Policies Lead to Flatlining
Rishi Sunak has crashed the British economy beyond any repair.
New figures confirm the worst as Britain’s growth flatlines into oblivion. Sunak’s bungling mismanagement has driven the economy over the cliff’s edge.
Every sage warning about the dangers of Tory economics has come true under Sunak’s hapless leadership. His flimsy promises of recovery lie in tatters, as the data shows an economy in freefall.
Sunak and his cronies have forfeited the right to govern through their abysmal mismanagement and lack of any substantial funding to local economies.
The people have had enough excuses and spin – the economy is flat on its back and only bold new ideas can revive it. Sunak’s stale economic thinking belongs in the history book to teach about the things you should never do as a prime minister.
Sunak Flatlines the Economy
Every hard working British individual has warned about Sunak and his incredible inability to grasp basic economic figures and concepts. Every hard working British individual has warned about the inevitable decline and tanking of the economy when it is left running under the leadership of a complete and utter buffoon. Someone who made all his wealth without having a lick of sense in regards to how the wider British economy operates. Someone who only cares about his immediate well being and the well being of his elite Tory friends.
And now that same someone has completely killed the economic growth of the U.K. according to the Office for National Statistics. The latest figures do not only show a mere decline and we are overblowing it here, oh no. The rate has absolutely flatlined beyond any reasonable belief.
The latest economic figures showcase zero economic growth in any aspect of the economy during the month of April.
It is nothing more than further proof of Sunak and the Conservatives’ complete and humiliating mismanagement of the U.K .economy. Goes to show that the warnings and predictions have always been true at its core, because after 12 years of Tory rule, we are seeing a U.K economy that is on its last legs, sputtering and flatlining despite empty promises of a strong recovery by Sunak and his gang of crooked lying Tories.
This mediocre economic performance is a direct result of the shortsighted and reckless policies pursued by successive Conservative governments. Their ideological obsession with austerity severely damaged the economy after the 2008 financial crisis.
Sunak has many reasons to pick from
But let us not get ahead of ourselves here in terms of sticking the blame to one central point. Because there are already a myriad of crystal clear reasons telling their own little stories about how and why the economy is absolutely tanking right now. The only thing that is common in all these stories is the man in the undeserving spot at the top, Rishi Sunak.
One of those crystal clear reasons leading to an abysmal and demolished U.K economy, is the lack of proper investment from Sunak and the Tories towards infrastructure supporting civil services and businesses in regional cities.
Sunak has neglected investment in Britain’s engine rooms outside London, severely hampering productivity and growth, according to a detailed report on the subject matter.
His short-sighted policies have entrenched and completely ignored all the regional inequality, centralising all the massive opportunities in London, and leaving us with our great northern cities left far behind in terms of progress and growth.
While countries like the US and Germany have empowered dynamic regional cities through substantial investment, Sunak has left the U.K. exposed and struggling.
His indifference has condemned Manchester, Glasgow and others to function as second-rate satellite towns, rather than the economic powerhouses that they ought to be.
Sunak accelerated the decline by hammering down draconian and punishing austerity law on northern councils and the civil services they provided. Instead of firing up local businesses and propping up local production, Sunak chose to dismiss all the needs of these hardworking innocent British people in favour of short term gains over and over again. And look where that got us in the end.
Not the First Time
And this is not something novel or shocking at all coming from the likes of Sunak. Because he has stated multiple times that he will continue to cut down funding for more civil services and more local councils in order to fund his vain projects that he deemed as necessary and essential to secure an election win.
What do you expect from someone who wanted to cut every benefit that the British worker has in a punishing work and economic U.K. environment, even when he was warned time and time again about the drastic effects and disadvantages that may arise from committing such actions? Have we all forgotten about him wanting to cut the “sick note” culture?
Of course it is not surprising coming from the sleazeball that had to label perfectly normal and acceptable vacation time for workers as a “culture” just so that he could easily paint it in a way that the hapless and corrupt Tories could digest and go against easily.
What we are witnessing these days can never be labelled funny in any context. The economy is dead and the only ones suffering will be everyday British people.
But if you want to take your mind off, even if just for a little bit, then laugh at Sunak and the Tories trying their absolute hardest to preach stability and responsibility within the economy, only to fail and fumble all their efforts every single time.
We had our corrupt chancellor Jeremy Hunt deliver a speech about the future of the economy and throwing shots left and right with all the misplaced confidence in the world within him. I wonder what he thinks now that the economy is flatlining under his guidance as well.
Maybe he would be as stupidly confident and ambitious as our doofus prime minister, talking about the future like it will be brighter under his continued leadership.
Sadly this is what we have to deal with. But with each day, the evidence is piling up against Sunak and his own delusional policies. It is only high time for us to remove the Tory rot and start building back up.