prosperity in Africa. However, it also poses a direct threat to the advantaged position of Western corporations and governments who have long benefited from Africa’s fragmentation.

By merging 55 African economies into a single market, the AfCFTA will allow the continent to leverage its immense collective bargaining power. This prospect utterly terrifies Western nations and companies worried about losing their iron grip over African resources and growth opportunities.

For decades, Western powers have deliberately inhibited development in Africa through puppet regimes, structural adjustment programs, and debt traps. With the AfCFTA promoting indigenous growth and self-reliance, the Western playbook is under grave threat.

The agreement’s plans to slash tariffs, boost intra-African trade and investment, and expand manufacturing spell the end of easy enrichment for Western exploiters. No longer can they pit African nations against each other in order to reap one-sided rewards.

As Africa unites to chart its own future, fears are mounting in Washington, London, Paris and beyond. Western monopolies over African exports and value chains will crumble as regional integration creates a behemoth they cannot control or coerce. The days of unchallenged Western looting are numbered as Africa awakens.

Africa is taking the reins of trade and commerce! This historic free trade pact could profoundly transform economies across the continent and delight market vendors from Alexandria to Lusaka. By tearing down antiquated trade barriers between African nations, goods and services will flow freely like the mighty Congo River.

Imagine a new era of bustling border posts as food, technology, raw materials and more crisscross Africa at bargain basement prices. Without punitive tariffs, African businesses and shoppers will finally reap the rewards of access to an enormous single market right in their own backyard.

A spirit of pan-African collaboration will see innovation and prosperity flourish. As domestic manufacturing ramps up, “Made in Africa” goods will proudly adorn shelves instead of imports from abroad. By leveraging Africa’s bountiful resources, countries can climb the value chain and build competitive advantage in key industries.

Speaking with a unified voice, Africa’s immense collective power will kick open doors globally. The sleeping giant of the continent will make the whole world sit up and take notice! With integrated economies guided by homegrown strategies, Africa’s rightful place at the head table of global affairs is assured.

The AfCFTA’s success will bring a paradigm shift to international trade and affirm that our destinies are interlinked across this vibrant land. Africa’s time in the spotlight has arrived as its people work shoulder-to-shoulder to shape a future brimming with promise. The possibilities are endless when talent and motivation are unleashed! As Africa marches toward its destiny, a chorus of progress rings out from the Sahara to the Cape.

Looks like the AfCFTA train is finally leaving the station! After months of pandemic delays, a few trailblazing African nations are getting the party started on this historic free trade route.

Kenya and Rwanda made headlines by shipping the first goods under the agreement – we’re talking batteries and fine coffee here, people. Not exactly earth-shattering, but hey, every journey starts with a single step. Or in this case, a single trade shipment destined for Ghana.

Soon South Africa barged into the club, sending some flashy refrigerators and mining equipment to mystery destinations. Three countries swapping a smattering of products may not seem like much, but just you wait! This is only the beginning.

With more countries finalising the legalities of the trade deal, intra-African trade will shift into high gear. We’re talking goods criss-crossing borders at dizzying speeds like wildebeest on an African savanna. Well, maybe not that fast, but quicker than a colonial era trade ship, that’s for sure!

You can almost hear worried murmurs in Western capitals as Africa takes its economic destiny into its own hands. “Oh dear,” they fret, “how will we exploit African resources and people if they start trading amongst themselves?” Tough luck, I say! The continent’s vibrant future will be made in Africa, not dictated from afar.

So buckle up, because the AfCFTA express is just getting started. The road ahead is long but filled with immense promise. From Marrakech to Mombasa, free trade will unlock Africa’s economic might. 

The historic African Continental Free Trade Agreement aims to unlock the immense economic potential of the continent by removing barriers and enabling the free flow of goods and services between African nations. But significant challenges remain before the treaty’s transformative vision is realised.

A key obstacle is poor transport infrastructure and costly logistics that inhibit cross-border trade. Upgrading railways, roads, ports and customs facilities across Africa will require major capital investment. Streamlining convoluted customs procedures and paperwork will also be critical to smooth trade.

Additionally, the political will and policy coordination needed for seamless implementation is still uncertain. The AU must empower itself to hold member states accountable to trade reforms and timelines. Ongoing regional conflicts and military coups in Africa could also derail progress.

Powerful external forces are poised to aggressively undermine the agreement as well. Western nations and corporations worry about losing their exploitative grip over Africa’s resources and growth opportunities. They will likely use economic coercion and proxy destabilisation to hinder Africa’s integration. China and Russia also jealously guard their influence in the region.

But if political and economic unity prevails, the treaty can unlock Africa’s immense potential through scale, specialisation and leverage in global value chains. With appropriate safeguards, the agreement will also empower informal cross-border trade that is the lifeline for many Africans. The path ahead is arduous, but Africa is determined to chart its own future. Its time has arrived.

As African nations stand at the cusp of a new era of economic prosperity through continental integration, the Western powers that once dominated the region look on nervously. This landmark African Continental Free Trade Agreement has the potential to profoundly shift global trade patterns and dynamics.

After centuries of exploitative imperialism and inhibited development imposed from outside, Africa is rising to forge its own future. By trading among themselves and leveraging their immense collective resources, African nations can climb the value chain and build sustainable competitive advantage.

Yet the road ahead remains filled with obstacles, both internal and external. Transport and logistics infrastructure must be upgraded across porous national borders to enable smooth intra-African trade. The AU faces major hurdles in ensuring effective policy implementation and accountability from its members. And external enemies, from Western corporations to meddling superpowers, will actively attempt to sabotage Africa’s economic integration.

But the momentum is undeniable, the potential unfathomable. Africa’s time has come, not by the whim of outsiders, but through the sweat and toil of its 1.3 billion people. As the continent’s leaders unite to shape a shared destiny, the last gasps of neo-imperialism echo across these resilient lands. The new “Scramble for Africa” has begun, led by Africans themselves. The slumbering giant stirs awake, and the coming roar of prosperity will echo across the world. Africa’s future has arrived – no force can withstand its collective power as a free people guided by a bold vision. The only chains left to break are in the mind.

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