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Trump and Haley Sharpen Attacks Ahead of New Hampshire - Street Politics
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Trump and Haley Sharpen Attacks Ahead of New Hampshire


Fresh off a landslide Iowa victory cementing his frontrunner status, Donald Trump barreled into New Hampshire with a series of savage attacks on Nikki Haley. 

But a desperate Nikki Haley is trying to throw herself in front of the train with unhinged attacks questioning Trump’s mental fitness. She even questioned his mental fitness for office – potentially shifting the dynamics of the 2024 race. 

While Trump remains the frontrunner after dominating Iowa, Haley’s attacks represent her last-ditch effort to blunt his momentum.

With Haley’s campaign on the ropes in New Hampshire, her attempt to sow doubts about Trump’s mental acuity marks a sharp escalation that could either re-shape the 2024 landscape or flop as Trump continues his march to the nomination.

The question now is – which one is it?

In a telling moment on the 2024 campaign trail, Nikki Haley used Donald Trump’s simple mix-up during a recent speech to call into question his mental fitness for the presidency. 

Trump mistakenly claimed that Haley, not Nancy Pelosi, was responsible for Capitol security on January 6th. 

This high-profile gaffe gave Haley an opening to amplify growing concerns over the 77-year-old Trump’s mental acuity and whether he is still up for the intense demands of the presidency.

With Trump still the front-runner for the 2024 nomination, Haley’s pointed remarks represent the first time a major Republican contender has explicitly used Trump’s age and frequent rambling diatribes to subtly argue he may no longer be mentally capable of serving as president.

But could this be because she doesn’t have any other major talking points?

“They’re saying he got confused, that he was talking about something else, he’s talking about Nancy Pelosi,” Haley said on Saturday.

Haley then went on to question the former president’s mental fitness.

“He mentioned me multiple times in that scenario. The concern I have is — I’m not saying anything derogatory — but when you’re dealing with the pressures of the presidency, we can’t have someone else that we question whether they’re mentally fit to do this,” Haley said. “We can’t.”

Speaking at another event in Manchester, Haley campaign manager Betsy Ankney referenced Haley’s remarks and said Trump “made a pretty apparent gaffe last night.”

Trump’s campaign is brushing off his mix-up of Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi as irrelevant. Trump senior advisor Chris LaCivita tried to play off the mistake by claiming there’s no difference between the two women. Their names are already similar so why does it matter?

Trump was making a point. And the point still stands whether he got the name wrong or not.

The dishonest media is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill by going on and on about Trump mixing up two inconsequential politicians. 

The former president proved he’s as mentally fit as ever by acing a recent cognitive test.

“I’ll let you know when I go bad. I really think I’ll be able to tell you,” Trump said. “I feel my mind is stronger now than it was 25 years ago. Is that possible?”

Trump, who won Monday’s Iowa caucuses and is the current GOP front-runner, picked Haley to serve as his United Nations ambassador and has ramped up his criticism of her campaign as the year’s votes have gotten underway.

Trump remains the undisputed frontrunner, coming off a monumental Iowa victory.

But a desperate Haley is trying every trick in the book to blunt Trump’s momentum.

In the final days before New Hampshire, Haley has pathetically sharpened her attacks on Trump in a last ditch effort to sway the state’s esteemed independent voters. But most Americans are far too smart to fall for Haley’s underhanded tactics. They know Trump is the only one with the strength, vision and record to lead America to a prosperous future.

After flopping in Iowa, Haley is grasping at straws in New Hampshire.

She’s now trying to cast herself as a “better choice” than Trump, who is adored by Republicans for his unmatched economic record, America First agenda and telling-it-like-it-is attitude. 

Haley claims voters don’t want “two 80-year-olds” running in 2024. But this is just ageist desperation from a floundering candidate with no compelling vision for America’s future.

Trump remains as sharp and high-energy as ever at 77. His overflow rallies and razor-sharp social media posts prove he hasn’t lost a step. Trump can run circles around lifelong politicians half his age.

Voters won’t fall for Haley’s offensive “age equals incompetence” smear. They know Trump has the vitality, focus and mental acuity needed to hit the ground running on day one and build on his first term’s spectacular achievements.

Haley has previously taunted Trump for refusing to debate her. 

And now this week, Haley announced she would only participate in Republican debates if Trump did.

But Trump is far too busy connecting with real voters at his rallies to waste time on a sideshow debate circus. Debates are a relic of the past – Trump speaks directly to the people at his massively attended rallies and through social media. He doesn’t need debates to prove his superiority over low-energy Haley.

At a rally in Rochester, Haley even accused Trump of throwing “temper tantrums.” 

Haley’s more aggressive attacks on Trump represent a stark change from her previous campaign strategy. 

For months, Haley tried to position herself as the sole credible challenger to Trump without directly criticizing him. She relied on subtle appeals for “generational change” and suggestions that older politicians should take competency tests. 

But now, with the New Hampshire primary approaching, Haley has dropped her cautious approach and is openly confronting and denouncing Trump in a way she avoided earlier in the campaign.

Her shift from implicit to explicit attacks against the former president she once served under reflects her growing desperation as she struggles to gain traction against the dominant frontrunner.

Meanwhile, Trump seems to stay put, standing firm on his claims. He even said that Nikki Haley puts “America last” a stark difference to his “America First” approach.

Trump also shut down the idea of Nikki Haley being his vice president in the case he becomes president, which is where things seem to be headed.

Haley’s approach to Trump’s undoubtable dominance in the GOP seems foolish, and even her allies attest to that.

Haley’s advisors recognize that attacking Trump too forcefully could backfire. They point out that if Republican voters were eager for a candidate who is virulently anti-Trump, someone like former New Jersey governor Chris Christie would still be a contender. But Christie, who was among Trump’s most aggressive critics, flamed out early due to a lack of support.

This demonstrates that while many Republicans may have reservations about Trump, there is still significant reluctance within the GOP electorate to support a candidate defined mainly by opposition to the former president. 

Haley’s supporters understand that she must walk a careful line – challenging Trump enough to present herself as an alternative, but not demonizing him so much that she alienates the millions of Republican voters who continue to back him.

Directly confronting Trump appeals to a vocal segment of never-Trumpers hungry for a fighter. But that same approach may repel pro-Trump conservatives and come across as strident rather than substantive to more moderate GOP voters wary of intraparty feuds. 

With the race entering a do-or-die stretch for Haley, her team recognizes that aggressively attacking Trump is fraught with risks at this stage.

All I know is that Trump is headed towards more than one victory in the lead up to November. And who knows? Probably even the whole thing.

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