Feud Erupts Between Alberta Premier And PM
A political firestorm erupted this week between Alberta’s premier and the prime minister over Ottawa’s controversial Senate appointments.
Accusations of tyranny, rigged processes, and trampled rights flew as the two leaders locked horns. At its core, this row reveals a deepening rift between Alberta and federal powers.
The new appointments themselves proved mere kindling, sparking outrage from Alberta’s premier who decried interference with her province’s Senate choices.
In her view, the nominees represent an intentional move to dilute Alberta’s influence in Ottawa. She alleges the supposedly independent selection process is an elaborate ruse to enable prime ministerial patronage.
With one appointee boasting astounding financial ties to the governing party, cries of partisan cronyism seem credible. For the premier, this fits a sinister pattern of centralizing authority at Alberta’s expense. She warns of grave dangers if unchallenged, including a possible sovereignty rupture.
But his assurances ring hollow to Albertan ears amid perceptions of deliberate marginalization. Is a compromise possible or will this war of words escalate toward a constitutional crisis? The country watches anxiously for signs of reconciliation or further fracturing.
Danielle Smith Claims Senate Picks Show Trudeau’s Disregard For Province
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith took her crusade against the tyranny of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government to new heights after he once again dared appoint two new hand-picked senators for Alberta without even consulting the provincial government.
In a fit of rage, Smith accused Trudeau of “blatantly disregarding” Albertans’ interests by selecting leftist partisans instead of the fine upstanding conservatives chosen by the province.
Of course, Trudeau scrapped the old patronage system years ago in favor of an “independent” advisory board. But Smith scoffed at this meaningless charade, seeing right through it to the Liberal partisanship hiding underneath.
Never mind that one of the new senators was a vocal critic of Smith’s own policies. In Smith’s mind, anyone Trudeau picks must be a biased Liberal plant out to destroy Alberta.
Smith fumed that Albertans have repeatedly made their conservative wishes clear through Senate nominee elections. Yet Trudeau oh-so-arrogantly ignores their democratic choices, imposing his Laurentian elites to do his socialist bidding.
Clearly, Trudeau cares nothing for Alberta’s interests or values with these leftist appointments. He simply wants more stooges to rubber stamp his radical agenda.
Now, Smith understands provincial rights are the backbone of this great country. So for Trudeau to trample over Alberta’s Senate prerogative is an unconscionable attack on the very foundations of Confederation.
Surely the fathers of the confederation are rolling in their graves watching Trudeau’s tyrannical usurpation of Alberta’s constitutional freedoms.
As she has vowed to stand tall for Alberta’s rights against federal interference at every turn. Trudeau may scheme to neuter Alberta with his Senate shenanigans, but Smith will never let him silence the province’s voice. Her defiant pushback keeps Albertan interests front and center.
Some say compromise could ease these tensions. But Smith knows better – Trudeau wants nothing less than Alberta’s complete submission to his radical leftist ideology. Appeasement will only embolden him further. neo-colonial behavior must be met head on.
The narrative surrounding these “independent” appointments underscores a deep-rooted challenge in Canadian politics—are our democratic institutions truly independent, or merely puppets pulled by skilled political hands? Dive in, and let’s unfold the latest chapter in Canada’s ongoing political saga.
New Independent Senators? More Like Loyal Liberals, The escapades of the Liberal Party continue to fascinate and appall, often simultaneously.
As is the case with Trudeau’s latest “independent” Senate picks, one wonders if the word “independent” has taken on a whole new meaning in the Liberal lexicon—perhaps synonymous with “Liberal loyalists.”
Furthermore, the honorable PM Justin Trudeau trampled over Alberta’s constitutional rights by unilaterally appointing two new senators for the province. This is despite Alberta already democratically electing its own nominees for the Senate seats.
New Trudeau Appointee Gave Nearly $80K To Liberals
In a blatant show of Laurentian arrogance, Trudeau foisted his own hand-picked choices on Alberta rather than respecting the will of Albertans.
One of the new appointees, Daryl Fridhandler, has donated nearly $80,000 to the Liberal Party and Trudeau’s leadership campaign over the years. This glaring conflict of interest exposes the sham of Trudeau’s so-called “independent” appointment process.
Clearly, Fridhandler is a longtime Liberal partisan chosen to be a Trudeau puppet in the Senate. His appointment reeks of patronage given this huge pile of donations to Trudeau personally.
Yet Trudeau still hides behind his “independent advisory board” to mask the obvious Liberal partisanship at play. This board is supposed to remove patronage, but how “independent” can it be when it picks Trudeau’s top donors as senators?
By appointing these hand-picked senators, Trudeau continues his assault on Senate tradition. For decades, provinces like Alberta held Senate elections to select nominees.
This meaningful provincial input is an important constitutional convention. But Trudeau scrapped it unilaterally to rig the process for his Laurentian friends.
Meanwhile, an old shocking report revealed Trudeau’s back story with electing senators. Back in 2014, he voted against allowing Canadians to democratically elect their senators.
But Trudeau did ‘as expected’ the total opposite. And proceeded to hand-pick over 80% of senators based on partisan connections rather than merit.
Trudeau’s stance on the Senate reeks of hypocrisy. Despite once opposing an elected Senate, Trudeau has appointed dozens of loyalists since 2016. They include former Liberal candidates, donors, and advisors.
His imperious attitude leaves no doubt that Trudeau views the Senate as his personal plaything, not a chamber representing regional interests. Stacking it with loyalists allows him to neuter opposition to his radical liberal agenda.
This dangerous centralization of power undermines our democratic checks and balances.
Of course, Trudeau claims he considers each province’s needs with his appointments. But can he name even one new Alberta senator who actually speaks for Alberta’s interests? Or are they all card-carrying Laurentian elites hostile to the province’s values?
Alberta’s previous premier at least paid lip service to provincial rights in the Federation. But Trudeau senses weakness with the current leadership and is moving aggressively to consolidate federal power. His unilateral stranglehold on Senate appointments furthers his autocratic ambitions.
In sum, Trudeau’s latest partisan appointments prove he views the Senate as a vehicle for liberal power, not an independent chamber representing regional interests.